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If You Failed To Vote

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I swear i must be the kiss of death. All the people i voted for lost sheesh



a lot of forward thinkers probably share this feeling. it's not just you. the dumbing-down of this country has been in the works for a loooooong time my friend. we are now seeing the culmination of decades of right wing propaganda coming to fruition.


the anti-intellectualism in this country is astounding. the fear mongering and lies put forth by fox news and bogus attack political ads is really paying off for them. truly a sad state of affairs.


don't be surprised if some teabagger nutbar ends up as our president in 2012.

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Well, at least it will make sense when a Republican controlled MI government puts the screws to the MMMA, and we wont have to suffer from a sense of betrayal that would accompany a Democratic controlled MI government putting the screws to the MMMA.


After raping you the Republicans blame the victim, where as the Democrats send flowers and a get well card, but both have just screwed you royally just the same...


Oh, look my beard has grown longer overnight....

Just got fooled again!

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a lot of forward thinkers probably share this feeling. it's not just you. the dumbing-down of this country has been in the works for a loooooong time my friend. we are now seeing the culmination of decades of right wing propaganda coming to fruition.


the anti-intellectualism in this country is astounding. the fear mongering and lies put forth by fox news and bogus attack political ads is really paying off for them. truly a sad state of affairs.


don't be surprised if some teabagger nutbar ends up as our president in 2012.


like! X1000000000000000000000000000000000


A teabagger won't win in 2012 though. The corporate parties created the Tparty to solidify their status as the only ONE party in the country. The Tparty is just a pawn in the DC politibosses game.

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That is not true in Michigan. Republicans hold all branches of government. Which means they can steamroll any agenda they like. (That is how Bush ran up the deficit and took us into a war on lie about Iraq). You may feel the sky is not falling, but it was a sad day yesterday because people do or don't vote for the wrong reasons. We have a republican governor, atty general, house of representatives, senate and the 2 most conservative justices on our michigan supreme court.

You're right, I'm wrong, regarding the state senate.

Still, the MMA won't be tampered with.

The sky isn't falling.

Our executive branch was already opposed to MM and failed to keep the state cops under control.

The only thing that concerns me is the state supreme court. That has potential to cause trouble for the MM movement.

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Guest knucklehead bob

It's natural to want to 'blame' someone or something when our hopes are not satisfied.


Luckily we get another chance come 2012.


Right now IMHO we need to focus on what we need to do next to help insure that we keep the rights we gained when we passed the MMM Act.


And things haven't really 'changed'... we're still in the same crap hole we were in when the 'elections' occurred.


I'm gonna try and stay positive myself, so that I might be better able to see how I can continue to help.


The 'vote' is what it is at this point... we need to move on from here.


And yes, I think we can look forward to some BS from Lansing. But that's not unusual either.

:goodjob:well said , always forward
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The only soldiers that died for our right to vote did so in the late 1700's. The rest of the wars had dubious origins. Not that ending the Holocaust is dubious...It doesn't surprize me that the occasional weedbagger is also a teabagger! Democracy is not in a healthy state lately: Elections up for sale. Won't we see real political CARING when "troops" can treat their PTSD with whatever substance works:mmj? To say that our current wars have any validity is bullpucky. Such a waste of Life.and $'s.

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The only soldiers that died for our right to vote did so in the late 1700's. The rest of the wars had dubious origins. Not that ending the Holocaust is dubious...It doesn't surprize me that the occasional weedbagger is also a teabagger! Democracy is not in a healthy state lately: Elections up for sale. Won't we see real political CARING when "troops" can treat their PTSD with whatever substance works:mmj? To say that our current wars have any validity is bullpucky. Such a waste of Life.and $'s.


we didnt get into wwii to end the holocaust. just a reminder. (pearl harbor, eh?)


the survivors in my family waited a looong time for the US to rescue them, before and after they were sent to auschwitz. it ended up being the soviets that came.

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I have to agree at least a little with D&D. Perhaps his bedside manor is a little rough but I get the point. You may have the freedom not to vote but you have a moral obligation to participate in our republic. By voting you are defending our country against those who would destroy it from within. You have a moral obligation to those who have given their lives for freedom to insure that freedom continues by voting.


But voting is not enough in my opinion. I think everyone has a obligation to better understand how to think critically and spot intellectually dishonest debate techniques so you can make informed decisions about the issues and the candidates. If you don't know the difference between logical fallacies, fallacies of distractions, and fallacies of authority you should learn them. Because that is the only way as the Who put it, "we don't get fooled again."

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Which means they can steamroll any agenda they like. (That is how Bush ran up the deficit and took us into a war on lie about Iraq).

Actually 75% of the folks elected to Congress voted for the war(s).... I don't remember the Repubs having that kind of majority... Further the last 2 years of Bush the Dems had control of both houses.


They are all corrupt, Dems and Repubs, and every once in awhile there is a candidate that rises above it... Unfortunately, that is becoming less and less common these days.


My personal feelings on the OP is that it is definitely a civic duty to help select those that represent us. I also agree with other posters that it is a valid choice to not vote, if one cannot find something or somebody worth voting for. In terms of being too sick or busy to do so, I can only suggest that is why there is an absentee voting program throughout the country.


While in service, the only race I refused to vote for was president, as I didn't like the idea of being opposed to whoever would win the race, if my candidate lost. It was more of a personal choice, and I didn't like the inherent hypocrisy in choosing the Commander in Chief while being under their chain of command... Know what I mean?


Just my 3.5 cents, adjusting for inflation. ;)

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many dems didn't come out, so disgusted with the party I guess, who knows. I also understand what D&D was saying, it could've been said more tactfully. I understand the feeling, the shock of the disappointment, anger, fear of what's to come, etc. People express themselves the only way they know how, many do come off as harsh, many are aware of it and don't seem to know how to change it. Communication skills aren't taught properly. Listening is all but lost as a skill, and people often don't realize thetone they use has an affect on the listener. I'vve spoken to people who were disagreeing with me, and say, "you're raising your voice, nobody will listen to you as long as you speak that way," but they deny they're doing it. They need to hear themselves. The same point, without the scare tactics, would've been better received.



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In 2012 we'd ALL better get off our arses politically or it will be mess you will not believe.


Because even with the Dems still in control of the Senate there will be NO Federal changes in ANY marijuana laws at least for the next two years... that you can take to the bank.


And you can bet in 2012 I'll be VERY careful with my vote.


But VOTE I will... that you can take to the bank as well.

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I will start by saying this...


Until 2008 when our law was up for vote, I never once voted. Why, because the things I wanted to vote for were not an option, and my not voting was saying more than voting IMO.


Voting does not give you the right to dog out the non voters, or look down on them. Just as you "chose" to go vote, they "chose" not to. Great part of being a "free" country huh.



The one thing voting DOES give you, is the right to complain about the results.

Bottom line, those of us who did vote, are the only ones who have a right to complain about the results.


If you did not vote, DO NOT BIATCH about what is happening - you did not earn that biatchin right this year.


I didn't vote because i personally do not think it makes a difference. I will STILL BIATCH as much as I darn well please because IT IS MY RIGHT TO DO SO! There is nothing in the Constitution that says "if you dont vote, you are not allowed to exercise the right of free speech.


And to D&D, negative attitude that you expressed in your post is EXACTLY why this country is continuing to go to SH*T. Negative energy brings on negative things. It's a FACT of nature. But, are you REALLY going to delete your account because some of us citizens of the MMJ community didn't vote? C'mon now, we are all supposed to be a team. Every single person in this community counts. We cant afford to lose ANYONE.

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It was Helen Keller who said: "Science may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all- the apathy of human beings". But why is it today that we are so apathetic? Do we think our one small part is too small to make a difference ? It was Edmund Burke who said: "No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little". And while so many, today are slumbering in a sea of apathy, only a very few are chipping away at the very foundation, the very heart of just who we are as a nation. But they are winning in their destructive efforts. And if we don't do something very soon, sadly, it will be too late.

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Voting is an ancient and sacred rite with archaeological evidence of it going back into prehistory.

disdain it at your own peril

take it for granted at your own peril


you may want it at your own peril


Women have had the right to vote for less than 100 years in this country.

African-Americans died trying to vote within living memory in this country.


It can happen here

less than 50% turnout doubles the strength of those who do vote so if you trust your neighbor....

write ins are fun and inexpensive.

How about a paid national holiday for election day?

just an idea


maybe I was a bit dramatic but soldiers have died protecting freedom and thus voting.

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All good thoughts. I agree completely. We have the right and the privilege to vote and should do so.


(I still think the same as another poster, all politicians are corrupt and self-serving, it's just a matter of degree.. or as someone else on the forums said once, it's not a choice of a lesser evil, it's just evil wearing different masks...

Will admit I didn't always vote, but would never miss an opportunity now)


National Holiday to vote. Great idea. I envy my friend who works at Blue Cross/ Blue Shield, as they already do this, paid holiday for election days.

Take the hassle of voting before or after work out of the equation... I would hope that would motivate some people.


( btw, for those who work on election days, I've found going in to vote around 20-30" before closing means not waiting in line, easy in, easy out. Was done in 15" or less every time)


Found this quote posted in another newsgroup, thought it worthwhile:


Thought for Nov 2...

“The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men.” Lyndon B. Johnson


Please, everyone, use that right and that privilege next time. It's so vary important.


Peace to all.

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Voting is an ancient and sacred rite with archaeological evidence of it going back into prehistory.

disdain it at your own peril

take it for granted at your own peril


you may want it at your own peril


Women have had the right to vote for less than 100 years in this country.

African-Americans died trying to vote within living memory in this country.


It can happen here

less than 50% turnout doubles the strength of those who do vote so if you trust your neighbor....

write ins are fun and inexpensive.

How about a paid national holiday for election day?

just an idea


maybe I was a bit dramatic but soldiers have died protecting freedom and thus voting.


Paid or unpaid, a national holiday for election day is a great idea. I'm sure the turnout would be MUCH better.

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Imagine if everyone did a write in or a large majority of voters?



I do alot of write ins

it does not invalidate ballot and it is a vote for none of the above



most of us can and should get an absentee ballot, its easier and you can do it sooner than everyone that goes, if you cant get there you can just mail it in, the point is every one should vote, I dont let people tell me who to vote for, and it isnt to offten that the person i vote for wins, but at least i do try! and you can beleive I will be bitchin






I did not vote for obama either! he is all show and no go, hype, never seen a pres on t.v as much as i have seen this one, he thinks he making a movie, CYA Obama! wouldnt want to be ya!

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On November 4, 2008 3,006,820 (5,039,080 total) voters went to the polls in Michigan to support and grant us this great new right.


On November 2, 2010 3,283,041 voters went to the polls to vote, period.


1,756,039 voters less in 2010.


Leyton lost by 280,772 votes. Both Supreme Court candidates lost by approximately 500,000 votes. So the apathetic are correct, staying home makes little difference.


The United States Constitution grants every citizen the right to blow hot air (FREE speech ain't worth anything, that's why it's free). If you don't vote your not entitled to an opinion worth listening too!!!!

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In Brazil voting is mandatory, with fines or suspended-drivers-license type penalties for not voting. The whole country pretty much shuts down on election day -- schools, offices, stores close, factories shut down, and everybody votes. Those 16 and 17 years old are allowed to vote, but not required.


At least that's the way it was 15 years ago when I lived there. I just looked it up and it seems it's still about that way.

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