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City Council Working On Medical Marijuana Regulations


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Regulating medical marijuana dispensaries is no easy feat.

Council member Carol Wood has been working on it for years. "Sometimes it feels as if you're going two steps forward and three steps back," Wood said. "But the importance is getting it right."


The Lansing City Council, especially its Public Safety Committee, is struggling now with putting together a licensing ordinance that gives the city the power to regulate pot shops, without licensing places that don't follow state law.

"Whenever you talk about regulations there's always two, plus 5,000 more, sides to the story that you have to deal with," Council Member Kathie Dunbar said. "It's a juggling act." It's not just state and local law the council has to think about. Community members, business owners, and patients have interests the committee has to consider as well, Dunbar said.

"We do need to regulate, but we also need to be concerned about the rights of the owners of theses businesses to operate in a commercial setting that is viable for them," she said.

The committee decided to ask Deputy City Attorney Joseph Abood to come up with a possible framework for a new licensing ordinance. It also asked Abood to look into putting a moratorium on any new dispensaries, per a Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce request. The idea drew mixed reactions.

"It would be reasonable to put in place a moratorium temporarily. It doesn't mean they're shutting anybody down, what it means is it's a pause to give the city time to determine how they're going to license the existing medical marijuana centers that we have," Robin Schneider, who attended the meeting and works for a patients' rights group, said.

Dustin Hidey spoke at the meeting, and says dispensaries are necessary for patients to safely meet up with caregivers. "Where do you meet with that person to have that transfer of medicine?" he said. "We don't have any place like that right now other than dispensaries."

Abood said he will bring ideas for both to a meeting March 11.



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What a sick joke. You meet at the patients' home or the CGs home or at any place in between. Hell, even the parking lot at a PD station.


I totally understand the benefits to a patient to have the option of shopping at a dispensary. But to pretend that a dispensary is the only place for patients to safely get meds is simply foolish

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maybe they could talk about the source of their salable cannabis. Or why a patient would pay more for their supply to cover the

rented meeting space charged to the caregiver. Dispensaries historically get raided with patients inside. I'd like to know of the provided

protections for my supply, my patients and myself when leo rams the door to catch another caregiver not following the law in the rented space.

I suspect a developing line a caregivers shilling for the main supplier like other open markets have attempted, not that I give two chits really, but

it doesn't look good when discovered.



don't get me wrong, I like the idea of a market place, for profit, big profit even, I don't care.  Let the market decide what is worth what to whom.

 This would be a great place to discover new genetics and meet like minded breeders too. There is such a space in Flint, or was and a good place to visit I hear.

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maybe they could talk about the source of their salable cannabis. Or why a patient would pay more for their supply to cover the

rented meeting space charged to the caregiver. Dispensaries historically get raided with patients inside. I'd like to know of the provided

protections for my supply, my patients and myself when leo rams the door to catch another caregiver not following the law in the rented space.

I suspect a developing line a caregivers shilling for the main supplier like other open markets have attempted, not that I give two chits really, but

it doesn't look good when discovered.



don't get me wrong, I like the idea of a market place, for profit, big profit even, I don't care.  Let the market decide what is worth what to whom.

 This would be a great place to discover new genetics and meet like minded breeders too. There is such a space in Flint, or was and a good place to visit I hear.

Just remember take your own water if going to Flint

isn't that the place where they took everyones car from the parking lot ?

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I don't know about taken cars sry. I went to the airport a few times from i69, but other than that I don't/wont go to Flint. (EEwww, my eyes)


I really did want to visit that market....just never felt right when I thought about it. A nearby buddy could have convinced me maybe, but not now. I'm not interested in anything produced in Flint.  I think leaders there have it in for their residents maybe being duped in lots of other areas too........and I like sausage sometimes . :(

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