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Rick Simpson Oil On Skin Cancer Spots

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thc "oil" is pretty thick, at least from the rick simpson video, and having seen a few other oil videos on youtube.


when its being produced, one can leave some alcohol in it to make it more fluid. usually the alcohol is boiled off so that the resulting oil can be ingested or smoked.


if its too thick for you, you can mix it with coconut oil or vegetable glycerin or other things to make a better balm. there are a few balm recipes here on the site or on the internet if you are looking for that. can make it smell like cloves etc. sorry havent used it on skin cancer, so cant comment there.

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Tpain it's actually on my father in laws one spot on forehead and I'm using it there size of dime have other spots just trying one spot first to see if it kills that one because I use a dab on band aid then stick to forehead wish us luck I'm a firm believe in this as a medicine just hope it works cause I'm trying to convencie others of the medical party off maijunia

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i'm not sure how, but make sure the bandaid is not just absorbing the oil and actually getting the oil to touch the skin.


i remember bandaids are pretty worthless for neosporin etc. you put it on the bandaid and it just got greasy, but your skin was dry. maybe i am wrong.


in the rick simpson video he just rubs it on and leaves it there. might look a lil goofy with a green/brown spot on your face.



anyways good luck!!! super good luck!!! and let us know if it helps or if it does nothing. we want to know either way.


theres some cannabis oil blogs on the site that detail oil and cancer, highly informative.


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i'm not sure how, but make sure the bandaid is not just absorbing the oil and actually getting the oil to touch the skin.


i remember bandaids are pretty worthless for neosporin etc. you put it on the bandaid and it just got greasy, but your skin was dry. maybe i am wrong.


in the rick simpson video he just rubs it on and leaves it there. might look a lil goofy with a green/brown spot on your face.



anyways good luck!!! super good luck!!! and let us know if it helps or if it does nothing. we want to know either way.


theres some cannabis oil blogs on the site that detail oil and cancer, highly informative.



I have used rso to remove a planters wart and agree band aids waste a lot of oil by soaking it up.

Oil on spot, then medical tape over that, worked way more efficiently.

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I just put it on my skin and rub it in, no band aids, if you look back in to our old post's you will find a product name p.b oil, it dont have the oil in it yet but you just add it to it and it works pretty well, I have been using it on spots that look like cancer spots, my dr. seen them and dont seem to be worried, so I have been just putting some on it, I will let you know if the spot disapears!  I have used this on my mothers bad knees and my pops diabetic soars.  the only problem with them Is Im not there every day to make sure they use it,  the first time I used it on my mother she had alot less pain and my pops ankles seemed to do better with it also, now I just need them to do it enough to see if it works over the long run!


Best of luck!




edit= I live in iosco county, if you live close pm me and I would be more than happy to help you out!

Edited by phaquetoo
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I would like to thank everyone who has commented on this and wasn't Dicky as other sites that I have asked I really appreciate it I'm just trying to help my father in law out and I truly appreciate it it means a lotit really does again thank you wish us luck I believe in this product and hopefully I can get them to start believing in it too slowly but surely

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Bob,Mike didn't have melanoma. He had basal skin cancer,curable. I did talk to him already. Melanoma in humans is fatal.  I just wanted to ask to see if we can make Gramps more comfortable while he dies. It looks hideous. He never wore a hat outside and this has been there for years,just waiting. Now that he had a hip replacement,everything is going wrong. He had to get it because he fell and broke it. He is in the last stages of his life,I asked the Dr to at least give me some darn Lidocaine to put on it because it hurts Gramps and then he picks at it. He is 95. We know he is dying,we just want to make him comfortable. I hate Drs so much. They care about no one. And some shouldn't be oncologists if they are so closed to alternative treatments. Dying with dignity is something I care a lot about.

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Bob,Mike didn't have melanoma. He had basal skin cancer,curable. I did talk to him already. Melanoma in humans is fatal.  I just wanted to ask to see if we can make Gramps more comfortable while he dies. It looks hideous. He never wore a hat outside and this has been there for years,just waiting. Now that he had a hip replacement,everything is going wrong. He had to get it because he fell and broke it. He is in the last stages of his life,I asked the Dr to at least give me some darn Lidocaine to put on it because it hurts Gramps and then he picks at it. He is 95. We know he is dying,we just want to make him comfortable. I hate Drs so much. They care about no one. And some shouldn't be oncologists if they are so closed to alternative treatments. Dying with dignity is something I care a lot about.



I'm not sure there are cures for any kinds of cancer yet, but six ways from Sunday, I'd be slathered in it for sure, inside and out, if cancer found me !



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while i dont think mj is a cure for cancer, the science has shown it can kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. plus its anti-inflammatory.


so yeah, if i had cancer, i'd be slathering myself with oil as well.

after all, it cannot hurt! being non toxic and all :)


yes jointedone, you are right about some doctors not giving a bunny muffin.

most will follow the books and the lawyers and ignore the patient.

sometimes this is done to protect their own sanity of course.

a doctor who cares too much about patients will soon find themselves with PTSD and crippling anxiety.

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I am asking about a specific cancer,just melanoma. I don't doubt that the oil can help with curable cancers,like colon cancer. The dang Dr,why don't they just say it?  I feel a 95 year old man that fought in WWII,should be told the truth if he asks. These Drs,they jump on Medicare pts like flies on dogpiles. The guy is 95!!! This is an issue that really bugs me,because I bet lots of people here have had big surgeries and know how long it takes to recover. I don't think many Drs have any compassion or respect for pts,especially the ones that treat geriatric pts. I sure as heck would not want my last years spent recovering in bed because of some sawbone Dr. Wonder if it was THEIR Dad..................

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