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Schuette Recall In Works

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Schuette Recall In Works


Marijuana activist Richard CLEMENT has launched another recall attempt of Attorney General Bill SCHUETTE.


A hearing with the Midland County clerk is set for next week to finalize recall language. Clement finally got language cleared in September 2011 after three tries (See "Schuette Recall Language Finally Cleared," 9/7/11), but failed to collect more than 807,000 signatures to put the recall on the ballot.


Rusty HILLS, spokesman for the Attorney General, said that Schuette's office would be business as usual.


“The deal is this. Bill Schuette was elected to uphold the laws, defend the constitution, and protect the public. And that's what we're gonna do,” said Wood.


A second and unrelated recall attempt of Gov. Rick SNYDER fizzled earlier this year (See "Snyder Recall Over, Michigan Rising To Form Think Tank," 6/7/12).


Clement, a member from the Lansing chapter of NORMAL, is citing two reasons for the possible removal from office.


First, he said Schuette "retroactively disenfranchised Detroit voters by taking legal action to remove elected school board officials" and secondly he allegedly used resources of the attorney general's office to "disenfranchise state of Michigan medical marijuana program participants." Schuette led the opposition for the successful 2008 ballot proposal and has since cracked down on medical marijuana users and dispensaries.


"Bill Schuette is not doing his duty," Clement said.


In a previous recall attempt, Clement told MIRS Schuette needed to be removed from office to "free the weed" (See "Pot Supporter Files Recall Petition Against Schuette," 7/18/12).


Petitions for the "Schuette 3.0" recall are here.


On another front, Clement slammed Sen. Rick JONES (R-Grand Ledge) for mulling a redo on the entire medical marijuana law perhaps sometime next year (See "Should Voters Get Another Hit Of Medical Marijuana?" 8/31/12).


"I think it is stupid," Clement said.


He said that's a way to "slow down the program," which he contends is contrary to the "will of the voters."


The ballot initiative passed with about two-thirds support, but Jones said he believes the voters have changed their minds on the program.


Clement countered that he believes if voters had another chance, they would vote to expand "industrial hemp development" and he cites efforts at Michigan State University (MSU) to do that.



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the petition recall link is 404.


how many signatures did they get the first time?


because 800,000 is a lot to collect. you have to get more like ~1.1million signatures to get 800K valid ones.


you'd think the democratic party would help in the recall of a republican. maybe theres rules against it.

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Maybe a waste of Time, Maybe the right Time. Maybe well worth the effort to keep the heat on Schuette to Go after the Corruption in his own Party.


So you claim not to no Mr Clement, but you Know enough about him to Attack his Character?


Respect is gauged by a man's actions.

Attacks on Someone's Character when one openly admits they are fully unaware of said Someone, is an Action that inspires no honor.

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I know Mr Clement enough. We do not hang out but he is vocal and I have seen and heard enough to make an informed opinion. Tim, you and I both know they are not going to get 800,000 plus signatures, nor do they have the funds to even attempt it. They couldn't even get their legalization signatures for chrisstake! I am confident it would have been easier to attain funding for legalization much easier than a second recall without standing on Schuette.


Personally I think Norml is just finally waking up and realizing the MMJ world has left them far behind. Norml never accomplished anything Tim. MPP was the organization that actually stepped up and got the ball rolling. Now of course they have been corrupted too.

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Well the propaganda ball rolls once again at this site, 1st it was you admins bustin the balls of the cain (no chrisitine he is not my glorious leader but at least he was an outspoken marijuana activist)


Now that hes out of the picture you start bashing o'keefe...the real force behind our law....


So MPP is corrupt? Where is this proof before you go slandering good people? Why maybe because they truly believe in marijuana reform across all boards even non-medical.


Dont tell me christine you never used cannabis before April 09. It is sad that this site used to be such a powerful tool inregards to education and outreach and community involvement. Instead there are a bunch of ppl bashing any type of rhetoric that doesnt fit into their agenda.


Look at my ip and u will see i have been visiting this site since dec 08 when i found THCF to do my cert, didnt Gandhi, MLK, Thoreuax teach us anything about the importance of coordinated civil disobedience?


I am too young and can only go by the personal history of family who took part in the freedom rides, sit-ins at white only counters, but this civil disobedience helped ignite the flame.


Good for u Richard keep up the good work but it is much easier to get referendums placed on local Ballots than trying defacto recalls.......as evident in Becks work in Detroit and the Grand Rapids proposed changes regarding marijuana possession/use/cultivation.


330,0000 signatures is hard to accomplish to place a state referendum with an all volunteer highly uncoordinated initiative, imagine collecting over 800 k for a recall!!!. However the ball is in our court.....for once we the people have realized across all spectrum's of demographics that marijuana is truly more than just some demonized drug its a wonderful life giving fruit medical or NOT medical.


It was not until the late great Doctor MLK rallied upon the Washington mall that the disenfranchised voices of america resonated into the heads of our so called elected officials, yet the powers that be will always use defacto tactics to keep themselves in power. You can believe that these reps will side with us, isn't the house vote evidence enough!!!


Wake UP!!!!!!!!They could care less about our medicine unless its going to line their pockets.....Democrat or Republican, we need to focus on certain state senators to quash the 2/3 needed on these current bills. Which senator is going to stand up for the people, lets find out. My money is on none of them.


The ingenuity that exists among a collective force is nearly impossible to defeat.


I have a ambitious goal for next year...i would like to see 50 out of 86 counties to follow Detroit and Grand Rapids examples in the decriminalization of cannabis.


The freedom riders where also a small group of highly motivated individuals to help end social injustice; it is not going to be easy by any means... but the grass is dry in lansing and all it takes is a spark.


If you use cannabis as medicine or even for recreational this effects you, if you help provide cannabis to the sick and dying this effects you, if you believe in the will of the people and democracy this effects you.


I truly believe that a dedicated group of 100 could easily muster the 3 % needed to get referendums placed on local ballots. What do you think?

Could it be the catalyst?




The longer we sit on our hands the faster the legislatures will use their sickle of indifference to chop our arms off. We are democracy...we the people can make a difference.


Remember Montgomery Alabama......a concerted local effort can spark an inextinguishable flame that spread like wildfire across the nation.


I think there is a planned rally in Lansing...i believe it is on the 19th of this month.....i think its over at 3MG? look and find out!


However i have a feeling that once the senate reconvenes on Wed they may just push these bills through lets hope that they wait till after the general election.


Still lets make our voices heard collectively regardless of political/social/cultural belief let us stand united and sing praise for our god given rights; from the straights of the mighty Mac, Dunes of the west and the capital of once the greatest manufacturing center in our country....let our voices ring out in UNITY!!!!!!! Free at last, free at last, unbind these detrimental chains that hinder people of all creed from the pursuit of life, liberty, happiness and HEALTH!!!

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I have promised myself I would not get involved in the more politically charged threads, but sometimes I read one and just shake my head.


There is a reason that "Don Quixote" is a famous novel and required reading in high school.


I have met Richard Clement on several occasions. I can say without question that he is personable, outgoing, gregarious and committed to the cause. From talking with him I have no doubt that he truly believes he can get over a million signatures.


The valid question that SFC, teethpain and others raise is, "show me how this can happen and if it can not, lets focus our energy on a more realistic goal for our very limited resources". From what I can tell no previous repeal effort or the legalization effort have gotten more than 100,000 signatures. Yet we are willing to saddle up Rocinante and go charging after the windmill.


There were suggestions that the Democrats would welcome the challenge. I was at their State Convention this past weekend in Lansing, as was Richard Clements. The UAW, MEA and AFSCME pretty much ran the show at the convention. It was a massive effort for them to get the 300,000 plus signatures needed for the collective bargaining ballot issue and the removal of the "Emergency Manager" law ballot question. From now thru election day they will be putting all their resources to work to pass their ballot issues.



One of the fantasies that seem to lead our movement off course is the idea that politicians really care about our issue. To put their concern in perspective, on Sunday, the Democrats passed out a 40 page document spelling out their 2012 platform. Guess what is not mentioned.

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Thanks Semi, sometimes I am not as diplomatic as I should be. With all of the presidential BS I am even less so lately. You covered it well, other than a brief mention on Mlive it is going nowhere, Richard (bless his heart) does not have the money or the benefactors with the money to get this done.


Ganja, why are you here? You have no freaking clue what WE are doing. Some of us are still beating the bushes everyday trying either stop these laws or at very least stop Jones. So don't waste your breath on us, you know nothing.

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Thanks Semi, sometimes I am not as diplomatic as I should be. With all of the presidential BS I am even less so lately. You covered it well, other than a brief mention on Mlive it is going nowhere, Richard (bless his heart) does not have the money or the benefactors with the money to get this done.


Ganja, why are you here? You have no freaking clue what WE are doing. Some of us are still beating the bushes everyday trying either stop these laws or at very least stop Jones. So don't waste your breath on us, you know nothing.



why am i here? who are you? dont you have some site you use to be rude and disrespectful;, do you have to do it on our site too? really go on some where...while your beating bushes im talking to people.... i can tell by your rude attitude thats something your not suited to do.

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  • 1 month later...

Sure the recall signature barrier is very high..


For Mr. Schuette to send two top of the line attorneys to come after me and lose is a victory by itself. Mr. Schuette hates me and know how much we love Marijuana and will do anything to protect it.


The recall language was approved without me being present. Schuette's boys drove all the way to Midland MI just to get their asses kicked by a pot loving computer geek and a Detroit Public School Alumnus..


While others talked the talk of recall, no one walked the walk to do the job.


We need to hit these jokers every which way but loose until they leave us alone and respect our wishes. No mercy. LLEP's, recalls, etc...


You have a better chance of recalling someone like a Sherriff, Prosecutor, State Rep, and local offiicals because of the smaller area their district covers.


The City of Lansing Michigan will be the next target of a Lowest Law Enforcement priority law or, we get enough funding to do a statewide effort again. Nothing like the last one but better. We have to learn from our mistakes and get better from the experience.


I am going to keep recalling that S.O.B. until the next election... I will also support any statewide legalization effort and it must include Industral Hemp development for Michigan Farmers...


We all have to keep the pressure on at the local level by electing judges and legislators who are friendly to us and respect us.


Weed Warrior.

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Since Romney said Schuette wasn't qualified to be his attorney general, and he's lost his base of sheriffs because of his stance on a popular proposal (see lips moving ad), he's done soon locally and nationally. Start looking forward to who will replace him. I see David Leyton as an up and coming attorney general. Just make sure you vote Dem as much as you can so we can get a Dem governor and Leyton appointed in Schuette's place. That's a plan that can work for us. But it has to start now with an overwhelming majority of Dems in power so we can use that as a position of strength to get rid of the Schuette types that are fighting the people. Vote Dem to get rid of Schuette and the rest of the 'lips moving they are lying' crowd. We will not be fooled again.

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Since Romney said Schuette wasn't qualified to be his attorney general,

when did he say that? Got Link? would be interested to see it.

The City of Lansing Michigan will be the next target of a Lowest Law Enforcement priority law or, we get enough funding to do a statewide effort again. Nothing like the last one but better. We have to learn from our mistakes and get better from the experience.


Need to do that here, but I want 2.5, just like our medical law allows. I'm sure it would pass here in Shuitte's back yard.

Edited by Timmahh
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We are still active for LLEPs to be filed in Cities and Townships in Michigan. A much better chance to succeed and after we keep up the pressure.. politicans start to listen. 2013 covers local races like Mayor and City Council... we can do some serious changes at the Local level.....


We are going to get attacked in this lame duck session.. Legislators with no repocussions (sp) will act like renegades between November and December. Prepare for the fight to keep the law right...


Recalls are still on the table at the local level because of a smaller area with the district.


Stay focused on legalization including the agriculture piece with Michigan Farmers..


Together we will win this thing. Michigan is a big state and the best work is at the local level in our individual communities..

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when did he say that? Got Link? would be interested to see it.

It was tossed out there to get your vote. They know cannabis people hate Schuette. So they leaked out this tidbit to fool you into voting for Romney. Now the Detroit polling shows Romney closing in Michigan. You folks go ahead and play games with your write in votes, but understand where that could put us on the other side of Nov. 6th. Every single vote counts when your goal is to keep the Republican Romney out of office, because that would completely stall any future for medical cannabis patients. Some of us will carry the load for you 'write inners' and Romney Fans. Every vote could count right here in Michigan. Don't be fooled again like we were with Snyder and Schuette. Our Republican votes in that election cycle are still killing us. How the heck did we end up with a Republican governor anyway?

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How the heck did we end up with a Republican governor anyway?


They managed to convince everyone that running the government was the same thing as running a corporation and got a bunch of big business republicans elected to lead several states. Snyder, Kasich, Scott..........


Of course running a state is really nothing like running a corporation. For one, you have to be accountable, that's why we see these guys overstepping their boundaries and instituting laws that really go too far. The emergency manager law for example.

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For Mr. Schuette to send two top of the line attorneys to come after me and lose is a victory by itself.


keep the pressure up! thats pretty funny hes wasting his time+money on something like this.

makes you think. what is he really up to?


thanks for your hard work, even if some people think its a waste of time, its still good to be on the correct side.

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Since Romney said Schuette wasn't qualified to be his attorney general, and he's lost his base of sheriffs because of his stance on a popular proposal (see lips moving ad), he's done soon locally and nationally. Start looking forward to who will replace him. I see David Leyton as an up and coming attorney general. Just make sure you vote Dem as much as you can so we can get a Dem governor and Leyton appointed in Schuette's place. That's a plan that can work for us. But it has to start now with an overwhelming majority of Dems in power so we can use that as a position of strength to get rid of the Schuette types that are fighting the people. Vote Dem to get rid of Schuette and the rest of the 'lips moving they are lying' crowd. We will not be fooled again.


where do you come up with this stuff? a plan that will work lmao.... where have you been for the last 70 years? do you think we have never had a dem gov, or president. a congress, a sen.... oh yes we have....and they all turned prohibition up a notch....what about the more than 3/4 of a million marijuana arrest in the last year makes you think the dems are on our side? if you insist people vote dem we will most assuredly get fooled again. you are still not willing to accept Obama lied to you.... please for the sake of all of us dont give political advice. really you make some valid points at times, but this nonsense is just silly..... you cant be sitting in a country with dem president who told you if your sate okd it u were fine to use mmj ( my words not his), while not only did the arrest numbers continue to climb at an alarming rate, he also started using tactics no other president did, including the republicans.... Ex. IRS..... he lied to you, and your talking about voting for them in the same breath you say you wont be fooled again....


please excuse any grammatical errors in advance, punctuation and spelling are not always as high on my priority list as they should be.

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