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D.a.r.e. Published An Op-Ed Calling For Legalization


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USA -- The war on drugs is over, and weed won. D.A.R.E., the organization designed to plant a deep-seated fear of drugs in the minds of every late-20th-century middle schooler, published an op-ed calling for marijuana legalization.


Written by former deputy sheriff Carlis McDerment in response to a letter in the Columbus Dispatch, the op-ed explains that it's impossible for law enforcement to control the sale of marijuana to minors. "People like me, and other advocates of marijuana legalization, are not totally blind to the harms that drugs pose to children," McDerment writes. "We just happen to know that legalizing and regulating marijuana will actually make everyone safer."


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Update (8/1): Daily Intelligencer reached out to D.A.R.E. for comment, and director Ronald J. Brogan responded:

The article you wrote about was mistakenly posted on our website by a service we use.
We have not changed our stance of being opposed to the legalization of marijuana.

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shouldn't have a "stance" to change except the one the People have enacted. Maybe declare a War on Bad Cops for a couple decades ? Maybe a War on Boatloads of Heroin that enter our ports daily ?  Or a War on Doctors who are medicating low income children with amphetamines, barbituates and experimental psychotropic drugs priming them all for their subsequent lock up? 

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