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OK, so I heard this last night don't know if it is true or would even work!!


A farmer I know has been grinding the stalks and trimmings and feeding them to the chickens, he claims that the eggs they produce have a mmj content to them and are a great pain reliever.


If so that would be awesome but it sounds a little far fetched.



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Seems he may be on to something.

The mans father has been sick for some time has not been able to golf in years!

Two weeks after starting to eat the eggs he is mobile again and played his first 9 holes this summer in a long time.


I couldn't tell you what all goes into his mix, I am trying to get in touch with him to get a egg and have in sent out to be tested.

would be pretty sweet.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey there, I raise chickens and sell the eggs daily. I also give my birds the stalks, trim I don't use, male plants and they just love 'em! I can throw a 4 foot male in there and in a couple hours it is gone. The only thing I can say is my eggs are sold so fast I'm usually sold out by noon everyday! The customers say the eggs are the best they ever had! Maybe I'm on to something but my birds seem pretty happy and give me at least an egg/day from each consistently.

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Hey there, I raise chickens and sell the eggs daily. I also give my birds the stalks, trim I don't use, male plants and they just love 'em! I can throw a 4 foot male in there and in a couple hours it is gone. The only thing I can say is my eggs are sold so fast I'm usually sold out by noon everyday! The customers say the eggs are the best they ever had! Maybe I'm on to something but my birds seem pretty happy and give me at least an egg/day from each consistently.


Feeding the chickens the plant material might cause them to lay better eggs but it's highly doubtful that this is due to any cannabinoids being present within the eggs themselves. If we really need to settle it, bring us in an egg and we'll test it for cannabinoid content.

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and it help to grow your stuff with chicken poop


I just wanted to add that the chicken manure should be composted for at least 18 months as it contains 2% nitrogen and will burn your babies roots right off. Have you ever been playing out side and have a bird crap on your head, burns like hell.

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Urnine and exracment are done all in one, ever notice the white cap on chicken manure? Urine!


This is correct. Birds have what is known as a cloaca, a common orifice into which the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts empty into (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloaca). Humans have a transient cloaca during embryological development which is the subsequently divided into a separate bladder and rectum.

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Starting to wonder if I can have chickens in village limits..


The Right To Farm Act allows farming ANYWHERE in the state as long as the product is offered for sale (put a sign in your front yard). Local ordinances are meaningless as the act specifically overrules them. The Michigan RTFA is one of the strongest in the country.




PS. This doesn't mean that the locals won't try to stop you but the law is on your side.

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