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Flood them with e-mails for this self morals act of stupidity. Their making their own forms for this. And these A-Holes want there freedom but not yours. http://miafr.com/201...n/#comment-3630

Top Gun Shooting Sports are the donkey HOLES hear.

16725 Racho Road

Taylor, MI 48180


734-282-8472 Fax

Email: contact@tgssinc.com. warrior.gif

Not to mention someone on more then one occasion have gone to their range and blew there head off.

This would be a good letter to send these A-Holes...


So how many people shot themselves in the head today at your range with their Medical Marijuana? And what is the total casualty count at your range/shop to date since opening? Do you think if the Conn. Shooter could have killed all those kids by throwing his Mom's Med. Mar. @ them? Besides the Feds said they aint going after MM. And the State Police aren’t paid to enforce fed law. Or they would be arresting MM patients cause it's federally illegal. Read this...CPL returned to MM card holders. Feds Supreme Court won't take the Sheriffs case in Oregon After it got shot down in every court from Appeals to the Supreme Court of Oregon. Sounds to me like the country is legalizing MM state by state every ballot. And at the same time trying to ban as many gun rights as possible. Sounds to me like Pot 1, Guns 0.



Edited by idge

The City of Clare also specifically asks if you are a medical marijuana card holder on their forms (they use the old pistol permit forms) when you go to register a firearm you purchased out of state. I questioned them on this, indicating that it was none of their business, they informed me in no uncertain terms that if I refused to answer the question or answered yes, I was barred from registering the firearm for 6 months due to federal law.


Dr. Bob


There must not be very many cannabis patients that want to use guns at their ranges or they wouldn't do this. The owners sold you out to the Ted Nugent types. The NRA sold you out first. There's more money in exclusion, and hate mongering, than there is in our pockets.


If I had to give up a MM card or CPL(which just means a restricted CCW). It would be the CPL. I lot of gun nuts carry everywhere, like their scared everywhere they go through their day. Like their hoping a bad guy comes in front of their sights. Come on Man. Don't be scared gunners. Smoke, drink, and be merry.



The City of Clare also specifically asks if you are a medical marijuana card holder on their forms (they use the old pistol permit forms) when you go to register a firearm you purchased out of state. I questioned them on this, indicating that it was none of their business, they informed me in no uncertain terms that if I refused to answer the question or answered yes, I was barred from registering the firearm for 6 months due to federal law.


Dr. Bob


Purchase in state then.


The City of Clare also specifically asks if you are a medical marijuana card holder on their forms (they use the old pistol permit forms) when you go to register a firearm you purchased out of state. I questioned them on this, indicating that it was none of their business, they informed me in no uncertain terms that if I refused to answer the question or answered yes, I was barred from registering the firearm for 6 months due to federal law.


Dr. Bob


And also are they going to report to the Feds and will the Feds investigate? Clare can't enforce federal law for them.


And also are they going to report to the Feds and will the Feds investigate? Clare can't enforce federal law for them.


Well, tell them that while they are declining your permit, before you take them to court.


I understand that this is a local issue. It's also a national one. The NRA won't stand up for MMJ patients. They are setting a national trend that's being followed by local affiliates and organizations of the same philosophy.


It really sucks actually. How many MMJ patients have supported gun rights only to have the NRA throw them under the bus? It's a travesty.


That is not really a fair statement. This is by historical markers a relatively new issue. If there ever was a time to force the issue with the NRA it is now.


That is not really a fair statement. This is by historical markers a relatively new issue. If there ever was a time to force the issue with the NRA it is now.


The NRA has already said they don't think we should have guns. They're no use to us. I'm not sure where to start to get help with this. I honestly don't think the NRA will help.


Are we required to provide medical information? Does not HIPPA let us off the hook? What is the worst that would happen if we were to tell them what we want them to hear?


Better yet, don't register. Buy from a private citizen and don't let them know you have it.


It's none of their business.


Actually by law you must register handguns. Some of mine were purchased out of state when I lived out of state. One that I registered today was an Italian army pistol captured from an officer in WWII and brought home as a war prize. Having an unregistered handgun is a 5 year felony I believe.


Dr. Bob


Actually by law you must register handguns. Some of mine were purchased out of state when I lived out of state. One that I registered today was an Italian army pistol captured from an officer in WWII and brought home as a war prize. Having an unregistered handgun is a 5 year felony I believe.


Dr. Bob


Possession of an unregistered handgun is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in the county jail. Possession of a handgun in a motor vehicle is a five year felony.


Possession of an unregistered handgun is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in the county jail. Possession of a handgun in a motor vehicle is a five year felony.



Gotcha. I think the end result is it is still a crime, just what type is determined by other factors.


Dr. Bob


So I cannot own a gun if I have a medical marijuana card?


You're not allowed to own one of you're on prescription narcotic painkillers either. Any addictive prescription drug actually.


It is all a quagmire. The result of good intentions gone bad. Tooldini, county by county you can go from totally excepting of cardholders with guns to totally against. The best thing to do is find out where your county gun board stands. Also the federal firearm application asks if you are using any illegal drugs, the answer for those of us carded MMJ patients and caregivers is clearly no under our state law. Some will obviously say "but federal law" but nothing! This will no doubt end up in the courts at some point, it is clearly a states rights issue.


Until the feds catch up tho I would advise everyone to be mindful of the situation as it actually is and be careful.


I agree but the feds have specifically put out a position paper. To challenge it would require a lot of lawyers and money. It isn't right, but it is reality.


Dr. Bob


You are correct .



Actually if you had the card but never smoked, or won’t test positive for THC. You’d be ok. But, what’s the point. The State has no law against alcohol/drugs except if you are high/drunk and shouldn’t possess a gun in public high/drunk. There is a Bill going through right now that protects you wile intoxicated; in your own dwelling you can defend yourself with your gun in your own place of sleep. (Home, Hotel, friends couch ect…if the bill goes through…It will in some form. It only makes sence.






There's a lot of law changes here...http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7-123-1645_4607_57129---,00.html

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