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Mother Loses Child Due To Medical Marijuana


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I lost custody of my oldest son in Oakland County mainly for my husband being a Medical Marijuana caregiver, but also because we are both patients. The case began with my oldest son's father(My ex) calling CPS. We reside in Macomb County with 3 children together, and I am pregnant. Macomb cleared us, but an Oakland County judge took my oldest. The ACLU, The American Civil Liberties Unoin is taking my case!(They are also handling the man who lost his job at walmart for having a MM card) They are handling the appeal, and providing me with a lawyer to regain custody of my son. They thought I was the only case of this kind but I heard of the Petoskey case, and others. I told them about other families being devasted, and I was asked to possibly find out who they were. If any one knows of similiar cases please call the ACLU Michigan, or reply to this. I want no one to be left without their children.

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It breaks my heart to hear about this dear. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang on tight, and fight hard. With the help of those guys in the ACLU you will get your family back. Keep us posted. There have been a few protests that are organized here. Many of them in Oakland County at trials if you wanted to post more details about your case and perhaps a court-date and location. I would bet that you would get some support in that area.

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It breaks my heart to hear about this dear. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang on tight, and fight hard. With the help of those guys in the ACLU you will get your family back. Keep us posted. There have been a few protests that are organized here. Many of them in Oakland County at trials if you wanted to post more details about your case and perhaps a court-date and location. I would bet that you would get some support in that area.

Thank you so much. I sign the paperwork Monday with ACLU to get the ball rolling. No court dates yet, but will post them once I know.

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The law is clear. I can't believe they would

do this. I know a guy at the Muskegon protest had the same problem. The law clearly states anyone under the act cannot have their children removed if they follow the guidelines of the act. What a travisty. I know you'll be aquitted. Thoughts and prayers with you.

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The law is clear. I can't believe they would

do this. I know a guy at the Muskegon protest had the same problem. The law clearly states anyone under the act cannot have their children removed if they follow the guidelines of the act. What a travisty. I know you'll be aquitted. Thoughts and prayers with you.

Who is this guy in muskegon? Have him respond to this or call the ACLU. Looking to help other families!

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Luvmybabies was there anything weird with your case like over the plant count? drugged driving etc? or is is just soley the call from the ex? I hope it is just not from a call from ex cause that is messed up. It will all be dropped in the end if it is that simple

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Luvmybabies was there anything weird with your case like over the plant count? drugged driving etc? or is is just soley the call from the ex? I hope it is just not from a call from ex cause that is messed up. It will all be dropped in the end if it is that simple

Nothing weird, just a call from the ex to CPS whom called this a "clear case of harrassment". The ex has a strong documented history of harrassing me. Thats why the ACLU is handling my case. My son was taken for one reason only, because my husband is a caregiver and we both have MM cards. And I am 5 months pregnant, not even smoking. So this is really messed up! Especially when I did not see my son on Mother's Day. :(

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  • 1 year later...

I understand what you are going through. I went from having my daughter 80% of the time down to less than 10 hrs a week parenting time. I had my "drug and alcohol assessment" with oakland county and was told I was a drug abuser for taking the medicine daily. I have been a stay at home mother for the last six years. I have not been able to tuck my baby into bed for 3 months and it is killing me. We are waiting to here from the courts about our next date. We had the meeting with the family counselor. He told me I didn't try enough "legal" treatments before going with the medical marijuana. The other "legal" treatments I have tried I have had adverse reactions to. We spent $2500 so far and my lawyer is now saying to make a deal with my daughters father. Any deal from him would be supervised parenting time and child support. He has said he wants me to get a real job and pay him child support so he can put our 9 year old in daycare, Instead of with her mother like she has been. He filed the court papers days after he was told I was going to get married. My so to be hubby is a wonderful man that cares and provides for me and my daughter. He is a purple heart veteran that was shot in the war. He is also a patience. I am getting so frustrated with the courts and lawyers, I just want what is best for my daughter and that is to be with her mother.

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Nothing weird, just a call from the ex to CPS whom called this a "clear case of harrassment". The ex has a strong documented history of harrassing me. Thats why the ACLU is handling my case. My son was taken for one reason only, because my husband is a caregiver and we both have MM cards. And I am 5 months pregnant, not even smoking. So this is really messed up! Especially when I did not see my son on Mother's Day. sad.gif


Where does this guy live? What is his address? I might like to write him a note. :yahoo-wave:

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I have a report from the UP about a judge telling someone in family court, who put her finger on the section of the law and showed him, that 'he can and will enforce federal law in his courtroom.' Difficult problem to overcome.


Dr. Bob

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I have a report from the UP about a judge telling someone in family court, who put her finger on the section of the law and showed him, that 'he can and will enforce federal law in his courtroom.' Difficult problem to overcome.


Dr. Bob


Seems like something the legislature could address in terms of penalties that could be applied to Michigan residents and medical cannabis cardholders from other States and Countries . There is terrible resistance to change in the State . This issue brings out the best and worst in people . YOu would think a State Judge would follow Michigan law and that they can't see the wrong of it to do otherwise is pure evidence of discriminatory intent in violation of their office and oath to Michigan . The voters spoke and to legislate from the bench is injuring patients who can only attempt to follow the act and believe in respect for its protections .

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that 'he can and will enforce federal law in his courtroom but he is not a federal judge and it is not a federal court room so how can this be

does any one have a update to were this case is any links to the news?


He doesn't have to be a federal judge. But you are welcome to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of your life in a legal fight against a sitting judge.


It isn't right, but they do it sometimes simply because they can.


Dr. Bob

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I lost custody of my oldest son in Oakland County mainly for my husband being a Medical Marijuana caregiver, but also because we are both patients. The case began with my oldest son's father(My ex) calling CPS. We reside in Macomb County with 3 children together, and I am pregnant. Macomb cleared us, but an Oakland County judge took my oldest. The ACLU, The American Civil Liberties Unoin is taking my case!(They are also handling the man who lost his job at walmart for having a MM card) They are handling the appeal, and providing me with a lawyer to regain custody of my son. They thought I was the only case of this kind but I heard of the Petoskey case, and others. I told them about other families being devasted, and I was asked to possibly find out who they were. If any one knows of similiar cases please call the ACLU Michigan, or reply to this. I want no one to be left without their children.

There was a ruling a year or so ago..Which stated from HIGH courts..THAT STATE officers CAN NOT enforce Federal Law..This was about a year or so ago..I will look and see if i can find it..BUT having a brain fart...But if we can find that..IT should be able to help..
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I have a report from the UP about a judge telling someone in family court, who put her finger on the section of the law and showed him, that 'he can and will enforce federal law in his courtroom.' Difficult problem to overcome.


Dr. Bob


It's too bad he won't enforce Michigan law.

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He doesn't have to be a federal judge. But you are welcome to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of your life in a legal fight against a sitting judge.


It isn't right, but they do it sometimes simply because they can.


Dr. Bob


If this judge is an elected official, then he can be fired in November. REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER!

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