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My Letter From Dave Camp

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Filled out A thing online to legalize MMJ at a federal level and got this letter back from my local representative Dave Camp..


I am typing it word for word because my puter is not hooked up to printer scanner right now..I will pass this letter around at our next CC meeting On Sunday July 10th..


Dear Joe,

Thank you for contacting me.

I appreciate knowing your support for legalizing marijuana. I believe legalizing marijuana at the federal level sends the wrong message and could lead to increased illicit drug use, especially among the country's youth. According to a recent survey by the World Heath Organization on the use of illegal drugs, the United States leads 17 of the world's largest populated countries in both the use of marijuana and cocaine. To me, this is a frightening statistic.


Although we have differing perspectives on this issue, I appreciate knowing your views. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me.



Insert stamp here

Dave Camp...Uneducated idiot


I put the last part in

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Thanks for sharing this. Remember to put him in the "foe" category. There's a thread around somewhere that encourages us to list who is for us and who's against us.


How sad so many are spewing the party line, it seems they truly believe this bullcrap. I feel sorry for them, unwilling to even consider there's another side to this issue which they need to be aware of. It's so important for everyone to try seeing all sides of any issue before deciding how it applies to them or anyone else. They just parrot the same old stuff, despite how much damage it does and how ineffective it is. He must be getting paid very well to support the ideas in his letter. Forcing someone's views on others is wrong, especially if these are the person's personal feelings, while they're in public office, elected by We The People. Vote the s o b out! I know how difficult it would be for me if I were a rep, who was voted in by a majority of people who believe a particular way about an issue; it'd be hard for me to go against them, even if my beliefs differed. I'd prob'ly abstain from voting on that issue if it came before me. If a letter was written to me with those sentiments, and I opposed them, I'd have to say something, especially if this was someone who voted for me, but that's me. I don't know how many others would have this moral dilemma, but a genuine rep would. Being elected to any office is a serious responsibility, I wish more would realize just how much so. I doubt any rep would believe in EVERYTHING their party said. Should they? probably, who knows. It's like this, perhaps: I'm very loyal to this community but I don't agree with everything that goes on. Maybe being a rep is the same way? I don't know.


Sincerely, Sb

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I wouldn't condemn the whole lot of them, despite how many are creeps. There are a few good ones, I'm sure. Whoever they are will be brave enough and sensible enough to do the right thing, and when they do, we need to thank them.



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What about Portugal's statistics? Amsterdam? In the U.P., the town of "Garden", infamous for it's glory days in the 70's for it's "Garden Greenbud", and it has no problems with kids smoking. More weed was grown there than probably anywhere else in Michigan, and still to this day. The HS. kids DON'T smoke, well at least the ones with good parents. 18 was when it was "OK" to start smokin' there. They knew kids were thieves and liars, so they were stealin' buds from daddy to get high after school... Didn't fly for long, kids got a whoopin' and that was the end of that. But then after they graduated, fair game.


At least that's the story I was told from more than 1 person growing up (like from childhood to adult, not cultivating lol) there.

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You should reply to him and tell him that we lead 17 of the most populated countries in the world in drug use and spend more than anyone else does combating it. This proves that what we are doing is not working. If we spent half of that money on education and rehab, it would work so much better.


The US jails more people per capita than any other nation in the world. Offenders for as little as 1 gram of marijuana or possessing paraphernalia are in jail. Over 50% of the incarcerated individuals are in for drug offenses. That, my friend, is a frightening statistic.


In 2006 almost 70 BILLION dollars was spent on corrections. To house the 500,000 people who are waiting trials or who cannot afford bail cost 9 billion. Once again, we should be spending money on education and rehabilitation instead of incarceration. It has worked wonders in Portugal, and it could work here as well.

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It’s always a thorny discussion when you’re talking about kids and marijuana, because on every parent’s list of nightmares for their kid’s future is “hopeless drug addict”.

Our side has the anecdotes about the teenagers who smoke pot and get straight A’s and turn out to be wonderful adults.

Then their side has the anecdotes of the teenage doobie puffer who became either a listless slacker or a recovering heroin addict. Both sides have their studies and enough personal accounts to make compelling arguments. I didn’t try cannabis until I was 19 years old. I wouldn’t recommend its non-medical use by anyone under age 18, It’s not even that I’m so worried about any physical or mental harm that might befall a teenage pot smoker. It’s more that I think those teenage years are when your personality and character are formed. You’re experiencing so many emotions for the first time – love, jealousy, anger, frustration, accomplishment, loneliness, and so on – these things should be felt fully and unaltered.


However, I say this as a teenage drinker. I first drank at age 16. I have had many good and bad times with alcohol, up until, not-coincidentally, I first smoked marijuana. Looking back, alcohol led to far worse outcomes for me as a teen than had I been a marijuana user… assuming I wouldn’t have gotten caught. So I’m always curious about our society that is so quick to demonize the idea of teenagers smoking reefer when teenage use of alcohol seems pervasive and socially encouraged. Couple that with our pediatricians who seem more than willing to throw powerful pharmaceuticals at every troubled teen and I’m left perplexed.

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What about Portugal's statistics? Amsterdam? In the U.P., the town of "Garden", infamous for it's glory days in the 70's for it's "Garden Greenbud", and it has no problems with kids smoking. More weed was grown there than probably anywhere else in Michigan, and still to this day. The HS. kids DON'T smoke, well at least the ones with good parents. 18 was when it was "OK" to start smokin' there. They knew kids were thieves and liars, so they were stealin' buds from daddy to get high after school... Didn't fly for long, kids got a whoopin' and that was the end of that. But then after they graduated, fair game.


At least that's the story I was told from more than 1 person growing up (like from childhood to adult, not cultivating lol) there.

I had good parents and I still smoked weed..I consider myself to be a good parent..Honestly I would prefer if my kids were going to do anything it be weed. Its safer than popping pills and it is safer than alcohol...Its safer than anything they might run into including SEX nowadays.. So honestly just because a person kid smokes weed doesn't make them bad parents...Honestly what I remember from growing up...The kids who's parents were overly strict were the ones that did the worst stuff lol..I guess just to tinkle off mom and dad...Either way...Personally I feel it's a grand idea that a kid will never touch any alcohol or "drugs" is silly...Kids want to do something for fun and especially if you live in an area where drugs or booze is all they give you do to for recreation then thats what your gonna do..In he city there is plenty to do...But its prevalent there because its available in such a higher degree..I mean you really can;t win...So just give up and say weed wont destroy their liver or have them out being as awful as say meth would :)

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It’s always a thorny discussion when you’re talking about kids and marijuana, because on every parent’s list of nightmares for their kid’s future is “hopeless drug addict”.

Our side has the anecdotes about the teenagers who smoke pot and get straight A’s and turn out to be wonderful adults.

Then their side has the anecdotes of the teenage doobie puffer who became either a listless slacker or a recovering heroin addict. Both sides have their studies and enough personal accounts to make compelling arguments. I didn’t try cannabis until I was 19 years old. I wouldn’t recommend its non-medical use by anyone under age 18, It’s not even that I’m so worried about any physical or mental harm that might befall a teenage pot smoker. It’s more that I think those teenage years are when your personality and character are formed. You’re experiencing so many emotions for the first time – love, jealousy, anger, frustration, accomplishment, loneliness, and so on – these things should be felt fully and unaltered.


However, I say this as a teenage drinker. I first drank at age 16. I have had many good and bad times with alcohol, up until, not-coincidentally, I first smoked marijuana. Looking back, alcohol led to far worse outcomes for me as a teen than had I been a marijuana user… assuming I wouldn’t have gotten caught. So I’m always curious about our society that is so quick to demonize the idea of teenagers smoking reefer when teenage use of alcohol seems pervasive and socially encouraged. Couple that with our pediatricians who seem more than willing to throw powerful pharmaceuticals at every troubled teen and I’m left perplexed.

Totally agree...Here is another thing..Kids want to do something that is "cool" yo make them get noticed among peers. More often than not ciggies or alchohol are the two most easy thing to steal from a store or a hunting cabin lol..whatever the case i truly feel that there is no gateway drug...Kids who decide they need a "high" will start with something and how easy it is to get that something will make all the difference. Im just tired of Marijuana being used as the evil starting point when in reality just from personal experiences I have a number of times seen. I started with ciggies then added alchohol...Had weed been there rather than a ciggie i would have probably started with weed lol...And honestly I dont buy either sides evidence because when you go into a study hoping for an outcome to be what you want I feel things happen to make the study reflect what you want..


I can only speak from what I have seen and experienced...

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I have seen studies from both sides, so it's true, anyone can make a claim about something and find some way to back it up and make it look convincing.


When I was growing up, pot was my tool of choice- I was a rebel and that was one of my tools. I didn't like alcohol or cigs. My dad was a tyrant, a foster father was even worse. I went from one tyrannical situation to another, even school wasn't much of an escape, so I just bounced from one "prison" to another. I had my share of other drugs, they were as much of a tool as pot was, and, like so many who were lied to about mj, I figured, well, they lied about mj, so they're prob'ly lying about other drugs, too. Whatever they told me not to do, I wanted to do it, when it came to drugs. As much as I wanted to try the the harder drugs, I had a healthy respect for them even after I gained access to them, knowing they were far more dangerous than any amount of mj I could ever smoke. Many of the stories I heard about hard drugs came from news reports of people who died from taking too much, and I believed them. This was before I ever tried anything. I had also heard many stories of people dying from combining alcohol and hard drugs. Many times I'd also hear about someone being killed by a drunk driver, and other stories of fights in bars and abusiive people using alcohol, which made them much worse. Some people were only abusive while they were drunk, but were completely different when sober. It didn't take me too long to also realize how dangerous cigs were, too. When I heard stories like those from Refer Madness, I didn't believe them. My intuition just knew those reports were wrong. I had to see for myself what it was all about though, and many years later I realized just how truly valuable as a medicine this wonderful Cannabis plant truly is, despite the lies.


Sincerely, Sb

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  • 1 month later...

Here's a sample reply letter for him:


Dear Rep. Camp,


Thank you for your reply.


As a concerned citizen I am glad to know your position on this issue.


I had long suspected that you have no regard for the will of the people and your letter confirms this belief.


Apparently don't care about the sick and suffering being able to freely access medicine that will help them cheaply and effectively either.


Owing to these reasons I will do everything in my power to keep you from being re-elected. Thanks.




J.Q. Public


(p.s. Maybe you can get a job lobbying for the pharmaceutical industry)


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Filled out A thing online to legalize MMJ at a federal level and got this letter back from my local representative Dave Camp..


I am typing it word for word because my puter is not hooked up to printer scanner right now..I will pass this letter around at our next CC meeting On Sunday July 10th..


Dear Joe,

Thank you for contacting me.

I appreciate knowing your support for legalizing marijuana. I believe legalizing marijuana at the federal level sends the wrong message and could lead to increased illicit drug use, especially among the country's youth. According to a recent survey by the World Heath Organization on the use of illegal drugs, the United States leads 17 of the world's largest populated countries in both the use of marijuana and cocaine. To me, this is a frightening statistic.


Although we have differing perspectives on this issue, I appreciate knowing your views. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me.



Insert stamp here

Dave Camp...Uneducated idiot


I put the last part in


What they don't think about, or maybe want to hide, is that the US leads 17 of the most populated countries in the use of illicit drugs, yet we spend something like 5 times more fighting it than they do. So maybe prohibition isn't the solution, but rather part of the problem. I'd also like to ask him out of those 17 countries, how many of them have decriminalized it or have straight out legalization?

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A waste of time trying to talk any kind of facts, a common sense approach to cannabis or any logical solution to these narrow minded people. Not gonna change their minds.


They are an empty cup that will not be filled.


As we sow, so shall we reap. We are reaping what we have sown. There is yet another season for sowing and now another reason. Get them at the polls. There is no other way.


They hit us hard with this last barrage. Walk it off and let's get back to the important business at hand.


Activate. Advocate. Get involved. Turn off the computer & TV and get out there and get it done.


They are raiding dispensaries in every town. Go and show support. The Cannabis Community at large needs every single one of us. The alternative is unthinkable and failure is not an option. :rock:

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any parent that says they are worried about their childrens drug use, and then gives that same kid benedryll for a runny nose, or just to get them to go to sleep so momma can have a lil "Down Time", or gives their child any anti depressent, because some psychiatrist says it will help them, are totally full of their own fecises.



if a REAL Parent wants to know what the REAL Gateway Drugs are, they just need to look at any shelf in any riteaid or wallgreens, that has 2 isles of childrens over the counter drugs. these are given to our children at the tender age of Sub 1yr.




Dave Camp is a Midlander, as I am. He WILL NOT get my vote again. I ll personally call him, or even stop into his office if i can find some time thru the week, when he is also in town.


im a P-rick, but a P-rick with a golden tongue.

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I believe legalizing marijuana at the federal level sends the wrong message and could lead to increased illicit drug use, especially among the country's youth. According to a recent survey by the World Heath Organization on the use of illegal drugs, the United States leads 17 of the world's largest populated countries in both the use of marijuana and cocaine. To me, this is a frightening statistic.


This is the problom in this country politicians elected to serve us just do the opposite and serve their own agendas a real represenative serves his constituants not himself its not about what he thinks is right its what the people who pay taxes thinks is right .

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its more to the point, they are elected STATE representatives, but spend SO MUCH TIME in the WDC, they become Federalized and only see thru their Federally Issued Rose Colored Glasses.


good thing i have great eyesite as long as i wear a pair of simple 5.00 reading glasses. i dont need any federally issued new 3D glasses thank you.

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