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I really don't know what to look for because I was told little black dots on my plants. I suspect that they are very young if it in fact mites because they are still clear, I can see their insides. If Mites start out clear then they are still very young and I can beat them easier than if they had been there a long time. I don't have any webbing anywhere on my plant so again if it is mites they havevn't been around long.


Now I need to know what to do. Do I just buy Neem oil and feed it to my plants when I feed them or do I buy Mite Rid and spray the leaves. Or do I do both and then keep treating them every so often to keep from getting them back.


Most importantly, how the hell did I get these little gentlemen?? I kept my room as clean as it could possibly be.

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I'm not seeing any eggs and I looked at like 5 leaves. and I looked at the leaves that I saw the bugs on. They've got to be there somewhere because I definitely got something. Oh and I did see a black bug too, but I mushed him otherwise I would send a picture, that and my phone was dead at the time.

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It does sound like spider mites. I root feed Azamax at a rate of .5 ounces per gallon every 2-3 weeks as a preventative. I use Einstein Neem Oil sprayed on the leaves once a month. Also as a preventative. I had mites about a year and a half ago. They are a pian in the butt! Just when I thought they were gone, they werent!! Thats why i use the preventative measures now. They are gone from my garden but im sure they are lurking somewhere waiting for me to forget about them. They destroyed an entire crop once so I am now very diligent about preventing their return. I never use Azamax or Neem or anything other than my usual nutes once they go to bloom tho. Best of luck on your battle! You can win but it takes a little time. Thanks, Medcnman.

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that totally bites donna...

i had to fight the battle earlier this year....

i now use no pest strips by hot shots. i put four of them up... one in my bedroom, veg room, bloom room and dining room

i put them out on the 15th of the month and then i take them down on the first and put them into ziplock bag.

keeps the pests in check by changing it up and not allowing them to get used to it. so far in 6 months i have not seen any returning mites... and they were unreal in such a short time. and i tried alot of other products first such as the mite rid.... and it kills on contact but a week or so later the lil bassturds were back every time bigger and stronger then before...

good luck donna...



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mite damage shows up as little white specks on the tops of the lower leaves first. find a leaf w/specks? thats the one to turn over and look. adult mites are black dots the size of pepper. with a microscope you'll be able to see plant sap dots where they feed. black specks of poo and orange egg clutches along with inmature, white/clear mites and shedded exo-skeletons from them molting.


this time of year their looking to survive winter. they prob came in on your cloths or pet.


depending on infestation level there are several ways to proceed. I like azamax, liquid ladybug, neem oil. rosemary oil. dr. doom..........lots of choices

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Really the first sign of mites is not the bugs or webs - but the brown 'shotgun' like spots on the top of the leaves. these are dead spots caused in the leaf by mites sucking the shiit out of it from the bottom. Mites prefer the bottom of the leaves as the humidity and temps are perfect there. The brown spots are unlike any nute deficency you ever seen, so once you see the damage by mites - never forget what it looks like. I prefer growers who had to deal with mites once in their life - because they KNOW what it looks like now.


when you turn over the leaf with the tan/brown shotgun specks, you will see spots with the naked eye. Watch the spots move. Get a microscope and see webs and eggs being laid in a row. If you have one leaf infected - act like the whole plant is infected and remove it from other plants. Most people screw up because they don't quarantine plants quickly or follow discipline with a new plant or clone.


After you treat the plant - you have to fix the problem that caused it - a clone infected, a part of your house that just has pest, temp and humdity issues. usually a room with plastic liner can be bombed will fix an infestation, then you just need to fix the temp and humidity issues. (I am betting you are too hot and too humid)


I have not used neem oil or any pest treatment for about 5 grows now. Everything is inhouse and the room had been bombed prior to starting. Cultivation Station has Preclude and .... (forget) two bombs for the mites and eggs. These bombs are dangerous, follow safety instructions for entering the room for 24 hours after. You can have the plants in the room, if they are in veg. If you use these powerful bomb while you have plants in the room, you must tell your patients what you used. With no plants in the room, its dose will be minimal to the plant itself.



1. Do Not go into flower, remain in veg until you beat pest issues. The density and size of a flowering plant makes it impossible to fight the mites well.


2. smaller plants are easier to treat - you can cover the soil and dip the entire plant in a 5 gallon bucket of neem oil solution. This is the best way to ensure coverage. Spraying - use a spray bottle that works upside down, or turn the plants upside down - you are spraying UNDER the leaves.


3. Feed neem oil to the plant, this provides systemic protection - mites taste neem in the plant, and can't eat it. about 4ml per gallon every water for about two weeks, then just use once a month. mites may still be found, but now they are stupid and disorganized - you can make harvest with minimal damage and be rid of the plant!


4. You might have to clone from a infected plant - as the clone is smaller and will grow with neem in its system. Mites can remain on plants despite all the chemicals you will use.


5. Mites smell pyritum sprays and know it is an attack, they will lay eggs like crazy. This is why three days later, you need to do another dip - to attack the eggs left behind.



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1. Do Not go into flower, remain in veg until you beat pest issues. The density and size of a flowering plant makes it impossible to fight the mites well.



The plant in flower is where I found the mites, what do I do now, it is already starting to get buds but just like the last two or three days?? Now you've got me scared and I know I should be because they can destroy a crop and it is my first.


I went to the grow store, all they had was Neem Oil. It says to mix it 1 ounce (six teaspoons) per gallon and then spray it to tops and bottoms of leaves. Am I also supposed to put it in the water when I feed it and if so at what dosage??

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that totally bites donna...

i had to fight the battle earlier this year....

i now use no pest strips by hot shots. i put four of them up... one in my bedroom, veg room, bloom room and dining room

i put them out on the 15th of the month and then i take them down on the first and put them into ziplock bag.

keeps the pests in check by changing it up and not allowing them to get used to it. so far in 6 months i have not seen any returning mites... and they were unreal in such a short time. and i tried alot of other products first such as the mite rid.... and it kills on contact but a week or so later the lil bassturds were back every time bigger and stronger then before...

good luck donna...




these things work, no doubt... it just concerned me w u said u had em in your bedroom for 2wks outta the month... yikes! these things are gassing off poisons, which the bugs breath in & die... just be careful as they aren't supposed to be hung in areas that we & pets habitate. likely they will build up in our systems too... and could cause some health effects over time.



to the op... if you have black speckling on the surface of the leaves... and no obvious white spots everywhere... you might have thrips rather than mites... or even both. the black bug you squashed w the black poop makes for a reasonable guess. thrip bunny muffin is the black spotting. if there are thrips you should also see some silverish like trails on the surface of the leaves w the black dots as well.


either way... look into some horticultural oil, which is what all the new stuff like liquid ladybugs & sns217 is based off of. the oil coats the softbodied adults & also the eggs... smothers them dead in one shot, so long as you get complete & total coverage. 'soft' approach but could oil burn the plants if not careful. peace.

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The plant in flower is where I found the mites, what do I do now, it is already starting to get buds but just like the last two or three days?? Now you've got me scared and I know I should be because they can destroy a crop and it is my first.


I went to the grow store, all they had was Neem Oil. It says to mix it 1 ounce (six teaspoons) per gallon and then spray it to tops and bottoms of leaves. Am I also supposed to put it in the water when I feed it and if so at what dosage??


I use Azamax, but its the same - feed neem oil to the plant either with nutes or plain water at the rate of 4ml per gallon. You can burn the leaves with foilar spray of neem oil, you can spray with plain water about 4 hours after the neem spray.


Its still early in flower, you can revert back to 18 hours of light and fight! This is where growers make the mistake - to continue into flower can mean that at harvest time, its garbage. You are better off being delayed by going back into veg and fighting. You can also still clone from this plant and toss it. Flowering is still about 2 months - 8 weeks of battle with the borg - and a dense flower only helps the borg hide. I have tried the battle, you will end up with some meds, but you better not share it - its ugly, can taste bad, and can have chemical content from all the chemicals you used. You are better off using those two months starting another clone and veg for 1 month.



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Buy some ladybugs. They'll take care of the problem and keep it in check. I release a few hundred ladybugs amongst my rooms every month and it works like a charm! I get them from highsierraladybugs.com. You can keep them in stasis (hibernation) in your fridge for months. Completely natural, chemical free, and relatively inexpensive.

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Buy some ladybugs. They'll take care of the problem and keep it in check. I release a few hundred ladybugs amongst my rooms every month and it works like a charm! I get them from highsierraladybugs.com. You can keep them in stasis (hibernation) in your fridge for months. Completely natural, chemical free, and relatively inexpensive.

They also sell Praying Mantis eggs.IMO they are the king of the jungle,just love watching them hunt.Ladybugs will eat egg and mites and work great.

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Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew, spray under leaves wher the mits are, I took care of my problem with that, Its organic, you must do this every 3 days or so, they come back but less every time, kill the ones you see daily crush the eggs, if a leave is very infected remove it, a hand wash of dawn dish soap helps too, and remember to clean that room, and keep it clean




Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew

For Organic Gardening


Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew contains Spinosad (spin-OH-sid), a naturally occuring soil dwelling bacterium that was collected on a Caribbean island from an abandoned rum distillery in 1982.


This unique bacterium was defined as a new species when it was discovered, and it has never been found in nature anywhere else in the world. Since being discovered, Spinosad has become a leading pesticide used by agriculture world wide in the production of organic produce

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Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew, spray under leaves wher the mits are, I took care of my problem with that, Its organic, you must do this every 3 days or so, they come back but less every time, kill the ones you see daily crush the eggs, if a leave is very infected remove it, a hand wash of dawn dish soap helps too, and remember to clean that room, and keep it clean




Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew

For Organic Gardening


Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew contains Spinosad (spin-OH-sid), a naturally occuring soil dwelling bacterium that was collected on a Caribbean island from an abandoned rum distillery in 1982.


This unique bacterium was defined as a new species when it was discovered, and it has never been found in nature anywhere else in the world. Since being discovered, Spinosad has become a leading pesticide used by agriculture world wide in the production of organic produce

I have had very good luck using captain jacks and Azamax mixed together. 1/2 gallon of each mixed solution in the same sprayer. No damage to the plant whatsoever, but do not spray your plants when the lights will be on, as it can burn the leaves. You will have to spend some time at this, make sure the leaves are thoroughly covered and don't miss any spots. Repeat again in 3 to 4 days. If you are careful to get full coverage including the top of the soil and outside of the pots, you stand a good chance. Good luck, if you work hard at it you will be successfully.

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Be aware that plants can suffocate too. High CO2 can kill mites, but as far as just dumping a 5lb tank in your house without knowing how much? Someone said you aim for 10,000PPM. I would use a C02 gauge to regulate the C02 dump based on the size of the room and aim for a reasonable PPM. I am not sure if 10,000 PPM is correct - anyone?


Ladybugs get sucked into the lights, put a screen over the intake vent on aircooled lights.


Ladybugs and other bugs - only eat so much per day, this may be why some never catch up to a mite infestation. I am not sure lady bugs or mantis attack eggs. Chemicals can work 100%, it depends on your effective application.

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Sorry to hear you got mites. Nasty critters. Good luck. I use hot shots and a few secret weapons I learned works.


I only had mites once for a period of about a day. They were on some clones that mrd gave me. Go figure. :rolleyes: They went out the back door the minute I found them.


Never had them before that and have never had them since. :devil::sword:

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please dont use hot shot where u live....like in ur bedroom....bad bad really...bad. for your own safety im not trying to be a smart donkey to anyone but dont put those things where u sleep.


Lots of good avice her....id say i disagree with the lady bugs....after thousands upon thousands of them....i just had a bunch of dead lady bugs and mites everywhere

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Biggest thing is, don't panic. Mites are just bugs, and you've probably smoked street green before that was full of them. No biggie, just kill the buggers with spray or hang a few hot shots in your rooms for a few, then keep them at bay. As long as you don't let them kick up a party and web your buds, you will be ok. Don't panic, if you do there is a good chance you'll kill your entire crop with sprays and pesticides, along with your mites.

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So Longhairbri came by here today to look at my grow. Said things look pretty good. Thanks LongHairBri, I appreciate your help today. I hope those clones work out for ya. So anyway, the mites aren't near as bad as I thought that they were. Here I am thinking that if I am seeing them then there must be hundreds of them, Nope!! There were only a few and only on one or two leaves. Now it's all taken care of, totally soaked down with Mite-Rid and now I should be good.

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