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My Private Stash @ 5 Weeks

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only thing i would change is take all those yellow leaves off about a month ago.. for 3 reasons

A. they block light from penetrating deeper

B. as far as i know they dont assist in the photosynthesis in bloom thats what the sugar leaves that form r for and if u pick them it promotes new leaf growth

C. they r called sucker leaves for a reason they suck up energy that could be focused to the flower



but very nice very full buds and u still have some time left great time to add gravity

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Thanks Tarzan.


I don't know what the background of your Bubba is but if its anything like the two I have in flower now, you'll be very pleased. Mine has a ways to go still but it has bud sites everywhere. Looking forward to those as well, but nothing can touch the chemo so far. Or the Lemon Cake as far as I'm concerned.

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only thing i would change is take all those yellow leaves off about a month ago.. for 3 reasons

A. they block light from penetrating deeper

B. as far as i know they dont assist in the photosynthesis in bloom thats what the sugar leaves that form r for and if u pick them it promotes new leaf growth

C. they r called sucker leaves for a reason they suck up energy that could be focused to the flower



but very nice very full buds and u still have some time left great time to add gravity


a. the leaf will die on its own if isnt producing energy, so why kill a leaf that is bigger and closer to the light?


b. all leaves perform photosynthesis big or small the bigger ones just produce more energy, pt2. do you really want your plant focusing on new leaf growth when it is flowering?


c. They are called "sucker leaves" because of misinformation on cannabis forums. They dont "suck" anything but produce sugars thats the buds use to grow. A bigger leaf = more photon receptors and more light that can be utilized.

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a. the leaf will die on its own if isnt producing energy, so why kill a leaf that is bigger and closer to the light?


b. all leaves perform photosynthesis big or small the bigger ones just produce more energy, pt2. do you really want your plant focusing on new leaf growth when it is flowering?


c. They are called "sucker leaves" because of misinformation on cannabis forums. They dont "suck" anything but produce sugars thats the buds use to grow. A bigger leaf = more photon receptors and more light that can be utilized.


Well said


Very nice plants



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a. the leaf will die on its own if isnt producing energy, so why kill a leaf that is bigger and closer to the light?


b. all leaves perform photosynthesis big or small the bigger ones just produce more energy, pt2. do you really want your plant focusing on new leaf growth when it is flowering?


c. They are called "sucker leaves" because of misinformation on cannabis forums. They dont "suck" anything but produce sugars thats the buds use to grow. A bigger leaf = more photon receptors and more light that can be utilized.



But he got his info off youtube it must be true! >> /facepalm

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Actually, I tried what capoalto recommended on a plant in a previous grow.


The plant hermied. Trashed my whole grow and set me back big time.


I won't be doing that again. I'll try to clean it up around the bottom if needed in early flower but other than that, those leafs stay until they are pretty much dead.

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Actually, I tried what capoalto recommended on a plant in a previous grow.


The plant hermied. Trashed my whole grow and set me back big time.


I won't be doing that again. I'll try to clean it up around the bottom if needed in early flower but other than that, those leafs stay until they are pretty much dead.


they look soooo good am glad that you don't take other people ideas

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a. the leaf will die on its own if isnt producing energy, so why kill a leaf that is bigger and closer to the light?


b. all leaves perform photosynthesis big or small the bigger ones just produce more energy, pt2. do you really want your plant focusing on new leaf growth when it is flowering?


c. They are called "sucker leaves" because of misinformation on cannabis forums. They dont "suck" anything but produce sugars thats the buds use to grow. A bigger leaf = more photon receptors and more light that can be utilized.

first of all i was adding input not only from what ive read about countless times, but from first hand experience.

secondly why does the plant only produce those sugar leaves as i call them when in bloom?

and then there is this light penetration situation how can the flowers under those leaves receive light?

oh and it looks like the leaf died on its own.. plenty of leaves die and take quite some time and use quite alot of energy trying to stay alive

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first of all i was adding input not only from what ive read about countless times, but from first hand experience.

secondly why does the plant only produce those sugar leaves as i call them when in bloom?

and then there is this light penetration situation how can the flowers under those leaves receive light?

oh and it looks like the leaf died on its own.. plenty of leaves die and take quite some time and use quite alot of energy trying to stay alive

The flowers don't need light, there are no photo receptors there... lower leaves dying is from the plant sucking what energy and nutrients it can from them to feed the rest of the plant; a totally natural and good thing for the plant as a whole.


Just sayin...

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first of all i was adding input not only from what ive read about countless times, but from first hand experience.

secondly why does the plant only produce those sugar leaves as i call them when in bloom?

and then there is this light penetration situation how can the flowers under those leaves receive light?

oh and it looks like the leaf died on its own.. plenty of leaves die and take quite some time and use quite alot of energy trying to stay alive


I leave my leaves on for the most part. I trim a few here and there to allow light to penetrate. What I don't get is how the buds on the lower branches that get less light have just as much or more crystals than the buds closer to the light. WTF is up with that?

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I leave my leaves on for the most part. I trim a few here and there to allow light to penetrate. What I don't get is how the buds on the lower branches that get less light have just as much or more crystals than the buds closer to the light. WTF is up with that?

they say light breaks down thc.. i too have noticed some extra frosty lower flowers and sometimes my lower branches mature faster i think it is due to less stress through the whole cycle as i tend to supercrop and finger fuq the top flowers to check for density probably should do the latter but cant help it \

and i guess i wasnt literally referring to the actual lower flowers but the small leaves around them and and even the lower big leaves i try to only leave what doesent get in the way of penetration which seems to help me get more sites and longer less spaced out Tops

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Looking great my friend...I know that UBC Chemo is going to be a great smoke...hear nothing but good things bout her...is your Purple kush...Purple OG or just Purple Kush? I been meaning to ask you about your dirt blend..how much sweet lime do you add to your mix?

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