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Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Go Unregulated, Residents Fed Up


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Nancy Mahlow has lived in Lansing for more than 30 years. She's the president of the Eastside Neighborhood Organization.

She knows the city. And she doesn't like what's happening to it.


"If you drive down Cedar Street or MLK it's almost like one right after the other. I think one of the corners there's like one on all four corners. It's ridiculous. It's out of control," Mahlow said.

She's talking about medical marijuana dispensaries. She and others from the East Side wrote a letter to the Lansing City Council asking them to do something about the proliferation on unregulated and unlicensed shops in the city.

"What is that saying to other people that come to our city," Mahlow, who says the number of shops is probably driving away business and possible residents, said. "When you're driving down main corridors and all you're seeing is these facilities."

The city has a licensing ordinance on the books that requires dispensaries to obtain a yearly license. Applicants must be in good financial standing and pass a background check. Shops have to have insurance and can't be within 1,000 feet of schools, day cares, and drug rehab centers.

But no one is enforcing the ordinance. The city clerk hasn't issued licenses.

"A number of people have been asking if they're illegal, then why aren't you shutting them down?" Councilperson Carol Wood said. "When we ask that of the city attorney's office, part of the answer that we receive back is that it's the state that's saying that they're illegal. But the state isn't closing them. So it's this round robin of not knowing who's watching the hen house."

Wood says members of city council are asking the same questions.

"We need to tackle this. It's something that the public's been demanding, it's something that members of council have been asking the same questions," Wood said. "And now it's to take the bull by the horns and move forward with it."

The first step for that is a meeting between Wood and the Public Safety Committee and the City Attorney's office Friday at 3:30 p.m.

Wood says they will discuss the current ordinance. "Are there deficiencies in it? Do we need to make changes? If there aren't deficiencies in it, then can we move forward and start getting the clerk to start issuing licenses?" Wood said.

She emphasized that the city council is not trying to shut down dispensaries. It's just trying to regulate them, so they can be safer for the community and for patients.



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Ya, but they are embarrassing to see esp when tehre are a bk and mcds and wendys and chipotle covering all 4 corners and no Panera anywhere to be be seen.  Panera actually has a book.  When my wife asked if a sandwich had any dairy she said she didn't think so but let's consult the book.  It had calories, ingredients for allergies, nutritional content.  Plus I've never had to smoke after eating there.  Any of the other 4 would have me doubled over.  I mean, to each his own.  Maybe I'm just jealous that other people can eat at those places without getting sick.  Really it's that I think that those places are getting people sick(esp after supersize me) but I said I wouldn't complain....  At least it's not in a publication and it's just an elaboration on a posed question even if it is bitching... :)


I've tested it  couple times, just to see if I'd healed enough to take a bk burger cause they do taste good.  Don't know if it's the sugar in the condiments or the taste that reminds me of childhood but each time I feel like someone dropped a bowling ball in my gut about 20 minutes later.  I can handle 4 slices of pizza now with no lactaid and no need to smoke afterwards but still can't handle the fast food burgers

Edited by Norby
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