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Obamacare Upheld By Supreme Court


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Nope. Just the very smart people, real historians, like John Roberts, can see that this is a great thing for America, and history repeating itself.


I will tell you a little secret:


ObamaCare is helping a lot of people already. And they will fight to the dealth, for the rest of their lives, to keep it as law. We don't even have a choice. Be very glad that you even have a choice. Many of us don't have one. This is a life and death issue for some people. People like me with pre existing conditions, and a $2000 a month bill to pay for our prescriptions, and that's not even including our medical cannabis. Just be very happy you have a choice in your life in this regard. because our choice is ObamaCare and Obama for 4 more years, or death. Did you watch the video with the dying patient asking Mitt for help yet? That is us begging for a chance to live longer. It's not a choice.


Resto..John Roberts said it is not our job to protect the people from the politicians they choose. His message could not have been more clear. Talk to me in November when Obama looses…and he will loose with a "bipartisan" vote…he is currently loosing almost every state in the polls now. The only place he is ahead is with the latino vote…and that will change when Romney picks Marco Rubio as his running mate!!

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t’s bad enough that Mitt’s signature achievement as a governor has turned into a disaster on the scale of the Hindenburg. That fact alone would give voters a good reason to be very wary of him as a candidate.

But here’s the real kicker: If Mitt’s the nominee, it will take the biggest winning issue the GOP has in 2012 completely off the table.

If Mitt’s the nominee, he won’t be able to effectively criticize Obamacare because the Democrats will effectively argue that he passed a very similar plan on the state level in Massachusetts

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Resto..John Roberts said it is not our job to protect the people from the politicians they choose. His message could not have been more clear. Talk to me in November when Obama looses…and he will loose with a "bipartisan" vote…he is currently loosing almost every state in the polls now. The only place he is ahead is with the latino vote…and that will change when Romney picks Marco Rubio as his running mate!!


I will not be talking with you ever again if Obama loses. Because the only thing I talk with you about is medical cannabis and that will be gone. As well as my ObamaCare and my $2000 a month prescriptions that keep me alive. Do you even read what I write? I told you I don't have a choice like you do.

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The problem here for Romney is that his health care law in Massachusetts did the exact same thing as the Roberts-tweaked version of Obamacare will do. The individual mandate Romney installed uses the same tax scheme to penalize free riders as the Affordable Care Act will, charging people who choose to not purchase health insurance a penalty through the tax code. And Romney himself has acknowledged as much — many times.

In 2008, when Romney was running for president for the first time, ABC News host Charlie Gibson asked him during a New Hampshire debate, “Governor … you imposed tax penalties in Massachusetts?” Romney replied, “Yes, we said, look, if people can afford to buy it, either buy the insurance or pay your own way; don’t be free riders.” It was the same debate in which he infamously declared, “I like mandates.”

In 2006, Romney explained in a Powerpoint presentation how the state would enforce his mandate. “

” for people who don’t purchase insurance, he said. The former governor said the same thing in a 2009 interview with CNN: “There are a number of ways to encourage people to get insurance, and what we did, we said ‘you’re going to lose a tax exemption if you don’t have insurance.’”
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Resto..there are alternatives to obamacare..that don't involve more GOVERNMENT CONTOL in our lives...



Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee




Dr. Ron Paul spent his entire career in the medical profession working to uphold this simple principle by ensuring his patients received the best care he could give them, even if they could not afford it.


Dr. Paul understands the key to effective and efficient medical care is the doctor-patient relationship. Yet, federal bureaucrats continue to believe that their one-size-fits-all policies will lower costs, increase access, and cure an ailing industry.


Instead, excessive regulation, immoral mandates, and short-sighted incentives have created a system where no one is happy, doctors pass quickly from one patient to the next, insurance is expensive to get and difficult to maintain, and politicians place corporate interests ahead of their constituents.



The answer to our nation’s health care crisis lies in freedom – not force.


As President, Ron Paul will fight to put you back in control of your health care decisions, save you money on medical expenses, and institute reforms that will once again make America’s health care system the standard for other nations to follow.


He will work with Congress to:


* Repeal ObamaCare and end its unconstitutional mandate that all Americans must carry only government-approved health insurance or answer to the IRS.


* Allow purchase of health insurance across state lines.


* Provide tax credits and deductions for all medical expenses.


* Exempt those with terminal illnesses from the employee portion of payroll taxes while they are suffering from such illnesses or are incurring significant medical costs associated with their conditions.


* Give a payroll deduction to any worker who is the primary caregiver for a spouse, parent, or child with a terminal illness.


* Ensure that those harmed during medical treatment receive fair compensation while reducing the burden of costly malpractice litigation on the health care system by providing a tax credit for “negative outcomes” insurance purchased before medical treatment.


* Guarantee that what is taken from taxpayers to pay for Medicare and Medicaid is not raided for other purposes.


* Make all Americans eligible for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and remove government-imposed barriers to obtaining HSAs.


* Stop the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) from interfering with Americans’ knowledge of and access to dietary supplements and alternative treatments.


* Prevent federal bureaucrats from tracking every citizen’s medical history from cradle to grave by prohibiting the use of taxpayer funds for a national database of personal health information.


Ron Paul proudly worked every day to honor the trust his patients placed in him, and he will do the same as President with the confidence of the American people, who deserve a government that “does no harm” to their health care.

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Its a shame we have people on this site admins trying to undermine medical marijuana


Excuse me? What are you talking about? What an ignorant statement…like almost all other's you make! MM was voted in by 63%..that was a bipartisan vote..I am not for obama..and that has NOTHING to do with how I feel about MM…do you think all MM patients are for obama?

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Its a shame we have people on this site admins trying to undermine medical marijuana


And btw..please tell me what you have done for MM ..and what you have given to this community in the last 4 years?? I'll gladly compare with you..so your bs comment here…is way out of line. Apparently once again you post out of ignorance…not knowing what you are talking about..clearly you don't know much about me..heh??

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I am glad we have admins that think and are educated properly! Who better to represent MMJ! It is these sorts that brought MMJ, without their support you would still be complaining with the flower children. Beleive me conservatives brought about the votes to pass the law, and some that I know are now withdrawing support. And did you know I never met a MMJ patient until the law was passed, now everyone is sick and dying and needs it. The drama and the refusal to use common sense will cost you!



Its a shame we have people on this site admins trying to undermine medical marijuana

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Resto..there are alternatives to obamacare..that don't involve more GOVERNMENT CONTOL in our lives...



Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee




Dr. Ron Paul spent his entire career in the medical profession working to uphold this simple principle by ensuring his patients received the best care he could give them, even if they could not afford it.


Dr. Paul understands the key to effective and efficient medical care is the doctor-patient relationship. Yet, federal bureaucrats continue to believe that their one-size-fits-all policies will lower costs, increase access, and cure an ailing industry.


Instead, excessive regulation, immoral mandates, and short-sighted incentives have created a system where no one is happy, doctors pass quickly from one patient to the next, insurance is expensive to get and difficult to maintain, and politicians place corporate interests ahead of their constituents.



The answer to our nation’s health care crisis lies in freedom – not force.


As President, Ron Paul will fight to put you back in control of your health care decisions, save you money on medical expenses, and institute reforms that will once again make America’s health care system the standard for other nations to follow.


He will work with Congress to:


* Repeal ObamaCare and end its unconstitutional mandate that all Americans must carry only government-approved health insurance or answer to the IRS.


* Allow purchase of health insurance across state lines.


* Provide tax credits and deductions for all medical expenses.


* Exempt those with terminal illnesses from the employee portion of payroll taxes while they are suffering from such illnesses or are incurring significant medical costs associated with their conditions.


* Give a payroll deduction to any worker who is the primary caregiver for a spouse, parent, or child with a terminal illness.


* Ensure that those harmed during medical treatment receive fair compensation while reducing the burden of costly malpractice litigation on the health care system by providing a tax credit for “negative outcomes” insurance purchased before medical treatment.


* Guarantee that what is taken from taxpayers to pay for Medicare and Medicaid is not raided for other purposes.


* Make all Americans eligible for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and remove government-imposed barriers to obtaining HSAs.


* Stop the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) from interfering with Americans’ knowledge of and access to dietary supplements and alternative treatments.


* Prevent federal bureaucrats from tracking every citizen’s medical history from cradle to grave by prohibiting the use of taxpayer funds for a national database of personal health information.


Ron Paul proudly worked every day to honor the trust his patients placed in him, and he will do the same as President with the confidence of the American people, who deserve a government that “does no harm” to their health care.

You are wrong. Repeal ObamaCare and there is NOTHING to replace it. You are in some kind of separate reality world. Unreality. Ron Paul has NOTHING to do with our future. He is gone, period. You are playing games with our lives with your unreality world. This is LIFE OR DEATH for some of us. I'm waiting for that to sink into your reality. We DO NOT even have a choice. Healthy people have a choice. People with deadly pre existing conditions HAVE NO CHOICE. Repeal ObamaCare and the insurance companies will see it as their mandate to quit paying for our life sustaining drugs BECAUSE THEY CAN. Let it sink in before you reply.

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I am glad we have admins that think and are educated properly! Who better to represent MMJ! It is these sorts that brought MMJ, without their support you would still be complaining with the flower children. Beleive me conservatives brought about the votes to pass the law, and some that I know are now withdrawing support. And did you know I never met a MMJ patient until the law was passed, now everyone is sick and dying and needs it. The drama and the refusal to use common sense will cost you!

Look. Romney says medical cannabis should be illegal. So in 2012, if he is elected, he will either be a lier, or there will be NO MORE LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS. What part of that hasn't sunk in yet? He HATES pot, medical or not.

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And btw..please tell me what you have done for MM ..and what you have given to this community in the last 4 years?? I'll gladly compare with you..so your bs comment here…is way out of line. Apparently once again you post out of ignorance…not knowing what you are talking about..clearly you don't know much about me..heh??

What good is it to nurture something for 4 years and then help kill it? Like the cute new puppy that grew into and ugly dog and needs to go to the pound now because you want to move on.

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What Romney thinks is Irrelevant, states had rights til the SCOTUS ruling!


Look. Romney says medical cannabis should be illegal. So in 2012, if he is elected, he will either be a lier, or there will be NO MORE LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS. What part of that hasn't sunk in yet? He HATES pot, medical or not.

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Putting yourself in the other person's shoes is a good way to try to understand a discussion better. From my viewpoint AK, it does not look like you are able to do that with this issue. Folks are arguing life and death here and you are countering with political and conceptual replies.


Try to imagine that you are one of us, a person that got sick, lost their job, and so lost their healthcare coverage. You are uninsured or you have bought bare bones, catastrophic coverage. You now, like us, have to pay a great deal of 'out-of-pocket' money in order to survive. Since you have little or no income, you are raiding your savings monthly just to pay the bills. You are in a financial death spiral.


Since you are sick now, you are unable to work. You can't get coverage for healthcare expenses related to your illness because those conditions existed before you got your new coverage. If you don't pay the doctors and the pharmacies for your treatment though, they will not treat you. Without medical treatment, you will die soon.


You are in a bind. You are headed for eviction, welfare, and food stamps, or you are headed for the grave.


Now, if you've been able to imagine this far, please tell me why the ability to buy reasonably priced healthcare coverage is so bad. It is much less of an academic discussion when you are in this boat, isn't it?


You can say it is a states' rights issue, as you mentioned earlier, but currently the states have no plans to help the uninsured. So, without ObamaCare and without Ron Paul's plan, where will you turn?

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What Romney thinks is Irrelevant, states had rights til the SCOTUS ruling!

Didn't ObamaCare teach you anything at all? O B A M A Care. It's there because he is the president. The pres has power, he is not irrelevent. He can kill any hopes that medical cannabis survives. He will because he can and believes since he made it clear, he has a mandate to do it.

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Didn't ObamaCare teach you anything at all? O B A M A Care. It's there because he is the president. The pres has power, he is not irrelevent. He can kill any hopes that medical cannabis survives. He will because he can and believes since he made it clear, he has a mandate to do it.


So it's ok if he attacks our Liberty because he can..he's the president?? I thought when he was sworn in..he took an oath to uphold the constitution?? Instead he is mandating government control over our lives..whether we like it or not..and you are supporting that??

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Yep that is me. Lost everything, going to die horribly, under insured, so what else is new. Still will not sell everyone including my children! Want to debate my illness versus yours!



Putting yourself in the other person's shoes is a good way to try to understand a discussion better. From my viewpoint AK, it does not look like you are able to do that with this issue. Folks are arguing life and death here and you are countering with political and conceptual replies.


Try to imagine that you are one of us, a person that got sick, lost their job, and so lost their healthcare coverage. You are uninsured or you have bought bare bones, catastrophic coverage. You now, like us, have to pay a great deal of 'out-of-pocket' money in order to survive. Since you have little or no income, you are raiding your savings monthly just to pay the bills. You are in a financial death spiral.


Since you are sick now, you are unable to work. You can't get coverage for healthcare expenses related to your illness because those conditions existed before you got your new coverage. If you don't pay the doctors and the pharmacies for your treatment though, they will not treat you. Without medical treatment, you will die soon.


You are in a bind. You are headed for eviction, welfare, and food stamps, or you are headed for the grave.


Now, if you've been able to imagine this far, please tell me why the ability to buy reasonably priced healthcare coverage is so bad. It is much less of an academic discussion when you are in this boat, isn't it?


You can say it is a states' rights issue, as you mentioned earlier, but currently the states have no plans to help the uninsured. So, without ObamaCare and without Ron Paul's plan, where will you turn?

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I am glad we have admins that think and are educated properly! Who better to represent MMJ! It is these sorts that brought MMJ, without their support you would still be complaining with the flower children. Beleive me conservatives brought about the votes to pass the law, and some that I know are now withdrawing support. And did you know I never met a MMJ patient until the law was passed, now everyone is sick and dying and needs it. The drama and the refusal to use common sense will cost you!


This is true..and should be repeated...I hear it from many patients everyday!! Some because of all the drama are just quitting the program and yes withdrawing support…they just don't post here...

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Yes I learned that my principles are more important now then ever! Live free or die! But again you might not get that.


Didn't ObamaCare teach you anything at all? O B A M A Care. It's there because he is the president. The pres has power, he is not irrelevent. He can kill any hopes that medical cannabis survives. He will because he can and believes since he made it clear, he has a mandate to do it.

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So it's ok if he attacks our Liberty because he can..he's the president?? I thought when he was sworn in..he took an oath to uphold the constitution?? Instead he is mandating government control over our lives..whether we like it or not..and you are supporting that??

Like I told you and you ignore;


People with deadly pre existing conditons will lose their coverage if ObamaCare is repealed.


Romney says it is the first thing he will do.


That gives us no choice.


On top of that, he will make medical cannabis illegal like he says it should be.


It is very clear that we have no choice in this matter.


I'm very glad for you that YOU do have a choice. But the choice you are making will kill sick people for the sake of whatever you think is more important than that.

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