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Plants with 3 leaves

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Newbie here.  I'm on my first grow and so far everything is going pretty good.  I'm ashamed to admit that I bought my clones on Craigslist and have already had to destroy 1 male (I know that clones should all be female).  I got several different varieties and his labels were definitely not accurate.  For instance, the two Girl Scout Cookie plants look totally different.  Lesson learned but I was anxious to get going.  Anyway, the real reason for my post is to ask about 2 plants that I have.  They are the ugliest plants you've ever seen.  Thin leaves, kind of claw-like and they all have either 3 or 1 blade (mainly 3) and very thin stems.  I know that claw-like leave are a sign of some deficiency but they just keep growing and growing and they were covered in flowers while under 24 hour light. I put one under 12/12 light 17 days ago just to see what would happen and those flowers are turning into beautiful buds.  I put 3 other normal looking plants in at the same time and the flowers are just starting to develop.  Is this maybe an autoflower?  Or maybe monster cropping?  I still have one under 24 hour lights and it is covered with flowers.  As ugly and genetically mutilated as it is, I'm wondering if I should take a few clones.  

On another note,  I think I want to switch to 18/6 lighting rather than 24.  I know there's a big debate over which is better but my electric bill is kind of out of control so I'd like to give it a try.  Will this stress them out?  I know it wouldn't be enough to put them into flower but I don't want to put them under any stress either.  Welcome your comments.  Please don't be too harsh on me.  Like I said I'm a newbie just looking for advice.

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6 minutes ago, AmishRnot4ganja said:

Why buy clones on craigslist when you can get what you want from seed dealers on the internet? Craigslist is a big gamble. Grow out what you have then order some seeds. Buy some cup winners and you can't go wrong.

I have always used the 18/6 light cycle and haven't had any problems.

I may do that next.  I bought clones hoping for all females but that obviously didn't work.  Our grow shop guy recommended a place in Jackson that's very reputable.  We may try that once we have more room.  22 plants take up a lot of room!   3 rooms to be exact.  I'm all out of bedrooms!   I also should have staggered them instead of getting them all around the same time.  Learning many lessons as I go along.


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going from 24 to 18/6 wont stress them too bad, and may help them a bit. sometimes 24hr stresses plants as well. 


1 blade / 3 blade and hook/claw half circle leaves happens when a plant is re-vegged. was it in 12/12 ? maybe the grower was taking cuts during flower. thats what it sounds like.

"Taking a cutting when the plant is flowering will result in single bleaded leafs untill the plants are fully back into there veg stage. "

takes about 2 weeks to recover.



one more tip, make sure its a male before you cut down next time. some strains have female calyxes on little tiny stems. if its a male its a male, but waiting until you see a definite pollen sack is better than cutting down a confused lady...

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I am pretty positive the one I cut down was a male.  It wasn't one of these ugly ones - it was a beautiful 4 foot tall healthy one with normal looking leaves.  But a boy....  It was hard to cut him down.  The little balls came out overnight about 2 weeks into flower.  Now I'm watching the others really carefully but no signs yet.  What you're describing about the plant being cloned from a flowering plant is exactly what I was referring to.  I read it's called monster cropping.   The ones I have are 3 months old and still have either one or three leaves.  Like I said, the one I'm flowering now has beautiful big buds, well ahead of the others in the tent.  Time will tell I guess.    Thanks for your help!

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On 5/2/2018 at 7:59 PM, Lori Ladd said:

I got several different varieties and his labels were definitely not accurate.  For instance, the two Girl Scout Cookie plants look totally different.

That isn't uncommon. There can be several phenotypes of the same strain that are completely different. I have an indica dominant pheno of Green Crack. It knocks me out and makes me groggy the next day. Most Green Crack is sativa dominant and gives you an "up" high. Same strain, different phenotypes.

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On 5/3/2018 at 6:12 AM, t-pain said:


"Taking a cutting when the plant is flowering will result in single bleaded leafs untill the plants are fully back into there veg stage. "


Looks like you got cuts from a flowered plant.It takes a while til it reveges.



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Best advice I can give to a new grower in this situation is as follows:

Flower off your non mutated somewhat normal looking plants, under 12/12. Cull all the mutated plants, they will just be trouble. Keep a close eye on the remaining plants for males and hermaphrodite flowers, cull any that pop up. Do not take clones, these genetics will likely be problematic and will only frustrate a new grower. You have no idea what the CL buster sold you, so cut your losses and move on to AmishRnot4ganjas suggestion of reputable seeds. Heck, get feminized seed if you can't wait to select for sex. I choose to only use regular seed myself.

Lighting cycles:

Veg: 18/6 is tried and true   * any more and your plants will be stressed. Cannabis falls asleep anyway, even with lights on in a 18-24hr on scenario. Even 18/6 is unnecessary, ganja doesn't grow naturally at 60* north latitude... Think about it lol.

Flower: 12/12 is tried and true and will give good results to a budding grower (pun intended).

Edited by Easy E
sent too early had to finish my thoughts lol
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On 5/4/2018 at 3:03 PM, Wild Bill said:

That isn't uncommon. There can be several phenotypes of the same strain that are completely different. I have an indica dominant pheno of Green Crack. It knocks me out and makes me groggy the next day. Most Green Crack is sativa dominant and gives you an "up" high. Same strain, different phenotypes.


Boy, do I ever agree to this statement. The only seeds I have ever popped and gotten identical plants from all the seeds was Buddha Tahoe. All the others produced plants that are markedly different from each other. I get sativa looking plants from seeds that are "mostly indica" and indica looking plants from seeds that are "mostly sativa". Indica looking plants that produce the "up high" and vice versa. 

It's the Forrest Gump rule when buying seeds: It's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.

Have to admit that it is fun though.

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Dumb question - if I change my plants from 24 hour light to 18/6, does it have to be completely dark for the 6 hours like it does in 12/12?  The room will be dark but there could be some leaks.  Thanks.  BTW, the buds on the ugly 3 and 1 leaf plant that is in 12/12 are about 6-8" tall after just 23 days.  I don't think I will cull just yet!  They're sticky and smell awesome - very piney.

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Giving the plants 6 hours of darkness in the veg cycle allows them to rest like they do in the " natural" cycle when grown outdoors. I assume that complete darkness is best, but some people say that a small amount of light (like moonlight) doesn't affect them. Makes sense. I saw a picture once that showed a plant that was grown in the area of a security light. The plant put on flowers on the dark side, but didn't flower on the side exposed to the security light. Weird or what.

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On 5/8/2018 at 9:47 PM, Lori Ladd said:

Dumb question - if I change my plants from 24 hour light to 18/6, does it have to be completely dark for the 6 hours like it does in 12/12?  The room will be dark but there could be some leaks.  Thanks.  BTW, the buds on the ugly 3 and 1 leaf plant that is in 12/12 are about 6-8" tall after just 23 days.  I don't think I will cull just yet!  They're sticky and smell awesome - very piney.

In veg a small amount of light leak is ok. No such thing as a dumb ? in the pursuit of knowledge.

Hell yeah if the mutants are sticky icky and stank dank, keep 'em. Remain vigilant though, if male flowers pop up you'll want to at least snip them out if you want to avoid culling. When cannabis produces seed it reduces overall potency and medicinal value. Your choice of snipping the male flowers or culling the plant would depend on how many male flowers pop up and how bad you need meds. I totally understand gambling it at this point to get meds as soon as possible! I only recommended culling as a means to free up plant numbers to be able to select from reputable seed stock.

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13 hours ago, AmishRnot4ganja said:

Giving the plants 6 hours of darkness in the veg cycle allows them to rest like they do in the " natural" cycle when grown outdoors. I assume that complete darkness is best, but some people say that a small amount of light (like moonlight) doesn't affect them. Makes sense. I saw a picture once that showed a plant that was grown in the area of a security light. The plant put on flowers on the dark side, but didn't flower on the side exposed to the security light. Weird or what.

That's pretty cool a plant in veg and flower simultaneously, wow.


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