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Has A New Patient Ever Asked


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Have you caregivers had a patient ask for a copy of your drivers license for there record?

I'm not sure how I feel on this one.....either way I would black out my address. Any specific purpose I might not be thinking of?

In fairness, I ask all my patients sign off on an agreement and give me a copy of there paperwork, but I may be called on to validate there info......

Whatcha think?

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the drivers license copy is required by the new forms...



I have included a copy of this caregiver’s Michigan driver license
or Michigan state ID (OR his/her photo ID and Michigan voter registration) and this completed Caregiver Attestation.

Edited by t-pain
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Have you caregivers had a patient ask for a copy of your drivers license for there record?

I'm not sure how I feel on this one.....either way I would black out my address. Any specific purpose I might not be thinking of?

In fairness, I ask all my patients sign off on an agreement and give me a copy of there paperwork, but I may be called on to validate there info......

Whatcha think?

what i think is that these types of locate-the-grow matters all point to the ideal set-up being one address for meeting patients, one for grow. 

Edited by pic book
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  • 1 month later...

I know this thread is old but I still felt the need to comment....I would never be concerned that one of my patients would rob me....If you think that's a possability it might be time to find a new patient...I only deal with people I trust...and I hope that they trust me too.

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 Both people also have their SS # on the form too. Anybody can get this info right off the internet. If you think your pt is going to ROB you then you are no "CG". Don't forget they invite YOU as a stranger into their home. You can see everything they have or don't have. And you could tell someone else. So get off your high horse dude.You are the ones that can hurt people,not the pt. And this is the way it turned out,after all the fighting amoungst ourselves,nobody trusts anybody. All because of money. I wish I never would have even gotten the stupid card,things were better the way they were before. Now the cops know who I am,the State has a record of me being a pt,it's all screwed up. I trusted my illegal source more than I trusted any stranger saying he wants to "help" me. LEO knows this,and this stupid law is just going to implode and disappear. Thats why all politicians just ignore it.Everything Govt touches turns to crap. Look at what is happening in our own country. It's very clear that nothing is ever going to be the same again. I thought using a PO was illegal. Guess not. So why should I as a pt,use MY real address? How do you send a copy of your DL with a PO on it? Something stinks.You can't have a PO on your Michigan DL. That right there would tip me off that somebody is a liar and cannot be trusted.

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I think everyone is going to rob me. Well, maybe not mom. That way I never get surprised and I don't get robbed. Everyone is on camera the moment they even turn the corner onto my street. If someone was to try and rob me it would just make interesting video. Do a 'show and tell' about your camera system and that's a great deterrent, actually better than hiding your address from people. Bring it, I'm not hiding.

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I think everyone is going to rob me. Well, maybe not mom. That way I never get surprised and I don't get robbed. Everyone is on camera the moment they even turn the corner onto my street. If someone was to try and rob me it would just make interesting video. Do a 'show and tell' about your camera system and that's a great deterrent, actually better than hiding your address from people. Bring it, I'm not hiding.


Some people like to say that a CG's desire to be as low-key as possible is an indication that they don't trust the patient not to rob them.  It is much bigger than that.  It is also about how well that patient would preserve the CG's confidentiality.  I keep confidential records in a safe that is bolted to the floor and too heavy for two strong men to carry it.  Cards posted on my door have pertinent information blacked out, leaving just registration numbers so if LEO knocks down the door when I'm not home, the validity of the cards can be checked.  But, if a crook breaks into my house, they won't be able to figure out where other patients live or who they are.  If someone wants my personal information such as a copy of my DL and isn't willing or able to treat it with the same level of safety I'd treat theirs, then they don't get the information.  Sorry if this upsets some people. 


And I'm not sure why a patient would be upset if a CG uses a PO box.  If I lose a card, it has a patient name/address on the front and a CG name/address on the back.   No way in heck do I want to take the chance that five patients will never lose a card.  Both parties should use a PO box for their own protection.  And the patient should be at least a little concerned about the CG getting robbed, because that could create a serious interruption with the patient's ability to get meds.


Another thing to consider.  The entire Koon ordeal started because a cop saw the MMJ card in his wallet.  I keep all cards in a paper sleeve in a separate wallet.  So there is only a very small chance someone might notice I have a card. 

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Rest,we DID get robbed. Out here in the boonies. So I guess I am more paranoid because of that. Now the crossbow is within easy reach,and I will see them before they see me.Since I have to be home most of the time,I feel more confident with a weapon. Like you,I say BRING IT. Oh and if you do have to defend your property,that would make one great video. Make sure you aim for the head............................we can all watch it and laugh. I never carry my card unless there is a reason. I think just what happened to that guy would happen to me. All they have to do is catch a glimpse,and then they do whatever they want to. I don't hate growers! I just pay them for a service,thats all. Just like any other service.

Edited by jointedone
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Rest,we DID get robbed. Out here in the boonies. So I guess I am more paranoid because of that. Now the crossbow is within easy reach,and I will see them before they see me.Since I have to be home most of the time,I feel more confident with a weapon. Like you,I say BRING IT. Oh and if you do have to defend your property,that would make one great video. Make sure you aim for the head............................we can all watch it and laugh.

I was also robbed long ago. Came home and they were in my house. The world changed for me that day. I'm as determined to keep them out as I am that I will not be shooting someone. Either way you lose.
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Yes,your world DOES change,doesn't it? I don't know what I would have done if they were still in the house. Just thinking of it still scares the crap out of me. I can't live my life afraid. And am still very hesitant to leave the house,I mean like take Valium hesitant. The dogs were in their cages. Now,the cages are just there for feeding time,and a new pup is coming to us saturday. Instead of a Jack Russell,this one is a GS/husky mix. And even if he is a sissy,he will still have a big bark. I am not the same person I was.Mentally I suspect everyone,and cannot get rid of that feeling. I guess thats why I act so mean. For that I am sorry. I used to be a friendly country gal. Now,you won't get up close to the house if we don't know you.

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I was a victim of a robbery while we were in the house. Gun's pistol whipped mom while dad had one shoved in his neck watching. Pistol whipper came to me with a .357 across my head, then pointed to my forehead and demanded to know where the goods were, knock at the door confused both, and dads swift fighting ended it all while the police busted in the door for the screaming. dad removed one mans teeth and face, and the other was subdued by two officers,  with dozens of billy club blows. Seems surreal to me now, but business as usual for era at the time. All the while a loaded .38 was in the couch end where I sat. When I looked at dad he read my mind and "said no". I was waiting only for my dad to save the day, then he came undone and did it when his captor flinched at the knock on the door.


I felt similar of home security as the above posters, forever before becoming a cg. Motion detectors, property monitors, yard cams, live feeds and redundant alarms give me some sense of security, and with a garden cam I can watch em grow from inside of the house. Strange though, I don't fear the bad guys playing bad guys now, as much as I fear bad guys playing good guys.

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thanks for the concern J1, Dad was humiliated that he couldn't jump sooner, but shined a few moments later. I didn't get over it really, and am a security freak as a result/ One of the reasons I may end up growing only for myself in the future. I have two weak links, one is the patient group, and the other is my card itself. gotta wonder who will have access to the volunteered info in the future. I did build a fortress, and work hard to keep "everybody" out, nail on the head there.


One thing I noticed though, the people hassled by LEO most often are not abiding by our Act rules. Somehow the police know exactly which car to search, which house to raid, and what people to watch to find violations.  Or maybe the raids on the compliant are rarely reported?

That is just horrible.Just makes you want to build a fortress to keep everybody out. So sorry grass. Watching your Mother and Dad beaten is just hideous. Don't think I could recover from that one. :(

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We thought when we moved out here 25 years ago that it would be safe,just mind our own,don't call attention to anything,know the few neighbors and their dogs. I never thought of the shotgun being used for humans,just animals. Now...........today we go to KZoo to pick up our newest family fur member,Paulie. He is not a JRT,he is a GS/Husky mix. And he is black. People were always afraid of our black dogs,they are also the last color to be adopted for some reason. I just want a big bark and don't even feel safe with only 2 dogs here. We will spend money this year to fence in the front and put up a gate across the driveway,NOT what we wanted to do.....But we hear alarms go off in the new big giant houses being built around us,and nobody every does a thing about it. Same with car alarms,people don't pay any attention to them. I found out that if you post Beware of Dog,then you are pretty much saying your dog will attack someone and can be liable for it. On your own property. BEWARE OF OWNER sounds like a better idea.

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