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Areas Without Compassion Clubs


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Hi folks...Education is a must if we are going to win this fight. I am looking for areas that you know of with no place for education. Rural areas of the state perhaps? or RULERS in your part of the state?

Let's spread the word folks, MiSANE is willing to take on the task. Let's start with "where to start?"





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Will your compassion club be solely informative on cultivation of cannabis as well as the medical benefits and what qualifies you as a patient and or caregiver? Or is this a post where you can open a "compassion club" and have a dispensary inside of it and you want to be away from your competition so you are monopolizing the market? If it is the later of the two then don’t waste your time unless you’re looking to do some time in the near future, if it is the earlier of the two I am sure people will be willing to help you find where the most help and information is needed to get our word and message spread. I do not personally know because every compassion club I have been to has been a dispensary in disguise, and I was arrested at one for being there just looking to meet patients and caregivers and see what information they had available since I am still new to indoor growing, and after seeing one of my favorite strains for sale I purchased 3.5 grams. I do not support dispensaries hiding under the term compassion club, they are NOT interchangeable.

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I want to point out that it is possible for Compassion Clubs to facilitate patient transfers. I do expect that clubs will be well-rounded and provide a range of services for their members, than just trying to distribute medicine.


Clubs that setup farmer's markets seem fair - not one person or two is offering meds, but several. A club should help facilitate a safe, legal place for its members to conduct legal acts.


Patients are relying on clubs to help in this way, as online posts, newspaper ads, and even established dispensaries in michigan are the other not-so-great choices. A club, you can get to know its members and this is a safety issue. A club can ensure rules of behavior are followed, unlike dealing with an individual.


Those that abuse the Compassion Club idea as a cover for a dispensary are pretty obvious - its all about education and offering services to patients. If you feel like you are being herded to the cash register everytime you come in, you are in a dispensary.



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cool another thread that will have the bunny muffin kicked out of it for the next week!



Youre not the only one sick of all the fighting on here, it makes us look like making whoopee little kids and no one seems to care what so ever. I am done being a nice guy, if someone asks the right questions and treats me right I'll show the same respect. BUT when someone with 1 post is asking where there aren't any compassion clubs, the first thought that came to my mind is oh how convienient, no competition lets make us some money off meds!!


But Q Tipper you're absolutley right, every thread is turning into a huge ego bashing "my nuts are bigger then your nuts" argument. I have personally removed myself from quite a bit of the drama, I no longer offer any meds to members of this site becasue there was too much flak that came with it and too many people trying to squeeze their ego through the door. My advice to you Q Tipper, spend the time you normally spend on here, in the garden and its time much better spent. I'm not saying I haven't found valuable information here, becasue I have and there are quite a few good members but it seems like the bad are definatly coming by the hundreds.

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Oh no that was you!! I read that post, but honestly bro with all the heat from LEO I can fully understand where you're coming from and why you did that in the middle of an anxiety attack. I refuse to grow where I live because of this, I have anxiety real bad as well, the docs try to pump me full of Xanax and let me zombie around, where a nice lung full or two of some of my finest meds and I am calm, clear, and collected. Get your grow back up slow, take your time and love those girl each and every one. I've tried to full 72 plant load, now i run about 24-36 pending on if I have some new seeds and my quality and quantity has gone up exponentially. If you ever need anything Q PM me, seems like were on the same mindset and I love meeting new friends I'm some what of a homebody with me and the lady, medicating with new friends and talking is our way to relax, not drinkers (that bunny muffin will kill ya faster then anything!)

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To me, a real Compassion club is like a support group. I wanted to start a support group near my area but the CC leader/owner refused to allow it, he said it was more for educational purposes, I wanted to have some socialization, too, but that was also shot down. "This is the peoples' group," he said, but when ideas were offered, I felt like we got stabbed in the heart. I think this man owns a dispensary or grow shop, too. Well I walked outta there and wanted to start my group someplace else but that fizzled out quickly. If I can find a place to set it up, I'll gladly do it. The patients I talked with really wanted what I was proposing but someone seems to think he can make all the rules and it doesn't matter what the others want. He pretended to appreciate my ideas but in the end it was his word against everyone else's wishes. That is no CC. I don't have the courage or the patience to do much of anything right now so I'm doing my best to heal and dive into my next adventure. One can only take so many rejections.


I came back to this site because there are so many good people, I can't let the bad ones spoil something as wonderful as the truly compassionate connection we have in this community. Let's stick together and try to ignore the baddies. I know it's not easy. I read some of their posts and ignore most of them, rarely responding. They want a response, they like the power they get from causing tension. The best thing anyone can do with an agitator is not to fuel their fire. DON'T give them the satisfaction of a reaction. Sometimes, silence is the loudest, most powerful message anyone can give.



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  • 3 months later...

Alpena Michigan does not have a compassion club, We the Northeast Michigan Medical Marijuana Compassion Club, extends up there but are still an hour away from them. They had someone at one point and time but they gave up. I would be more then happy to help someone upp in that area, but am unable to do myself....

Lets get all these places a compassion club so they can learn also!!!!!



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MiSANE? Interesting name. SANE, in my area of the state, is "Straits Area Narcotics Enforcement." Likely a coincidence, but then again who knows anymore... just a heads up, if you deal with this user, be careful, I doubt LEO would be dumb enough to use their name in their screen name, but you never know. Some folks in LEO think we are a bunch of stupid pot heads anyways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MiSANE? Interesting name. SANE, in my area of the state, is "Straits Area Narcotics Enforcement." Likely a coincidence, but then again who knows anymore... just a heads up, if you deal with this user, be careful, I doubt LEO would be dumb enough to use their name in their screen name, but you never know. Some folks in LEO think we are a bunch of stupid pot heads anyways.

Its creepy, cuz really we never know who is on the other end of the computer, if they are being truthful or if they are who they say they are... Always be careful of what is said... Thanks for the link tho, because it may just be that....


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Its creepy, cuz really we never know who is on the other end of the computer, if they are being truthful or if they are who they say they are... Always be careful of what is said... Thanks for the link tho, because it may just be that....



We also know that they frequently use false identification to create the image that they are safe to participate with.

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  • 3 months later...

just moved to Iron Mountain, MI area and I'd love to see a nice, clean, safe, non-profit Compassion CLub setup in my area...but if nobody feels like doing the work for me, Im certainly not against doing things myself.


question I have is whom do I speak to about getting some guidelines/dos n donts for starting up a club in my area?

sent a msg to the MMMA staff last night...suffering from 'impatientitis' again, I guess:)


best wishes to all, and hopefully I'll get to meet some more friendly folk in my new hometown soon.


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at least he didn't ask to buy surplus meds.from local patients or CG's..lol...it seems that with no outlets (disp)everyone is looking for a way of getting rid of their surplus meds and make a few bucks...in Holland we tried a CC...the same 8-10 folks,all growers no buyers...lol..the patients,they were at the now shut down Disp.paying $25 a gr...lol..i bet they wish there was a CC now...bp....ps i think if anyone tried selling at a CC in holland,Leo would be their first customer...bp

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  • 1 month later...

Hi folks...Education is a must if we are going to win this fight. I am looking for areas that you know of with no place for education. Rural areas of the state perhaps? or RULERS in your part of the state?

Let's spread the word folks, MiSANE is willing to take on the task. Let's start with "where to start?"





know this is looking for places who do not have clubs..We have a club..But i am looking to help start a club n Evart,and Marion,Mich..I have helped with several clubs now..If you are n them two areas..Please contact me..Or surrounding area of Clare..I am willing to help get cpl more clubs going.. heres Ours> http://clarecountycc.ning.com/events/clare-county-compassion-clubs-meeting-1

We have several farm markets open to patients of Mich..and planing another..You can see in our site..We like to cook food when we do..We have meetings every other weekend..

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