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The "new" Mmma Advisory Committee


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Joe has asked that I chair this committee and I have humbly accepted that task. Now comes one of the most difficult jobs of such an assignment. Finding the right people to work on this committee. I have a lot of knowledge, however my organizational skills are lacking. What we need are folks who are willing to leave their ego's at the door, have a level headed approach to problem solving and are able to come up with sound solutions to some very pressing matters. It is my goal to make this advisory committee a place where anyone can feel welcome to present their ideas freely and openly. Many people come to mind, but I don't want this to be a one sided affair, I have made some misjudgements in the past when it comes to finding people to work with who are completely of sound mind. So, I am hoping that you, the community that we will be representing, can make some suggestions as to who should be on this committee (only if they are willing mind you). Please feel free to make such recommendations at this time. If you feel uncomfortable with posting these suggestions in such an open forum, please feel free to call me at my home. I can be reached at (810) 229 8053, ask for Doug. And please, don't get upset if some of the suggestions go unheeded, there is nothing personal in this, we just need the proper mix of patients, caregivers and known leaders who can get this job accomplished without the usual in fighting and non communication. I will be burning up the phone wires over the next few days to come up with a preliminary list of suggested people. I do admit that while I know many people in the movement, I certainly haven't had the opportunity to meet all involved. So, please advise us how you would like to see this go forward.


I admit that after a year and three-quarters of involvement in the 3MA that I do have some biases. I will try to let bygones be bygones and listen to any and all suggestions.


While I didn't want to get involved in this level of the fight, I am willing to at least attempt to get this up and working in a timely manner. I cannot and will not be able to do this alone. This committee will represent the grass roots level of the 3MA as much as I can make that happen.


Peace and Respect to all of you...j.b.

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A united front. A place where all can meet on even ground and address the battles that stand before us.


Without some effort on someone's part we are looking at the slow dismantling of the MMMAct by parties who would see us lose the rights we have gained. If we aren't working as a single entity we will defeat ourselves without any help from the anti's. What I see the advisory committee doing is giving us a manner in which all concerned parties can help to direct the 3MA down a path that will get us what we need without quite as much friction. It may require that many of us step back from our current mode of thinking and start thinking about the long range mission, instead of simply looking at what will work or not work in the short term.


It has already been a very long day, I think I'm starting to not make sense...gonna take a break and break bread with my family. I'll make another stab at trying to explain myself later this evening...Peace...j.b.



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Joe has asked that I chair this committee and I have humbly accepted that task. Now comes one of the most difficult jobs of such an assignment. Finding the right people to work on this committee. I have a lot of knowledge, however my organizational skills are lacking. What we need are folks who are willing to leave their ego's at the door, have a level headed approach to problem solving and are able to come up with sound solutions to some very pressing matters. It is my goal to make this advisory committee a place where anyone can feel welcome to present their ideas freely and openly. Many people come to mind, but I don't want this to be a one sided affair, I have made some misjudgements in the past when it comes to finding people to work with who are completely of sound mind. So, I am hoping that you, the community that we will be representing, can make some suggestions as to who should be on this committee (only if they are willing mind you). Please feel free to make such recommendations at this time. If you feel uncomfortable with posting these suggestions in such an open forum, please feel free to call me at my home. I can be reached at (810) 229 8053, ask for Doug. And please, don't get upset if some of the suggestions go unheeded, there is nothing personal in this, we just need the proper mix of patients, caregivers and known leaders who can get this job accomplished without the usual in fighting and non communication. I will be burning up the phone wires over the next few days to come up with a preliminary list of suggested people. I do admit that while I know many people in the movement, I certainly haven't had the opportunity to meet all involved. So, please advise us how you would like to see this go forward.


I admit that after a year and three-quarters of involvement in the 3MA that I do have some biases. I will try to let bygones be bygones and listen to any and all suggestions.


While I didn't want to get involved in this level of the fight, I am willing to at least attempt to get this up and working in a timely manner. I cannot and will not be able to do this alone. This committee will represent the grass roots level of the 3MA as much as I can make that happen.


Peace and Respect to all of you...j.b.

Well just a thought here but wouldn't the best way to tackle this be to elect one or two people from each county to report or handle matters per county? Each county is different and all have VERY different needs. I am willing to be one of the reps for my county just let me know what I would need to do...

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why cant we establish locations throughout the state, organized and managed by modeling after VFW, Eagles, KofC, etc...

Good idea, and have a main chapter, all most like bike clubs, eacg chapter have a lead man, and so on down the ladder.. every one payes dues. each club holds different evenst to earn money..and send a littlee to the top... and if other club having some trouble, they have ALL othr clubs to lean on..

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Good idea, and have a main chapter, all most like bike clubs, eacg chapter have a lead man, and so on down the ladder.. every one payes dues. each club holds different evenst to earn money..and send a littlee to the top... and if other club having some trouble, they have ALL othr clubs to lean on..


right on! statewide support, voting, fund raising, public and charitable events, etc...

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I see many good ideas here I just hope it doesn't get too complicated or it'll be harder to put in place and keep it working smoothly. Of the few things I remember from a business class, was something called "Management By Objective," which I'm sure someone else can explain better than me. I have a feeling it might be helpful here. This is how I see it: we have this committee to help guide 3MA. So there's a need and a goal, a strategy, and the people who can carry them out. I wish I still had that business book but if I weren't so tired I'd look up MBO.


Of what I learned of sales techniques, the main objective is fulfill the customer's needs, or client, which in this case is the patient. Sales not only means selling things, but ideas and services. The techniques I learned are not what most people think of when they hear that word sales, it's not the "in your face", pushy stuff, but based on the consumer's needs. The concepts are very adaptable to the MM community, here's how: CG offers a service, (not direct sale of meds but service of growing), CG talks to PT, PT needs uninterpretable supply of quality meds, from a safe, reliable source, CG finds out what the best meds for that need are and has supply, CG's main concern is always the wellbeing of the patient.


G'nite all.


Sincerely, Sb

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If I see this correctly......The foundation is all of us members, we need to define the framework ( boundaries ) within from which to operate that will allow the goals to be achieved, so that the group can focus within that.


Hmmm...make any sense? Kinda late and am about to turn in.

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Hi Folks, We need to start simple and let the organization grow outward as the new organizational structure is put in place. It is important to not to defeat the purpose by putting in to many pieces all at once. The first step is always to get a prototype up and running, then tweak the prototype. Then deploy the prototype. Then revise until we get it right. Remember JB and me are old guys, we can only go so fast. When this is finished we will have statewide coverage and a well oiled advocacy machine. Get ready to serve your fellow person. The work is hard. The days are long. The result is rewarding.

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Thank you for addressing this Joe, I believe, like you, that this committee has to start out as a somewhat small group who will steer the "steering committee", that way we can get our feet on the ground and figure out how to do this properly and efficiently. Too many cooks spoil the broth is a saying that comes to mind. While this should encompass as many as possible, while we are in the planning stages we should keep the group smallish. I am pleased that many of you have volunteered your time and idea's to this proposal. Please don't feel left out if you are not chosen to be a part of the "core" of this group, as I have said, we will try to be as inclusive as is manageable. And we will add individuals after we get the train rolling...Peace y'all...j.b.


Hi Folks, We need to start simple and let the organization grow outward as the new organizational structure is put in place. It is important to not to defeat the purpose by putting in to many pieces all at once. The first step is always to get a prototype up and running, then tweak the prototype. Then deploy the prototype. Then revise until we get it right. Remember JB and me are old guys, we can only go so fast. When this is finished we will have statewide coverage and a well oiled advocacy machine. Get ready to serve your fellow person. The work is hard. The days are long. The result is rewarding.

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