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Got Dmso ?

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I’ve always been interested in how these skin patches work, specifically what they contain that transfers the enclosed drugs into the skin. After a quick search I found that one common ingredient in many transdermal patches is the chemical DMSO (if you are in a lab, you may have heard of it). DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a solvent and a by-product of the wood industry. In 1961 a Dr. Jacob noted that the chemical was able to penetrate the skin deeply without causing any damage. Later it was observed to be a superior solvent for pharmaceuticals, and capable of transporting chemicals across and into skin (for better or worse). Obviously you’d want to be careful with DMSO (for example, LSD is sometimes dissolved in DMSO), but these properties made it quite useful for introducing therapeutic drugs into the skin via the patch. The release of drug was constant and predictable, and patches were difficult to abuse (the strong painkiller fentanyl is sometimes delivered this way.)


Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a by-product of the wood industry, has been in use as a commercial solvent since 1953. It is also one of the most studied but least understood pharmaceutical agents of our time--at least in the United States. According to Stanley Jacob, MD, a former head of the organ transplant program at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, more than 40,000 articles on its chemistry have appeared in scientific journals, which, in conjunction with thousands of laboratory studies, provide strong evidence of a wide variety of properties. (See Major Properties Attributed to DMSO) Worldwide, some 11,000 articles have been written on its medical and clinical implications, and in 125 countries throughout the world, including Canada, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan, doctors prescribe it for a variety of ailments, including pain, inflammation, scleroderma, interstitial cystitis, and arthritis elevated intercranial pressure.

Yet in the United States, DMSO has Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval only for use as a preservative of organs for transplant and for interstitial cystitis, a bladder disease. It has fallen out of the limelight and out of the mainstream of medical discourse, leading some to believe that it was discredited. The truth is more complicated.

DMSO: A History of Controversy

The history of DMSO as a pharmaceutical began in 1961, when Dr. Jacob was head of the organ transplant program at Oregon Health Sciences University. It all started when he first picked up a bottle of the colorless liquid. While investigating its potential as a preservative for organs, he quickly discovered that it penetrated the skin quickly and deeply without damaging it. He was intrigued. Thus began his lifelong investigation of the drug.

The news media soon got word of his discovery, and it was not long before reporters, the pharmaceutical industry, and patients with a variety of medical complaints jumped on the news. Because it was available for industrial uses, patients could dose themselves. This early public interest interfered with the ability of Dr. Jacob--or, later, the FDA--to see that experimentation and use were safe and controlled and may have contributed to the souring of the mainstream medical community on it.

Why, if DMSO possesses half the capabilities claimed by Dr. Jacob and others, is it still on the sidelines of medicine in the United States today?

"It's a square peg being pushed into a round hole," says Dr. Jacob. "It doesn't follow the rifle approach of one agent against one disease entity. It's the aspirin of our era. If aspirin were to come along today, it would have the same problem. If someone gave you a little white pill and said take this and your headache will go away, your body temperature will go down, it will help prevent strokes and major heart problems--what would you think?"

Others cite DMSO's principal side effect: an odd odor, akin to that of garlic, that emanates from the mouth shortly after use, even if use is through the skin. Certainly, this odor has made double-blinded studies difficult. Such studies are based on the premise that no one, neither doctor nor patient, knows which patient receives the drug and which the placebo, but this drug announces its presence within minutes.

Others, such as Terry Bristol, a Ph.D. candidate from the University of London and president of the Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy in Portland, Oregon, who assisted Dr. Jacob with his research in the 1960s and 1970s, believe that the smell of DMSO may also have put off the drug companies, that feared it would be hard to market. Worse, however, for the pharmaceutical companies was the fact that no company could acquire an exclusive patent for DMSO, a major consideration when the clinical testing required to win FDA approval for a drug routinely runs into millions of dollars. In addition, says Mr. Bristol, DMSO, with its wide range of attributes, would compete with many drugs these companies already have on the market or in development.

The FDA and DMSO

In the first flush of enthusiasm over the drug, six pharmaceutical companies embarked on clinical studies. Then, in November 1965, a woman in Ireland died of an allergic reaction after taking DMSO and several other drugs. Although the precise cause of the woman's death was never determined, the press reported it to be DMSO. Two months later, the FDA closed down clinical trials in the United States, citing the woman's death and changes in the lenses of certain laboratory animals that had been given doses of the drug many times higher than would be given humans.

Some 20 years and hundreds of laboratory and human studies later, no other deaths have been reported, nor have changes in the eyes of humans been documented or claimed. Since then, however, the FDA has refused seven applications to conduct clinical studies, and approved only 1, for intersititial cystitis, which subsequently was approved for prescriptive use in 1978.

Dr. Jacob believes the FDA "blackballed" DMSO, actively trying to kill interest in a drug that could end much suffering. Jack de la Torre, MD, Ph.D., professor of neurosurgery and physiology at the University of New Mexico Medical School in Albuquerque, a pioneer in the use of DMSO and closed head injury, says, "Years ago the FDA had a sort of chip on its shoulder because it thought DMSO was some kind of snake oil medicine. There were people there who were openly biased against the compound even though they knew very little about it. With the new administration at that agency, it has changed a bit." The FDA recently granted permission to conduct clinical trials in Dr. de la Torre's field of closed head injury.

DMSO Penetrates Membranes and Eases Pain

The first quality that struck Dr. Jacob about the drug was its ability to pass through membranes, an ability that has been verified by numerous subsequent researchers.1 DMSO's ability to do this varies proportionally with its strength--up to a 90 percent solution. From 70 percent to 90 percent has been found to be the most effective strength across the skin, and, oddly, performance drops with concentrations higher than 90 percent. Lower concentrations are sufficient to cross other membranes. Thus, 15 percent DMSO will easily penetrate the bladder.2

In addition, DMSO can carry other drugs with it across membranes. It is more successful ferrying some drugs, such as morphine sulfate, penicillin, steroids, and cortisone, than others, such as insulin. What it will carry depends on the molecular weight, shape, and electrochemistry of the molecules. This property would enable DMSO to act as a new drug delivery system that would lower the risk of infection occurring whenever skin is penetrated.

DMSO perhaps has been used most widely as a topical analgesic, in a 70 percent DMSO, 30 percent water solution. Laboratory studies suggest that DMSO cuts pain by blocking peripheral nerve C fibers.3 Several clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness,4,5 although in one trial, no benefit was found.6 Burns, cuts, and sprains have been treated with DMSO. Relief is reported to be almost immediate, lasting up to 6 hours. A number of sports teams and Olympic athletes have used DMSO, although some have since moved on to other treatment modalities. When administration ceases, so do the effects of the drug.

Dr. Jacob said at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Health in 1980, "DMSO is one of the few agents in which effectiveness can be demonstrated before the eyes of the observers....If we have patients appear before the Committee with edematous sprained ankles, the application of DMSO would be followed by objective diminution of swelling within an hour. No other therapeutic modality will do this."

Chronic pain patients often have to apply the substance for 6 weeks before a change occurs, but many report relief to a degree they had not been able to obtain from any other source.

DMSO and Inflammation

DMSO reduces inflammation by several mechanisms. It is an antioxidant, a scavenger of the free radicals that gather at the site of injury. This capability has been observed in experiments with laboratory animals7 and in 150 ulcerative colitis patients in a double-blinded randomized study in Baghdad, Iraq.8 DMSO also stabilizes membranes and slows or stops leakage from injured cells.

At the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1978, 213 patients with inflammatory genitourinary disorders were studied. Researchers concluded that DMSO brought significant relief to the majority of patients. They recommended the drug for all inflammatory conditions not caused by infection or tumor in which symptoms were severe or patients failed to respond to conventional therapy.9

Stephen Edelson, MD, F.A.A.F.P., F.A.A.E.M., who practices medicine at the Environmental and Preventive Health Center of Atlanta, has used DMSO extensively for 4 years. "We use it intravenously as well as locally," he says. "We use it for all sorts of inflammatory conditions, from people with rheumatoid arthritis to people with chronic low back inflammatory-type symptoms, silicon immune toxicity syndromes, any kind of autoimmune process.

"DMSO is not a cure," he continues. "It is a symptomatic approach used while you try to figure out why the individual has the process going on. When patients come in with rheumatoid arthritis, we put them on IV DMSO, maybe three times a week, while we are evaluating the causes of the disease, and it is amazing how free they get. It really is a dramatic treatment."

As for side effects, Dr. Edelson says: "Occasionally, a patient will develop a headache from it, when used intravenously--and it is dose related." He continues: "If you give a large dose, [the patient] will get a headache. And we use large doses. I have used as much as 30ÝmlÝIV over a couple of hours. The odor is a problem. Some men have to move out of the room [shared] with their wives and into separate bedrooms. That is basically the only problem."

DMSO was the first nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory discovered since aspirin. Mr. Bristol believes that it was that discovery that spurred pharmaceutical companies on to the development on other varieties of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. "Pharmaceutical companies were saying that if DMSO can do this, so can other compounds," says Mr. Bristol. "The shame is that DMSO is less toxic and has less int he way of side effects than any of them."

Collagen and Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a rare, disabling, and sometimes fatal disease, resulting form an abnormal buildup of collagen in the body. The body swells, the skin--particularly on hands and face--becomes dense and leathery, and calcium deposits in joints cause difficulty of movement. Fatigue and difficulty in breathing may ensue. Amputation of affected digits may be necessary. The cause of scleroderma is unknown, and, until DMSO arrived, there was no known effective treatment.

Arthur Scherbel, MD, of the department of rheumatic diseases and pathology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, conducted a study using DMSO with 42 scleroderma patients who had already exhausted all other possible therapies without relief. Dr. Scherbel and his coworkers concluded 26 of the 42 showed good or excellent improvement. Histotoxic changes were observed together with healing of ischemic ulcers on fingertips, relief from pain and stiffness, and an increase in strength. The investigators noted, "It should be emphasized that these have never been observed with any other mode of therapy."10 Researchers in other studies have since come to similar conclusions.11

Does DMSO Help Arthritis?

It was inevitable that DMSO, with its pain-relieving, collagen-softening, and anti-inflammatory characteristics, would be employed against arthritis, and its use has been linked to arthritis as much as to any condition. Yet the FDA has never given approval for this indication and has, in fact, turned down three Investigational New Drug (IND) applications to conduct extensive clinical trials.

Moreover, its use for arthritis remains controversial. Robert Bennett, MD, F.R.C.P., F.A.C.R., F.A.C.P., professor of medicine and chief, division of arthritis and rheumatic disease at Oregon Health Sciences University (Dr. Jacob's university), says other drugs work better. Dava Sobel and Arthur Klein conducted their own informal study of 47 arthritis patients using DMSO in preparation for writing their book, Arthritis: What Works, and came to the same conclusion.12

Yet laboratory studies have indicated that DMSO's capacity as a free-radical scavenger suggests an important role for it in arthritis.13 The Committee of Clinical Drug Trials of the Japanese Rheumatism Association conducted a trial with 318 patients at several clinics using 90 percent DMSO and concluded that DMSO relieved joint pain and increased range of joint motion and grip strength, although performing better in more recent cases of the disease.14 It is employed widely in the former Soviet Union for all the different types of arthritis, as it is in other countries around the world.

Dr. Jacob remains convinced that it can play a significant role in the treatment of arthritis. "You talk to veterinarians associated with any race track, and you'll find there's hardly an animal there that hasn't been treated with DMSO. No veterinarian is going to give his patient something that does not work. There's no placebo effect on a horse."

DMSO and Central Nervous System Trauma

Since 1971, Dr. de la Torre, then at the University of Chicago, has experimented using DMSO with injury to the central nervous system. Working with laboratory animals, he discovered that DMSO lowered intracranial pressure faster and more effectively than any other drug. DMSO also stabilized blood pressure, improved respiration, and increased urine output by five times and increased blood flow through the spinal cord to areas of injury.15-17 Since then, DMSO has been employed with human patients suffering severe head trauma, initially those whose intracranial pressure remained high despite the administration of mannitol, steroids, and barbiturates. In humans, as well as animals, it has proven the first drug to significantly lower intracranial pressure, the number one problem with severe head trauma.

"We believe that DMSO may be a very good product for stroke," says Dr. de la Torre, "and that is a devastating illness which affects many more people than head injury. We have done some preliminary clinical trials, and there's a lot of animal data showing that it is a very good agent in dissolving clots."

Other Possible Applications for DMSO

Many other uses for DMSO have been hypothesized from its known qualities hand have been tested in the laboratory or in small clinical trials. Mr. Bristol speaks with frustration about important findings that have never been followed up on because of the difficulty in finding funding and because "to have on your resume these days that you've worked on DMSO is the kiss of death." It is simply too controversial. A sampling of some other possible applications for this drug follows.

DMSO as long been used to promote healing. People who have it on hand often use it for minor cuts and burns and report that recovery is speedy. Several studies have documented DMSO use with soft tissue damage, local tissue death, skin ulcers, and burns.18-21

In relation to cancer, several properties of DMSO have gained attention. In one study with rats, DMSO was found to delay the spread of one cancer and prolong survival rates with another.22 In other studies, it has been found to protect noncancer cells while potentiating the chemotherapeutic agent.

Much has been written recently about the worldwide crisis in antibiotic resistance among bacteria (see Alternative & Complementary Therapies, Volume 2, Number 3, 1996, pages 140-144) Here, too, DMSO may be able to play a role. Researcher as early as 1975 discovered that it could break down the resistance certain bacteria have developed.23

In addition to its ability to lower intracranial pressure following closed head injury, Dr. de la Torre's work suggests that the drug may actually have the ability to prevent paralysis, given its ability to speedily clean out cellular debris and stop the inflammation that prevents blood from reaching muscle, leading to the death of muscle tissue.

With its great antioxidant powers, DMSO could be used to mitigate some of the effects of aging, but little work has been done to investigate this possibility. Toxic shock, radiation sickness, and septicemia have all been postulated as responsive to DMSO, as have other conditions too numerous to mention here.

DMSO in the Future

Will DMSO ever sit on the shelves of pharmacies in this country as a legal prescriptive for many of the conditions it may be able to address? Will the studies we need to discover when this drug is most appropriate ever be done? Given the difficulties the drug has run into so far and the recent development of new drugs that perform some of the same functions, Mr. Bristol is doubtful. Others, however, such as Dr. Jacob and Dr. de la Torre, see the FDA approval of DMSO for interstitial cystitis and the more recent FDA go-ahead for DMSO trials with closed head injury as new indications of hope. The cystitis approval means that physicians may use it at their discretion for other uses, giving DMSO a new legitimacy.

Dr. Jacob continues to believe that DMSO should not even be called a drug but is more correctly a new therapeutic principle, with an effect on medicine that will be profound in many areas. Whether that is true cannot be known without extensive a publicly reported trials, which are dependent on the willingness of researchers to undertake rigorous studies in this still-unfashionable tack and of pharmaceutical companies and other investors to back them up. That this is a live issue is proved by the difficulty the investigators with approval to test DMSO for closed head injury clinically are having finding funds to conduct the trials.

In 1980, testifying before the Select Committee on Agin of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Scherbel said, "The controversy that exists over the clinical effectiveness of DMSO is not well-founded--clinical effectiveness may be variable in different patients. If toxicity is consistently minimal, the drug should not be restricted from practice. The clinical effectiveness of DMSO can be decided with complete satisfaction if the drug is made available to the practicing physician. The number of patient complaints about pain and the number of phone calls to the doctor's office will decide quickly whether or not the drug is effective."

It may be premature to call for the full rehabilitation of DMSO, but it is time to call for a full investigation of its true range of capabilities.

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I've brought it up before and was soundly rebuked because it's used as a solvent.  I tried to educate people further to no avail.  Hopefully you'll have better success, as I think this is a vastly overlooked potential within our community.


Emu oil is a natural alternative that has many of the same epidermal penetration properties.

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this is true(dissolve). Except we aim not necessarily to dissolve any thing, only to strip it away. I was illustrating the non dangers of solvents per say, as their are many that exist, and even naptha(rso) is not the correct solvent to use when extracting the active ingredients from cannabis, neither is butter for thought. Some of these solvents will ultimately extract some undesired constituents of cannabis, so depending upon use and expectations any and all of these will extract. even water. hot water will melt the waxy trichomes, reduce viscosity of out resinous oil, allowing it to come into the final product.(not dissolve)

 Not the most effective way to extract MY desired targets,  but a pot of cannabis coffee will show you oil floating, and will indeed cause effects when consumed. I see this when making hydrosols all the time. they're used for perfumes, soaps etc. Temperature and exposure times are vital to avoid the oils, while capturing the hydrosols in solution.

solvents are a non issue, when they are a guaranteed removal for the final product, and important to properly target desired constituents.


a splash of cream in the coffee pot will work wonders, to keep oils in solution with water.  coffee pot=percolator @ the grass match house, not sure how a drip would like this. no worries though with my percolator.

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Am I within forum rules discussing dmso ? I don't want to be "soundly rebuked" like Celliach says he was.

I have no insight really on the subject, except have tried it a few times, with anecdotal results, no adverse ones.

Two of my past patients also used it before and after medical mj. The after was used as a combination.

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I am curious as to how in piece you posted above DMSO is referred to as a pharmaceutical yet big pharma doesn't want to do

research as a patent cost millions to research.  It is called a by product of the wood industry also.  So, how can it be both?


I suppose with what information you have posted, I will now have to go do a bit of research of my own, lol.

Depends upon how this by product comes about but... I still may prefer something that comes from a tree than

a living animal that has to be murdered in order to claim it's precious oil. jmo with what info I have thus far :)

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"Dr. Jacob believes the FDA "blackballed" DMSO, actively trying to kill interest in a drug that could end much suffering. Jack de la Torre, MD, Ph.D., professor of neurosurgery and physiology at the University of New Mexico Medical School in Albuquerque, a pioneer in the use of DMSO and closed head injury, says, "Years ago the FDA had a sort of chip on its shoulder because it thought DMSO was some kind of snake oil medicine. There were people there who were openly biased against the compound even though they knew very little about it."


"Dr. Jacob continues to believe that DMSO should not even be called a drug but is more correctly a new therapeutic principle, with an effect on medicine that will be profound in many areas. Whether that is true cannot be known without extensive a publicly reported trials, which are dependent on the willingness of researchers to undertake rigorous studies in this still-unfashionable tack and of pharmaceutical companies and other investors to back them up. That this is a live issue is proved by the difficulty the investigators with approval to test DMSO for

closed head injury clinically are having finding funds to conduct the trials."



Gee, all of this sounds so strangely familiar. There is another substance that has been getting the same kind of runaround and seems to share a similar history. It appears that the FDA is a serial denier when it comes to approving promising, new, cheap medicines.


Just substitute "cannabis" for "DMSO" in the above article and the story is the same.

Edited by Chauncy Gardner
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  • 2 months later...

The amount of information shared on the uses of dmso medicinally and its questionable or potential uses and/or effects is wonderful.  as far as medicinal use regarding cannabis is unique.  coming specifically from personal medicinal use and method shared by a wellness provider I would like to add my experiences and thoughts, results, and complications.  As said, yes it can be and irritant. especially when any pollen could be absorbed thru the skin. Also, continued application in the same area can cause irritation.  With regards to solvent use, I have found it better to apply it and utilize the solvent property as it breaks oils down and allows for absorption.  I find that using it with activated concentrates to harness the effects one requires can be much easier and faster onset than digesting or inhalation.  The effects are rapid and can be very effective for pain, nausea, anxiety, tension, and sciatic nerve symptoms, for me personally.  Depending on the compound absorbed and quantity, both cerebral and non cerebral effects occur.  I feel safe in using it and have discussed its use with several valid sources for safe application specific to DMSO by itself. However, with all personal medicine, we all must consider the individual self from both our sharing perspectives and absorbing them, literally and figuratively.  Mediate, moderate, meditate is a mantra recently shared to me which may apply here.  I have found after two months use on a melanoma that it has began to break the spot up and has begun to exfoliate and peel away.  It is benign and I am not sharing this for treatment of a malignant cancerous growth or treatment at all.  It is what I am observing happen from treating it.  I like the treatment thus far and will continue to follow up if I continue to see results.  I recommend thorough research and asking one's Dr. and provider for full disclosure of any potential adverse reactions.  It's just as important to know your ailment as well as your medicine.  With that said, Researchers, Dr's, Providers, and Patients, I ask that everyone truly all make a pure effort to sincerely care and offer wellness.


thank you,


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  • 2 years later...

I recently used dmso in conjunction with cannabis and it's extract. I dont know anything of the science, risks, health claims, or legality. I did this all by myself with permission from me.



1st recent- 1/10th gram of warmed decarb'd oil applied to a small area on hand, then rubbed a few drops of dmso into same area. Near instant effects were felt, later realized from the dmso not the cannabis in this topical...but... about 15 minutes later I was with a full on edible effect.  Same negative and positive effects I experience when I consume cannabis extract. this time it peaked in 30 minutes lasted for a couple hours.


next day used dmso alone and felt the warm softening relief again. later same day applied 2/10ths g of cannabis oil and some dmso. Cannabis effects were full on in 20 minutes or so and lasted a solid four and a half hours! hours of the same positive, and same negatives that keep me from eating my herb. a small bandaid preparation would please an edible connoisseur, stuck on an arm. I bet leaving it on longer increases effects?  I didnt have any negatives, not even stink from my dmso . it does have an odor, slight garlic maybe, but tolerable and short lived.


next I make a poultice with fresh harvested cut buds and dmso, then a dried one too and compare notes.


Adding ten grams of cannabis oil to a small 3.5 ounce jar of icy hot is what it took for me to feel the cannabis on a diseased joint for thought. I dont know why I didnt experience the same anti inflammatory results with the dmso dosing, but it sure wasnt 10 grams either, and not sure why I didnt feel the cannabis farther away from the application site with the icy hot.   Lots of things to try. I've met some who use dmso several times a day and said they couldnt walk without it.


I can tell dmso is going to be part of my life from now on. I've used it for super rapid vitamin dosing with awesome results. magnesium with it is an instant win on an arthritic joint, swollen anything. 

I caution those with dirty hands while using dmso, all the stuff on your hands goes into your blood stream quickly.  wash, dry, repeat, carry on if inclined.

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My only experience with DMSO is with horses. The biggest drawback is the pungent odor taste you get immediately after touching it. It lasts for days. Its a strong garlic taste/odor. It has been used in animals for decades.I don't know how you would get around the smell/taste issue. I used it on one of our horses and the barn smelled for weeks after one use, I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth for days either. I was careful not to touch it but I still got nailed. The effect is immediate too.

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some dmso stinks, some doesnt?






 DMSO is odorless.  What makes Dimethyl Sulfoxide smell and taste like garlic is DMS (Dimethyl Sulfide). Industrial grades of DMSO will contain DMS and  give an offensive odor. Some is derived from coal and other sources and not trees at all. Pharma Grade Dimethyl Sulfoxide is distilled and purified to remove DMS and any other contaminants leaving it odorless.  maybe stinky dmso is for cleaning machines and pharma grade is for other applications. Beware of packaging materials(plastics, bpa, etc) and stick with glass, and a safe cap. I've personally seen "99.9% dmso" sold in plastic bottles(wrong type of plastic) that dissolves the bottle chems, efficiently delivering them into your blood stream with every application.
"pharma grade" is kind of a marketing term when you shop for this. I'm betting a prescription is needed to obtain an injectable pharm grade dmso maybe?
Edited by grassmatch
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  • 1 year later...

MSM is the same as DMSO except more refined so, no order, no taste, available in lots of stores. Sold in balm/creams as treatment for arthritis. It is also a sulfur sulfer supplement (absolutely essential element in ALL LIVING THINGS - Google it). Comes crystalized, water soluble, mixed easily with any liquid. I put 4 grams in my coffee every day. Desolved in water, it can be emulsified with oil based substances. I have been making a "cream" with liquid MSM+CBD MCT oil, THC MCT Oil+aloe Vera gelly (to thicken). I use it for arthritis. Also used DMSO, THC oil and CBD oil to treat pre cancerous cells (dermatologist wanted to chemically "burn" them off) on my entire scalp for 6 months. Follow-up with skin cancer dermatologist at that point found NO precancerous cells. And I didn't have to put up with a red and painful chemical burn and pealing skin. ONLY the cancerous cells were eliminated. MSM would worked just as well with no taste. 


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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 months later...

I am no scientist in a professional accredited definition. I am a lifelong sampler testing various substances with a focus on those as monstrousized by big pharma as they are partaken behind closed doors. Save your rebuke, my opinion was just a few years ago a felony crippled with sentences longer than killing or physical force imprisonment. Today my opinion is deemed essential weighed over the risk of an invisible "with" listed under multiple cause of death contact tracing. I do not watch late night TV on channels who target market the working class, dying, and disabled. The lawyers commercials promising pennies for preaproved paid out manslaughter hiding behind side effects banners more lawyers hid under profits. The scientist and robbers with chains of silent evidence caped in nondisclosures escaping out of the back door of the bank vault are sad memorials and pay hommage to the clinical trials of the FDA. Big pharma has proven to all of us more than enough times to make anyone respecting a bribery laden decision an accomplice to manslaughter. If it happened once it happens a million times. The side affects of transgender medication is a slowing or slight reversal of male pattern baldness. The side effects of sedenifil is that you begin to transition... Color, shape, dose, $. Do not cure the disease, treat, the disease, then treat the side effects. It is only deadly if the mathematics of being sued turns out to be more than profit. A corporation has no soul let me remain the fool and you do not impose the distraction of morals on an accountant only seeing numbers. For those in the know responsible for saying nothing remember your oath.. The term is selling out, there are souls behind the microscopes and the pens that sign the checks. You're trading for professional candor and respect, a bonus, a beach house, a plaque, what you are trading away and don't take this any other way like you don't make up the FDA just a few decimal points for looking the other way is Death. 


I know a fool. He has accomplished very little outside of love and forgiveness. He uses alcohol soaking then straining, premature trichome flower, pharma grade dmso. Administers 1 teaspoon depending. Side effects can occur from alcohol similar to dehydration from hangover. Ingested like cough syrup. The concerns regarding over dosing can result in a loss of motor functions paired with a mental sharpness that dulls perception, leaves a person overly sensitive and heavily sedated. Loss of productive hours is a concern. At regulated dose a person should remain comically enthusiastic in a plateaus state for between 3-8 hours. Concerns remain regarding habit forming, need building, risk taking, a power struggle shake up occurring within the relationships between id, ego, Super ego..., big picture fracture puzzle, or psychological depression during moreso if treatment stops suddenly. DMSO throughout remains an amplifier of dosing, a purifier of administration uptake due to sidestepping the bodies acids and filtration system. The possibility of a combination effect of roughly 420 chemicals and dymethyl sulfoxide is a concern but not nearly as promising as the accumulative partnership of 2 substances with a death rate combined less than willow bark and more positive field work than a melanoma hyper accelerating ED deemed perfect pill. The FDA approved oxycontin, fentanol... then authorized an experimental mrna genetic modification under the guise of a vaccine administered to a test subject group that includes well over half the world's population.  what authority do they deserve? Don't get me wrong believe pharma/fda is out for the betterment of us all if it helps you sleep at night as opposed to taking a pill that knocks you out. 

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