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The Worst Attack On Women In Michigan History

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The biggest assault on women's health in our state's history is making its way through the Michigan House of Representatives.


On Thursday, June 7th, legislators will hear testimony on an unprecedented package of bills that will make safe abortion services virtually inaccessible to Michigan women.


If we don't stop these attacks, women will pay the price with their rights, their health, and their lives.


Urge your representative to defend Michigan women and oppose this legislation.


These bills endanger nearly all aspects of reproductive health care by targeting doctors and creating expensive regulations in the hopes of shutting down health centers that provide abortion services.


While making it harder for us to access critical services, including lifesaving cancer screenings, contraception and continued access to safe and compassionate abortion care, this legislation will not prevent a single unintended pregnancy. Instead, this shameful attack aims to score political points during an election year.


Tell the Michigan Legislature: Medicine, not politics, should dictate how doctors treat their patients.

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To all Ron Paul people remember this, he IS a republican, and even though he calls himself a libertarian, he isn't on women's reproductive rights. I love how this religious zealots go on and on about the constitution but forget about separation between church and state.


Vote straight democratic ticket and get these crazies out of our bodies and lives.

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6 Dem & all the Rep voted for this. The bill is now in the same hands as the anti-medical marihuana bills



Just an additional reason why I wished the Equal Rights bill had passed in the 1970's


This also kicks a hole in the U.N. plan to end poverty by 2015

Edited by Ms Chocolate
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The Food and Drug Administration approves birth control pills in 1960.


In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court strikes down the one remaining state law prohibiting the use of contraceptives by married couples in 1965.


The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is passed by Congress in 1972, and sent to the states for ratification. Originally drafted by Alice Paul in 1923, the amendment reads: "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." The amendment died in 1982 when it failed to achieve ratification by a minimum of 38 states.


Also in 1972, the Supreme Court ruled in Eisenstadt v. Baird that the right to privacy includes an unmarried person's right to use contraceptives.


In 1973, Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court establishes a woman's right to safe and legal abortion, overriding the anti-abortion laws of many states.


The first marital rape law is enacted in Nebraska, making it illegal for a husband to rape his wife, in 1976.


In 1992, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Supreme Court reaffirms the validity of a woman's right to abortion under Roe v. Wade. The case successfully challenges Pennsylvania's 1989 Abortion Control Act, which sought to reinstate restrictions previously ruled unconstitutional.






Stay outta my "P", my bedroom. my garden, my where government should not be!

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To all Ron Paul people remember this, he IS a republican, and even though he calls himself a libertarian, he isn't on women's reproductive rights. I love how this religious zealots go on and on about the constitution but forget about separation between church and state.


Vote straight democratic ticket and get these crazies out of our bodies and lives.



Are you drunk? what dem wants to stay out of my life? show me one....i can see why you vote straight party you have no clue what you are talking about. the dems want control over you body...see healthcare package. what about obammers insane attack on medical marijuana would lead you to believe he would stay out of our lives. think b4 you vote....if you do theres no way you can vote straight party

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Hate to break it to some of you but abortion is eugenics. Don't get mad, google Margaret Sanger eugenics. People like George H.W. Bush have supported it for that very reason. In a 1971 book flap he wrote that overpopulation is the biggest challenge facing governments of the future (lie) and that Planned Parenthood is leading the way in meeting that challenge.

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There he is again Miss Lisa Brown (1:45)! :wub:


She really spoke up for us in Lansing this year. I love this lady! I wish she would run for Governor of Michgan. I really hope that she finds more support in the house as well.


You know she got banned from speaking for the Vagina comment. It's been all over the news.

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June 15, 2012 5:56 PM

Mich. lawmaker barred for "vagina" comment in abortion debate



(CBS/AP) DETROIT - A Michigan lawmaker said support and campaign donations were rolling in Friday, a day after she was barred from speaking in the House because she used the word "vagina" during a debate on an anti-abortion bill.

Rep. Lisa Brown, a Democrat from suburban Detroit, was silenced after Republicans who control the chamber said she violated decorum. While speaking Wednesday against a bill requiring doctors to ensure women aren't coerced into ending their pregnancies, Brown told Republicans, "I'm flattered you're all so concerned about my vagina. But no means no."

Brown, of West Bloomfield, and another Democrat were told they couldn't speak on the floor Thursday when the House spent hours considering legislation before a five-week recess. Rep. Barb Byrum, of Onondaga, said she was benched after referring to vasectomies.

"I really had no idea it would have this effect on people," Brown said Friday. "It's an anatomically correct term for woman's anatomy. It actually exists in Michigan statutes in three different places. This bill was about abortion. That doesn't happen without a vagina."

Ari Adler, press secretary for House Speaker James Bolger, told CBS affiliate WWJ-TV in Detroit that the problem wasn't the word itself.

"It was the context in which it was used and the way it was used, that was the problem," said Adler.

Email and phone messages by the Associated Press seeking comment from Byrum and GOP leaders in the House weren't immediately returned Friday.

"I ask all members to maintain a decorum of the House, and I felt it went too far," Republican Floor Leader Jim Stamas told The Detroit News. He scratched Brown and Byrum from the list of speakers.

Republicans took control of the Michigan House from Democrats after the 2010 election. Rick Johnson, a Republican who was House Speaker until 2005, said the party in control has broad, unwritten discretion to police lawmakers on the floor.

"That comment would be very inappropriate," he said. "You have young children? Is that something you want them to hear from your state rep?"

Johnson said he never prohibited a lawmaker from speaking for a day, as in Brown's case, but he cut off certain privileges and found other ways to make his displeasure known.

"Every leader is different," he said.

Rep. Lisa Lyons, R-Alto, said Brown's comments were "disgraceful" and her "no means no" remark seemed to inappropriately compare the anti-abortion bill to rape. The House approved the bill on a 70-39 vote. The Senate probably won't consider it until fall.

Brown said the incident has led to unsolicited campaign donations. She didn't know how much but said she'd received many email notices from PayPal.

"The Constitution says free speech," she said. "I don't know why my rights should not be respected in a room where we take an oath to uphold the Constitution."

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Republicans are an embarrassment to Michigan and our country. To strong arm bills through the house that adversely affect women in Michigan and then to try and quiet two female legislators who objected is typical of the RW misogynistic treatment of women.


The Teapublicans and the GOP, will have lots to answer for in November and for many many election cycles to come...

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Republicans are an embarrassment to Michigan and our country. To strong arm bills through the house that adversely affect women in Michigan and then to try and quiet two female legislators who objected is typical of the RW misogynistic treatment of women.


The Teapublicans and the GOP, will have lots to answer for in November and for many many election cycles to come...


anyone misleading woman and telling the story that the dems care is an embarrassment to Michigan, anyone who so blindly supports the dems is an embarrassment to the medical marijuana movement. anyone who believes this party rhetoric spread by both sides to divide us is an ignorant fool.


did anyone see more raids by the dem controlled dea on legal medical marijuana today.... ya vote for the dems we need a 4th gw bush term....

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