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Newborn Meconium Drug Test.

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can anyone please share information you have on this topic? my sister just had a baby. she smoked very little before her 5 months and hasnt smoked at all afterwards. cps was involved for marijuana once already and they are testing my nephews poop and if the test is positive she will have another case opened. should she worry? PLEASE HELP!!!

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first of all welcome to the site! 2nd of all why do you think we know it all about baby poop and cps? is this your first time here?


I would have to think any thing the mother did while pregnant could be found in the baby, if not the poop than the hair when the baby comes out or anytime after!


maybe our member that is a dr. could answer your question best!



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Meconium is the first stool that the baby passes after they are born.(For all you dudes that don't have kids yet). Seems to me they would be testing the embilical cord blood first.THC does pass thru the blood/brain barrier. And yes,if they test positive,CPS will get involved.Especially since they have already been involved.I don't know why women still smoke or drink while they are pregnant,or why they are junkies and crackheads or alcoholics. If you cannot quit something for a small amount of time for your childs own good,then you have a problem. If you pass that onto a newborn baby you should get your azz kicked. Ever see a addicted newborn? What they have to go thru and the permanent damage it does? If you do see it,you will NEVER forget it.

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Dr Drew Pinsky is an addiction medicine specialist. He says you can be addicted to marijuana. He is also an advocate for outright legalization so I don't think he gots an agenda.


Zapata is right it isn't a good comparison becuz marijuana is medicinal. But if my ole lady was pregnent I wouldn't want her on any meds unless necessary. You never know what can flower with the baby. That's why a lot of women don't want narcotics as pain killers in labor. They say its safe for the baby but you never know. When my old lady was pregnant she wouldn't even take motrin but sometimes ya need meds ya know? I'd rather she took marijuana then motrin.

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Dr Drew don't make a living from patients. He still treats some but most of his scratch comes from other things nowdays. He's for all out legalization. Ain't many high profile peeps will come out on that side. So props to him. Ifn he was all bout lining his pockets he's make sure he appealed to a broader audience and he'd keep his politics to himself. He da man.

Wonderin out loud though Zapata whered you get yer info from?

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I had meconium on my shirt as I read this yesterday, funny coincedence.

Had a girl yesterday just before seven am, Tristan.

My wife did a lot of research and we both decided the only negative side effects from thc,involving the child, would be from law enforcement and or CPS. She abstained completely just to be sure, wouldn't even use a CBD based topical.


To the op, after five months there should be nothing in the babies system, good luck, congratulations and I hope all works out well for you.

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I was only allowed 1 "like" to be pressed today, what gives?


There are hundreds of medicinals that would not be advisable to take during pregnancy. I have never considered mj during pregnancy, but sure was judgmental about cigarettes, crack, booze, heroin etc when I heard  of it.

Personally I suppose I'd rather my ole lady use mj during pregnancy for her life symptoms than ANY other medicinal, or rx.   I'd prefer none at all.

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 The research is not complete on the effects of MJ on a fetus. It may cause problems later in the childs life. Wow. You guys are all smarter than anybody! Yeah,cigs were considered safe during pregnancy at one time too.. Just tell em,"I couldn't stop using  pot while I was carrying you." The ONLY reason to stop was getting in trouble with the LAW? Not the health of a child? OMG. No wonder no one takes medical MJ seriously. And make no mistake, marijuana is STILL considered an illegal drug. Not medicine. If she would have tested positive,CPS would have taken her right then. A stupid plant is more important than your child? And for the record,they DO NOT give you narcotics during labor. You either take the pain or have an epidural. Even a C-section uses NO pain meds. Get your facts straight.   Like you men even know what you're talking about.

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They will give you narcotics during labor. Some women choose that. I should be more clear. Some women think they can do natural childbirth and don't allow the epidural but then the pain becomes too intense and it is too late for epidural and they give you narcotics. I know because I've seen it first hand bro. Do a search for narcotics during labor and you'll see its hella common. And they use pain killers for a c section unless you mean the original c section that coined the term given to Caesar's mother. For a c section you either get a spinal, an epidural, or general anesthesia. Been there done that. Imagine cutting through all skin layers, ab muscle, and into the womb with no pain meds. That's medieval stuff right there.

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edit= if your wife or g.f was preganant and using mj would you worry?

not for the baby, but CPS yes.






heres something that may help OP though.


meconium was more likely to be positive if cannabis use continued into the third trimester.


We conclude that marijuana does not have a long-term negative impact on global intelligence.

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