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Sen Richardville Has Become A "real Believer In Medical Marijuana And The Science Behind It"


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REAL BELIEVER: Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, said this week that he has become a "real believer in medical marijuana and the science behind it" after studying House-approved bills that would allow for the return of regulated dispensaries and edible versions of the drug.


Both bills are awaiting action on the Senate floor, and while Richardville is aiming for a vote this month, he said he doesn't want to rush the process as various stakeholders discuss possible changes to the bills.


"I'm aiming for September," he said. "It might be after the election in November, not for any political purposes, but just because I know law enforcement doesn't like a lot in it. There are people that have real needs out there, and I'm a believer. I wasn't before."

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The only reason he's saying it's not for political purposes is because....


So now the cops can hold up legislation???  Who do they work for, the cops or the patients.  Just another show of politicians pitting people against people by letting them have a say over patients rights!  donkey rectum!


So how many cops is it that have problems with the bill?  It sure isn't the cops in Lennon or Swartz Creek.  How many(or few) of these cops have control over us patients!  They can not only put us in jail, they can have control over what they put us in jail for!!!!


If he was a believer he'd stand up for us!!!

Edited by Norby
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Soo, who else will write him and inform him that he has their vote only if he brings these bills to a successful conclusion before the election? Is he term limited?


That't the way things work Norby. A lot of groups and individuals, some with a great deal of influence, make noise that elected reps listen to. We have our own position, and have no one to blame but ourselves if we don't use it.

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Mal, I know a lobbyist. Said he went around, to all the clubs and was talking to the owners before they got shut down. They all told him to get lost, they didn't want to pay him to shmoosh.


Pot growers can lobby two, and form unions. Why NOT. Job security. Why not start now before it's to late. Instead of sitting around later like that South Park episode yelling day took er jobz.


The cops have plenty to do, there's tons of murders, raspiest, thieves, child molesters, ect for them to bust. There just to buisey focusing on this hole marijuana thing. Plus it's easy busting pot people, look at all these articals on hear about people getting busted.


People just hop on the canna bandwagon with out any for thought on how to be a successful career criminal.





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Mal,why are you such a creep?  You always have to call people names like on the playground at recess. Grow up. You wanna fight with me? Take it to the PMs. Obviously you like your pubic,I mean public,comments to be read by everybody. Wow,aren't you the clever one.................Typical libturd fool. Now take your hand out of your pants and don't let your knuckles scrape the ground as you walk away.

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Mal,why are you such a creep?  You always have to call people names like on the playground at recess. Grow up. You wanna fight with me? Take it to the PMs. Obviously you like your pubic,I mean public,comments to be read by everybody. Wow,aren't you the clever one.................Typical libturd fool. Now take your hand out of your pants and don't let your knuckles scrape the ground as you walk away.


Reminds me of a story about a conversation between the pot and the kettle.

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I only respond to your plethora of verbal attacks you impart on people, including myself,  on a near daily basis jointedone.  I could show you your posts and you are the number one jerk on this forum as far as it goes about attacking other people.


 I can't stand people that can dish it out, but not take it.


 Change your behavior and I will change mine against you.


 You have earned my respect and I show you just how much of it you have earned.


You always pretend to be a victim, assume that role at the drop of the hat and embrace it like an old friend.


Maybe one day you will look in the mirror and realize you act like a pestilent little brat and spew hatred onto the world with absolute disregard for truth or reality.

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I only respond to your plethora of verbal attacks you impart on people, including myself,  on a near daily basis jointedone.  I could show you your posts and you are the number one jerk on this forum as far as it goes about attacking other people.


 I can't stand people that can dish it out, but not take it.


 Change your behavior and I will change mine against you.


 You have earned my respect and I show you just how much of it you have earned.


You always pretend to be a victim, assume that role at the drop of the hat and embrace it like an old friend.


Maybe one day you will look in the mirror and realize you act like a pestilent little brat and spew hatred onto the world with absolute disregard for truth or reality.


I think she's deeply troubled, as are most people with such a huge chip on their shoulder and who seem to always be looking for a way to criticize someone else.  She does this often at the expense of her own credibility.


 A good example just arose in another thread where CO prices were discussed, and it was suggested she could look at weedmaps.com.  She criticized the responder with a sarcastic remark about being too discreet to use weedmaps.  So the lady who has posted numerous times about talking about MMJ to everyone on the bus and even handing out medicated candies to people with no card decided to reject this other person's suggestion of web research because she is too discreet.  When people behave this way, or as she has in this thread, we can only conclude that they are looking for any way possible to make someone else not only look bad but to feel bad about themselves too. 


She also rails against progressive thinkers and government assistance....yet she complains that her doctors don't do enough for her and seems to believe she is entitled to some higher level of medical care. 


I think she is an emotional wreck.  She spews hate onto people for just about any reason, even if she shares the same shortcoming as the person she berates.  The only conclusion I can come to is that she hates pretty much everyone, herself included, otherwise she'd at least quit throwing herself under the bus.  I try to see people with such ailments through the same lens as those with physical problems and give some understanding and compassion.  But it gets old after a while.

Edited by Highlander
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