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Is This True?

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"As an afterthought Mr. Connell warns that the airborne levels of THC are high enough that any person living in a grow house, or in an adjacent living unit, will test positive in a urine analysis without actually consuming the marijuana. People in positions that require UAs, such as airline pilots and professional drivers, may be fired or prosecuted as a result of a positive test. All residents of multi unit buildings can be adversely affected in this way "

Carl Brahe, Certified Home Inspector, Certified Commercial Inspector

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there was a sheet somewhere where they tested thc levels on various doorknobs and tables and tables used for harvesting. it was interesting in a stupid police waste of your tax dollar way.


dunno about second hand smoke, but i dont think thc ever gets airborne when its on the plant or even processing it.


the smell of marijuana plants are due to terpenes, not thc/cbd/cbn etc.

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Not True.


I am a caregiver, but not a patient.  I was curious if, as a result of all the contact, i.e. handling and trimming, I would test positive.   During my last physical, which included a urine analysis, I asked the doc to include a test for cannabis. Results were negative, yet I had harvested two plants prior to the urine test. 

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keep in mind that THC, CBD, and CBN are Terpenes also.....

there was a sheet somewhere where they tested thc levels on various doorknobs and tables and tables used for harvesting. it was interesting in a stupid police waste of your tax dollar way. dunno about second hand smoke, but i dont think thc ever gets airborne when its on the plant or even processing it. the smell of marijuana plants are due to terpenes, not thc/cbd/cbn etc.

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also have not heard of any LEO testing positive due to being in grow rooms or tearing out plants. even when they tear out 6000 plants on some park land.


is it possible they look for thc/11-thc in the blood and touching raw marijuana all you get is thca? thats a good question. how much thca are you absorbing when doing harvest?


was there a study on how much your body converts thca into thc ? if you eat raw or juiced mmj?

Edited by t-pain
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I HOPE it isn't true! Hubs drives a truck,the poor guy cannot even partake. If he tested positive he would lose his job. I do try to go to other areas of the house when I medicate by smoking,this thought occured to me many times. If it is true that people get cancer from second hand cig smoke,then this makes me wonder about MMJ. Also if you have GERD and take a PPI,like Prilosec, or Nexium you will test positve.

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Yeah but this is the State and the regulations for truck drivers are unbelievable. LARA is like Nazis. And WE have to pay for all of them,even the hazmat and going to Canada one. We are old. We were supposed to be able to retire,and planned for it. Now he says he can retire when he dies.

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That is not true. The only way THC can be transferred is through ingestion or passive inhalation. Even in the case of the latter the THC content would be in lower amounts. As a Medical Technologist, who have studied this for my own personal reasons I say that is hogwash. Here is an extract for some proof http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3037193.

^^^The requested page does not exist.
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