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Hi Radiation In Michigan From Japan

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Sorry, you don't get off that easy after all these pages of drivil.


YOU SIR analyze the graph as I did, point out the flaws in my observations and show the keen mind responsible for PB Oil. Your rigorous analysis of your own data will give all of us insight into the strength of your entire position. Tell us again how that graph clearly proves radiation sickness at Disney. We all want to hear how you reached your conclusions, and yes, show your work.


Dr. Bob




I have a bottle of activated charcoal right here. I'll drink it if you prove that chart shows conclusive evidence those people (remember the ones with food poisoning or a virus) have radiation sickness. Produce the Tampa graph if it will help your case, otherwise use what you gave us to go on.


Dr. Bob

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Or you could have clicked on the link I already provided ..


Here it is again:


I'll even post it here as a picture for you.


Yep .. that's Orlando. Not Tampa. Closer to the Jacksonville detection station and closer to Disney.


As for proof that is exactly what happened to these people, no one has been able to prove ANY cause at all. Including the ones you believe.




Those black spikes aren't seen in any other location. I figure it's a unique signature.


It would be nice to see exactly where that detection station is and exactly where that area of Disney is located.


But even if it was located next door to three mile island that had just blown up, lots of official sounding folks would be fast to say "virus."

Downplay is an automated, reflex response.

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Yep .. that's Orlando. Not Tampa. Closer to the Jacksonville detection station and closer to Disney.


As for proof that is exactly what happened to these people, no one has been able to prove ANY cause at all. Including the ones you believe.



Which is precisely why you shouldn't be on here fear mongering and telling everyone what the cause was. You have no proof of anything. You could pull a news story from anywhere that such a sickness has occurred and presumably the cause would've been radiation in your mind. How do you not see that???

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Or you could have clicked on the link I already provided ..


Here it is again:


I'll even post it here as a picture for you.


Yep .. that's Orlando. Not Tampa. Closer to the Jacksonville detection station and closer to Disney.


As for proof that is exactly what happened to these people, no one has been able to prove ANY cause at all. Including the ones you believe.




Those black spikes aren't seen in any other location. I figure it's a unique signature.


It would be nice to see exactly where that detection station is and exactly where that area of Disney is located.


But even if it was located next door to three mile island that had just blown up, lots of official sounding folks would be fast to say "virus."

Downplay is an automated, reflex response.



Honest to God, do you even look at these things? Ok, here is the time line. Folks get sick in the days leading up to the 11 (food poisoning and viruses are quick, radiation sickness takes days) so we are looking at the 7th to the 10 or so for exposure. Where is your spike? On the 16th!!!!!!!!


Now when looking at something like this, multichannel, look for patterns, not individual tracks. Notice around May 15th, looks like a little event (solar flare?) might have occured there, it was less than 6 hours in duration (relatively short) and of low amplitude. Notice the one double spike on the black tracing (prob 18 hours apart) but nothing on any of the other tracings (artifact prob). There is one event that did occur about a WEEK AFTER the reported illness on June 16th but clearly that had nothing to do with the viral illness/food poisoning that occured in the isolated tour group the previous weekend.


Look PB, you are making a fool of yourself again. The data is clear to those that can read it, and you are reduced to googling things to try and support your ideas. It is embarassing to a warrior to the cause such as yourself. Toss in the towel. I was wrong about weedbay, I realized it when I listened to those that knew better, the result was I withdrew it publically and DROPPED THE MATTER. Take a lesson from that.


Unless you want to continue to argue with a physician over the normal signs and symptoms of a very common problem that I've seen about a zillion times in the last 30 years.


Dr. Bob

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Ok, I actually took the time to look at the actual data in the time in question. It is plotted here. From the Orlando station (no gaps), Disneyworld as you know is near Orlando, just south. Jackson is WELL north and east. Winds come from the West generally. Most readings on the top line are between 1500 and 2000, one small spike around the 7th of around 10% and a second around the 14th of around 15%.


This is how you investigate things, not by repeating things you read on a 'no nuke' website.


I think this pretty much settles the issue. Minor, normal fluctuations. Sunspots regularily occur and cause spikes in background radiation, radio reception, etc. They are ripples in the pond. If one reaches us, the world will be a microwave oven and we are all dead. There is NOTHING we can do about it. Let's stop spreading rumors.


Dr. Bob

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Sunspots regularily occur and cause spikes in background radiation, radio reception, etc.


Thanks for looking .. really.


As for regular occurrences ..

in 2009 there were 260 days where there was no sun spots.

2010 only 51 days

2011 only 2 days

not one single day in 2012.


The flares are going off so often now that it is difficult to separate one from the other.


I just choose to believe, we will survive. Not based on any science. A choice.


I just don't think it's a good idea to wait until people are sick to figure out how to do something beneficial.


The peek of the solar storm isn't until next year.


And we have the fall out from Japan here now. They haven't solved the problem there and the radioactive materials are still being spewed out.

That is the most dangerous thing to ignore as the damage isn't seen until it's way to late.


And we won't see the peak of what has already been released for about the next five years. That is when the ocean currents will wash the radiation on the west coast shores.


Staying silent is what you do when there isn't anything at all you can do. I refuse to believe that's the case.

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"I just choose to believe, we will survive. Not based on any science. A choice."


That is the entire key to your postings. Had you said that FIRST it would have clearly been respected, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.


The thing that killed your credibility on this thread was your CONSTANT effort to bathe that belief in pseudoscience, no nuke rants, and constant argument in the face of overwhelming, well qualified, evidence presented by folks that can evaluate data and see what it tells us, rather than deciding what we want to see and trying to find evidence to support it. Just like seeing a gap in the monitoring tracings but NOT seeing all the other gaps the same day of the week (Sat) for weeks, or looking at an artifact on one tracing and missing the clear reading on multible channels that occured a week later.


Have your beliefs, discuss your ideas (and be open to other ideas), but don't pee down our backs and tell us it is raining.


Dr. Bob

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"I just choose to believe, we will survive. Not based on any science. A choice."


That is the entire key to your postings. Had you said that FIRST it would have clearly been respected, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.


The thing that killed your credibility on this thread was your CONSTANT effort to bathe that belief in pseudoscience, no nuke rants, and constant argument in the face of overwhelming, well qualified, evidence presented by folks that can evaluate data and see what it tells us, rather than deciding what we want to see and trying to find evidence to support it. Just like seeing a gap in the monitoring tracings but NOT seeing all the other gaps the same day of the week (Sat) for weeks, or looking at an artifact on one tracing and missing the clear reading on multible channels that occured a week later.


Have your beliefs, discuss your ideas (and be open to other ideas), but don't pee down our backs and tell us it is raining.


Dr. Bob


If I believed everyone was going to die, I wouldn't post anything at all.

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Dr Bob,

Very good position-neutral analysis of not only the hard data presented but the theory/possibility of radiation sickness of the group in question.


Science and reason should not take any position other than a logical progression to the truth.


and thank you.


Dr. Bob

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That's the book I was citing. It's a collection of accounts from various people - I only read one of them, the one I mentioned. I can't remember the name of the author and the book is 500 miles away so I can't check, but it was about halfway through the book... the guy specialized in researching the effects of radiation on DNA.

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Science and reason should not take any position other than a logical progression to the truth.


and thank you.


Dr. Bob


Got it ..


Meanwhile, I may have collected a fallout sample.


Any suggestions how I could confirm? My sister is sending me some unexposed x-ray film.




Oh .. here is a video of the sample. Take it out to full screen. See the sparks? And the blue glow? It's short. Might have to replay a couple of times to spot the sparks.


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Peanutbutter quote;


As for no one else having it, as far as I know, the only people that attempt to make it are those I told what is in it. A mistake I made in the very beginning.

Tell folks what I figured out and they don't even say thanks. They just make it for themselves. And call it their own.




That's what it's all about, people making it for themselves and calling it their own. You oppose this and I advocate it. That's why we are at odds here. It doesn't take much thinking to know that cannabis oil, all types, needs to be open to everyone to make for themselves. Then there will be no shortage for anyone. Don't make any road blocks between patients and their medicine. That is wrong.


Than why are you at odds with me dude? ya know im good, you guys can say anything ya want about me, but dont talk about my dad! that is not the way to go, have you ever tried to tell some one how they should raise their kids? not a good thing to do if ya did! any one that calls my old man ignorant dont know him, you may know of emails ive stupidly posted on here or the other site I like to go to,(by the way the person that called my old man ignorant and I talked and we are all good) you can say what you want about me, if I dont like it im gonna prob get banned. right celiach? lmao! but i will go nuts on some one if they mess with my dad!


as far as the rest goes why are we even giving this thread the time of day. obviously the original thread starter is getting good stuff from this thread, shoot give me a few minutes and i can high jack this whole site, ive already proven that, now all I can do is be a dumb phaq on here, i cant talk my mind, nothing has changed, well Yea a few things have changed, the people that bad mouth everyone on this site on another site are a bunch of 2 faced butt heads, and I have to be a good boy or I wont be able to come in here any more, Im thinking i dont need to come in here to be honest, if I cant be myself, well ruck it! I dont want to be here, if im allowed to be myself I beleive I can help, but no one realy wants to help all WE want to do is blame the next guy,



Remember every one, the same person still owns this site, the site has not changed only a few names have! the rest are all going their own ways! ya cant have a site and not let people speak their mind, Or can you? Idk ask the people who bought shares of f.b bawahahahahaha! bunch of losers!




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These cancers were dismissed by the IAEA as not radiation related because the ICRP required latency period of ten years had not been completed. These were radiation promoted or accelerated cancers, not radiation induced cancers. Again, we see ICRP recognizing only radiation induced cancers, whereas the victim will experience both mechanisms as due to the disaster." http://www.ccnr.org/radiation_standards.html#at



If you get cancer within ten years of being exposed to radiation, it is not caused by the radiation. According to UN officials responsible for monitoring such things.


They completely ignore any cancers within the first ten years.

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UN = understand nothing?


The United Nations (abbreviated UN in English, and ONU in French and Spanish), is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions.


More related coinsidences:

Woodrow Wilson US Pres Mar 1913-1921 Instrumental in the creation of the UN predecessor, the League of Nations was also reponsible for creating the FED 1913, as well as our involvement in WW1


Harry S[atan] Truman Instrumental in the creation of the UN, the bombing of Japan with Nuclear Radiation, and unfortunatley the VP of the 32nd President who mysteriously passed away at a most inoportune time. After our European Victory over Hitler. More of his hideous accomplishments [satan] was the signing of the Gatt Agreement instead of the proposal of the League of Nations created by a body of 26 Nations specifically created for this purpose the Int Trade Organization.


The final plan is now being cooked up by them, known as the PTT. Check it out Pacific Trade Agreement

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Last month, Michigan health officials reminded people who live, work or visit within 10 miles of Palisades to have potassium iodide pills on hand. The pills may prevent illnesses associated with radioactive iodine should an accident occur. The Michigan Department of Community Health makes the pills available for free to people near the plant and the state's other nuclear power plants.


I guess the government is getting into fear mongering also ..


They didn't mention that you're supposed to be eating Iodine BEFORE you're exposed.

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Yes KI is recommended to block absorption of radiation. I would suspect having it on hand with the health department would be a routine part of the licensure process for a nuclear power plant. I seem to recall reading something about this one in particular, so it might make sense to put out a notice that the pills were available- if for no other reason that to make sure the public was aware in response to increased awareness of the facility due to a news report.


I also get a good newsletter on northern lights activity put out by the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. Did anyone get to see the show? We didn't see any in Clare.

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