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Obamacare Upheld By Supreme Court


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I don't want any more Ron Paul garbage in my thread either. He has nothing to do with what I started this thread to say. If you are going to keep this up, close the thread. You are totally destroying my message to help Obama. Move along with your off topic trash.


Don't you agree with Paul's message on Liberty and less government?

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Resto.. I respect your position. Many other's may not agree and..Obama needs much more support than what you will gather on the message boards.

In the meantime I am a realist..so I am trying to be proactive where this community is concerned…because like I said…reality is Romney may just win..whether we like it or not.

Quit belittling my efforts. Move along unless you want to help out Obama. I'm sick and tired of your foot dragging. There's work to be done.

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Heath Care . why do some people think its only for the privileged and are ok with the suffering of others

Because it is all about them. They don't care what happens beyond the tip of their pointed up noses. And that's their choice.


We have a president that came from humble beginnings and he knows all about the pointed up noses. He's our only hope forward.

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Because it is all about them. They don't care what happens beyond the tip of their pointed up noses. And that's their choice.


We have a president that came from humble beginnings and he knows all about the pointed up noses. He's our only hope forward.


This is over the top. Please tone it down.

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Yup. And she also edited her own post and didn't show it as being edited, at the same time, debating. It's just not fair operating a bully pulpit for Romney on a medical cannabis web site.


Anyone has the ability to edit their own post..and off topic posts can be removed by a mod or admin. I will ask again that you tone it down..your doing the bullying..and other members have asked you tone it down as well. If you are unable to have a conversation with others if they don't agree with you..then message boards are not for you. You can not just continue to attack anyone that disagrees with you.

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Mitt Romney says he “supports the Second Amendment”. And, based on a casual glance at his record, you could almost believe him.On the other hand, he signed an “assault weapons” ban.

Like father, like son: Both Romneys used the guise of “safety” to deny the right to own a handgun to lower-income persons and “undesireables“.

Now how many anti gun laws did Obama sign NONE


I think he did sign one.

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There are 3 branches of government.


The executive branch wrote the law.


Congress couldn't stop it.


The Supreme Court couldn't stop it.


It's the law of the land now. That's how the system works.




Another thing I am actually laughing my asss off about. Soon I won't have one left at this rate. That's how dictatorships work, not the USA. Never took a US History class, Resto?

Edited by MightyMightyMezz
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I was actually bumping the line, "You can't wear both hats and be fair."


This bears repeating, "You can't wear bot hats and be fair."


Anyone can be fair..as long as you realize..reasonable people will disagree in politics. Keep posts free of insinuations or accusations..and voice your opinion based on facts..without making it personal..and attacking those that disagree. Civil discourse can happen….

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To more specifically answer the question in this thread regarding Medicare and Obamacare


Rationing of Health Care: Currently, tax money is being used to calculate the ROI on health care for people age of 55 and over. With the government now creating a panel to review claims -- the “PCORI, to study different kinds of treatments to see what … is the best use of money.” (Citation: Page 684, sec. 1181) -- much like Canada has to determine the ROI on treatments for those over 55. “How much funding will go to drugs for Prostate Cancer if the government-created panel suggests it is not a good return on investment to treat in people over 55?” O’Connell asks.



AARP sold out the very same people they claim to help – the seniors, all for money. They are speaking out of both sides of their mouth. First they supported the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, knowing full well how it will negatively affect Medicare and Social Security, and then they tell you “You’ve Earned a Say” was started by AARP in NJ to address the issues of Medicare and Social Security. What?


Insurance companies are in the business to make money and AARP sells a lot of insurance and will make lots of money by supporting the Affordable Care Act. Are the executives of AARP exempt from ACA/Obamacare, just like the President, Congressmen, Senators, and all their cronies? They are selling us something they don’t even believe in or else they would not be exempt from it.


Some facts about Obamacare and seniors:


1) Free Annual Well Visit – Certain tests like mammograms and colonoscopies will be paid 100% (before Obamacare, Medicare paid 80%). but you still pay for the doctor’s visit. I saved a total of $26 in 2012 (with Affordable Care Act) as compared with 2010 (before Affordable Care Act) for a mammogram and doctor’s visit.

2) Drug Program – Someone will be paying for the so-called discounts and it won’t be the pharmaceutical companies. It takes many years of research and development and lots of money to bring one drug to market. If you think the pharmaceutical companies are going to give you free/cheaper drugs because they want to be nice to you, you are very naive.


3) The negative impact has already started.

a) I have been informed by my secondary health insurance provider that, as a retiree, in 2013 they will need to cut a portion of the benefits from my insurance. It looks like I will be paying a whole lot more money next year with less benefits.

b) Medicare is cutting their payout to doctors by 27% which means we will have to buy more supplemental insurance which in turn makes insurance companies (like AARP) more profitable. It also means that doctors will be limiting how many Medicare patients they will accept, if they keep any at all.

The Medicare deductible was lowered in 2012 from $162 to $140 so you will think what a great job they are doing for you. Wait until after the election when Medicare’s deductible will double. Is it going to triple in 2014?

Seniors did not receive any increase in Social Security benefits for the years 2010 and 2011. But in the election year 2012 we did receive a 3.6% increase, again so you will think what a great job they are doing. People tend to forget that we had to live on the same amount of money for 3 years, even though our expenses went up. (but our elected officials received a big raise each of those years.) Wait until after the election, when they again take away an increase and rob social security to pay for Obamacare.

We are now paying $1,199/year for medical insurance from Social Security – what do you think it will be in 2013, 2014?

This ACA/Obamacare is all generated by greed. It is a misnomer – it is not affordable.

They are handing us crumbs and will bleed us dry.

There is no free lunch.

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This thread is about Obamacare...Here are some facts on obamacare...


Benefit Resource Group Educates Clients About the Effects of Obamacare

Health care reform expert Danny O'Connell shares insight about how multiple stakeholders will be affected by Obamacare legislation in light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling.


According to initial cost projections this bill could cost each man, woman and child $1,800 a year in new taxes.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) July 06, 2012


Texas insurance agency, Benefit Resource Group, educates clients and the general public about the affects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as Obamacare, in the wake of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling. "There has been much debate since March of 2010 when PPACA was passed," said Danny O'Connell, BRG partner. "But let’s take a look at some provisions and how it will affect the U.S.":


Businesses: Many companies will re-evaluate their benefit offerings. Companies with 50 employees or more will be subject to “fines” or “taxes.” Companies without health plans will be fined will be fined $3,000 per employee. If a company follows the law and offers a health plan and one employee elects to enroll in a government exchange plan the company will be fined $2,000 per employee beyond the first 25 employees. That means a company of 100 employees could pay $150,000 in fines for following the new law.


The government health care plans may be cheaper as they are funded by tax dollars, taxes on companies, and taxes on insurance companies. In the end companies may be forced to drop health plans due to the basic economics of the tax thus leaving potentially millions more dependent on Obamacare for coverage, which could essentially bankrupt the plan, according to O'Connell, the Texas Texas insurance agency's resident health care reform expert.


Colleges & Universities: March of 2012 saw a change in direction where now schools have lost their ability to design their own plans to service the needs of their students. Costs have gone up 8-10 times this year and may go up again next year. A Christian college in Dallas, TX now may have to drop its student health plan all together as it cannot afford to subsidized the increase for its students. This could mean thousands of young adults will lose affordable coverage. Politicians will point out that students can enroll in their parents' plan, and they can; only the cost will be approximately $3,600 a year compared to $184 annually for the student health plan.


Health Insurance Providers: With working capital now being regulated by the Federal Government and cut across the board by 33-50% health insurance providers have less capital to use toward keeping their companies open, paying salaries, providing benefits to employees, and funding customer service needs. Beginning in 2014 from what is left of their budget, each insurance company will have to pay the Federal Government $8,000,000,000 for the right to sell health insurance, which goes up every year and may nearly double in less than 6 years. Tens of thousands of people have lost their jobs already putting more service work back on insurance agents’ offices. Due to a recent NAHU article, more than 100,000 independent agents will lose their businesses and are not eligible for unemployment benefits; thus forcing more people to become dependent on the system.


Doctors/Hospitals: Most doctors don’t like the idea of being a government employee, hence the reason why fewer and fewer doctors accept Medicare each year. There are doctors in Dallas, TX, for example, who have been forced to stop accepting Medicare patients as it is bankrupting their practice. These providers will see much lower reimbursement rates, which may cause many more “billed services” to offset the loss in revenue.


Pharmaceutical Companies: Without the necessary funds from the private sector, and by relying on government regulation, less will be spent on research and development. More companies may go overseas to less regulated countries which in no doubt might transfer to less reliable drugs.

Differences in prescription drug coverage law in Canada enable the Canadian system to offer drugs at a lower cost to the end user but it is also subsidized by the tax payers. Nothing was done with regard to tort reform or any steps taken to lower the costs of prescriptions in the U.S.


Congressional Budget: At no point will this bill be cheaper then what they are estimating now. “To cost $1.76 trillion a year over a 10 year period to insure anywhere from 30-50 million people is downright egregious,” says O’Connell. “Yes that is almost double the initial projection.” Take into account the number of the currently insured who will be enrolling into this plan and that number will sky rocket out of control.


Rationing of Health Care: Currently, tax money is being used to calculate the ROI on health care for people age of 55 and over. With the government now creating a panel to review claims -- the “PCORI, to study different kinds of treatments to see what … is the best use of money.” (Citation: Page 684, sec. 1181) -- much like Canada has to determine the ROI on treatments for those over 55. “How much funding will go to drugs for Prostate Cancer if the government-created panel suggests it is not a good return on investment to treat in people over 55?” O’Connell asks.


There were some good provisions in the plan such as preexisting conditions being removed from children. The reality is many of these provisions are already in existence. For example, Texas has had a High Risk Pool for years for those deemed “uninsurable.” Preventive care has been covered under a co-pay for roughly $20-30. Students could already stay on their parent’s plan until age 25. Many of these regulations were already addressed at the state level.

At the end of the day nothing was done to reduce cost and any lower premium plans offered through the federal government will only be offset by massive tax increases,” says O’Connell, who added the health reform experts at BRG, a Texas insurance agency, believe this bill is in no way “health reform.” “This is taxation in insurance companies and the middle class will pick up the majority of the cost.”

In addition, according to initial cost projections, this bill could cost each man, woman and child $1,800 a year in new taxes. For a family of four with both parents working and earning $80,000 a year for the household, that means close to 10% of their income.


Danny O’Connell leads the experts. O’Connell is not only a partner at BRG; he also has been an adjunct professor of economics.

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To more specifically answer the question in this thread regarding Medicare and Obamacare


Rationing of Health Care: Currently, tax money is being used to calculate the ROI on health care for people age of 55 and over. With the government now creating a panel to review claims -- the “PCORI, to study different kinds of treatments to see what … is the best use of money.” (Citation: Page 684, sec. 1181) -- much like Canada has to determine the ROI on treatments for those over 55. “How much funding will go to drugs for Prostate Cancer if the government-created panel suggests it is not a good return on investment to treat in people over 55?” O’Connell asks.



AARP sold out the very same people they claim to help – the seniors, all for money. They are speaking out of both sides of their mouth. First they supported the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, knowing full well how it will negatively affect Medicare and Social Security, and then they tell you “You’ve Earned a Say” was started by AARP in NJ to address the issues of Medicare and Social Security. What?


Insurance companies are in the business to make money and AARP sells a lot of insurance and will make lots of money by supporting the Affordable Care Act. Are the executives of AARP exempt from ACA/Obamacare, just like the President, Congressmen, Senators, and all their cronies? They are selling us something they don’t even believe in or else they would not be exempt from it.


Some facts about Obamacare and seniors:


1) Free Annual Well Visit – Certain tests like mammograms and colonoscopies will be paid 100% (before Obamacare, Medicare paid 80%). but you still pay for the doctor’s visit. I saved a total of $26 in 2012 (with Affordable Care Act) as compared with 2010 (before Affordable Care Act) for a mammogram and doctor’s visit.

2) Drug Program – Someone will be paying for the so-called discounts and it won’t be the pharmaceutical companies. It takes many years of research and development and lots of money to bring one drug to market. If you think the pharmaceutical companies are going to give you free/cheaper drugs because they want to be nice to you, you are very naive.


3) The negative impact has already started.

a) I have been informed by my secondary health insurance provider that, as a retiree, in 2013 they will need to cut a portion of the benefits from my insurance. It looks like I will be paying a whole lot more money next year with less benefits.

b) Medicare is cutting their payout to doctors by 27% which means we will have to buy more supplemental insurance which in turn makes insurance companies (like AARP) more profitable. It also means that doctors will be limiting how many Medicare patients they will accept, if they keep any at all.

The Medicare deductible was lowered in 2012 from $162 to $140 so you will think what a great job they are doing for you. Wait until after the election when Medicare’s deductible will double. Is it going to triple in 2014?

Seniors did not receive any increase in Social Security benefits for the years 2010 and 2011. But in the election year 2012 we did receive a 3.6% increase, again so you will think what a great job they are doing. People tend to forget that we had to live on the same amount of money for 3 years, even though our expenses went up. (but our elected officials received a big raise each of those years.) Wait until after the election, when they again take away an increase and rob social security to pay for Obamacare.

We are now paying $1,199/year for medical insurance from Social Security – what do you think it will be in 2013, 2014?

This ACA/Obamacare is all generated by greed. It is a misnomer – it is not affordable.

They are handing us crumbs and will bleed us dry.

There is no free lunch.

This thread is about Obamacare...Here are some facts on obamacare...


Benefit Resource Group Educates Clients About the Effects of Obamacare

Health care reform expert Danny O'Connell shares insight about how multiple stakeholders will be affected by Obamacare legislation in light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling.


According to initial cost projections this bill could cost each man, woman and child $1,800 a year in new taxes.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) July 06, 2012


Texas insurance agency, Benefit Resource Group, educates clients and the general public about the affects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as Obamacare, in the wake of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling. "There has been much debate since March of 2010 when PPACA was passed," said Danny O'Connell, BRG partner. "But let’s take a look at some provisions and how it will affect the U.S.":


Businesses: Many companies will re-evaluate their benefit offerings. Companies with 50 employees or more will be subject to “fines” or “taxes.” Companies without health plans will be fined will be fined $3,000 per employee. If a company follows the law and offers a health plan and one employee elects to enroll in a government exchange plan the company will be fined $2,000 per employee beyond the first 25 employees. That means a company of 100 employees could pay $150,000 in fines for following the new law.


The government health care plans may be cheaper as they are funded by tax dollars, taxes on companies, and taxes on insurance companies. In the end companies may be forced to drop health plans due to the basic economics of the tax thus leaving potentially millions more dependent on Obamacare for coverage, which could essentially bankrupt the plan, according to O'Connell, the Texas Texas insurance agency's resident health care reform expert.


Colleges & Universities: March of 2012 saw a change in direction where now schools have lost their ability to design their own plans to service the needs of their students. Costs have gone up 8-10 times this year and may go up again next year. A Christian college in Dallas, TX now may have to drop its student health plan all together as it cannot afford to subsidized the increase for its students. This could mean thousands of young adults will lose affordable coverage. Politicians will point out that students can enroll in their parents' plan, and they can; only the cost will be approximately $3,600 a year compared to $184 annually for the student health plan.


Health Insurance Providers: With working capital now being regulated by the Federal Government and cut across the board by 33-50% health insurance providers have less capital to use toward keeping their companies open, paying salaries, providing benefits to employees, and funding customer service needs. Beginning in 2014 from what is left of their budget, each insurance company will have to pay the Federal Government $8,000,000,000 for the right to sell health insurance, which goes up every year and may nearly double in less than 6 years. Tens of thousands of people have lost their jobs already putting more service work back on insurance agents’ offices. Due to a recent NAHU article, more than 100,000 independent agents will lose their businesses and are not eligible for unemployment benefits; thus forcing more people to become dependent on the system.


Doctors/Hospitals: Most doctors don’t like the idea of being a government employee, hence the reason why fewer and fewer doctors accept Medicare each year. There are doctors in Dallas, TX, for example, who have been forced to stop accepting Medicare patients as it is bankrupting their practice. These providers will see much lower reimbursement rates, which may cause many more “billed services” to offset the loss in revenue.


Pharmaceutical Companies: Without the necessary funds from the private sector, and by relying on government regulation, less will be spent on research and development. More companies may go overseas to less regulated countries which in no doubt might transfer to less reliable drugs.

Differences in prescription drug coverage law in Canada enable the Canadian system to offer drugs at a lower cost to the end user but it is also subsidized by the tax payers. Nothing was done with regard to tort reform or any steps taken to lower the costs of prescriptions in the U.S.


Congressional Budget: At no point will this bill be cheaper then what they are estimating now. “To cost $1.76 trillion a year over a 10 year period to insure anywhere from 30-50 million people is downright egregious,” says O’Connell. “Yes that is almost double the initial projection.” Take into account the number of the currently insured who will be enrolling into this plan and that number will sky rocket out of control.


Rationing of Health Care: Currently, tax money is being used to calculate the ROI on health care for people age of 55 and over. With the government now creating a panel to review claims -- the “PCORI, to study different kinds of treatments to see what … is the best use of money.” (Citation: Page 684, sec. 1181) -- much like Canada has to determine the ROI on treatments for those over 55. “How much funding will go to drugs for Prostate Cancer if the government-created panel suggests it is not a good return on investment to treat in people over 55?” O’Connell asks.


There were some good provisions in the plan such as preexisting conditions being removed from children. The reality is many of these provisions are already in existence. For example, Texas has had a High Risk Pool for years for those deemed “uninsurable.” Preventive care has been covered under a co-pay for roughly $20-30. Students could already stay on their parent’s plan until age 25. Many of these regulations were already addressed at the state level.

At the end of the day nothing was done to reduce cost and any lower premium plans offered through the federal government will only be offset by massive tax increases,” says O’Connell, who added the health reform experts at BRG, a Texas insurance agency, believe this bill is in no way “health reform.” “This is taxation in insurance companies and the middle class will pick up the majority of the cost.”

In addition, according to initial cost projections, this bill could cost each man, woman and child $1,800 a year in new taxes. For a family of four with both parents working and earning $80,000 a year for the household, that means close to 10% of their income.


Danny O’Connell leads the experts. O’Connell is not only a partner at BRG; he also has been an adjunct professor of economics.


The citation listed contrdicts your "cut and paste" of Danny O'Connell's Texas insurance agency's opinion. This guy is just making it up.

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The citation listed contrdicts your "cut and paste" of Danny O'Connell's Texas insurance agency's opinion. This guy is just making it up.


I'm just putting some different facts out here… believe whatever you want too. I will just say anyone who thinks Obamacare is FREE..and won't effect Medicare has another thing coming. It also attacks our LIBERTY...Have you actually read Obamacare?

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I'm just putting some different facts out here… believe whatever you want too. I will just say anyone who thinks Obamacare is FREE..and won't effect Medicare has another thing coming. It also attacks our LIBERTY...Have you actually read Obamacare?


I did read your vey legnthy citaion and the facts there do not agree with what you've posted. You are presenting opinion as fact.

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Well if OC stands, you will all live to see the error in judgement you have made, but it will be too late! Therories aside, the gov has abused every single power it has, it has failed to adninister any program it has implenented correctly, waste, fraud and lies are common. Now comes OC with the power to crush MMJ, gun rights and countless other things, and you want me to beleive these are conspiracy therories, my God where have you been living in a cave, are people really this stupid? Answer is apparently yes! Bloomberg is experimentinng with some of these issues right now, the new gun form for NY says have you ever taken intoxicating substance, NOT AN ILLEGAL ONE, but any including what docs prescribe, including pain meds for a tooth. Beleive what you want, that is your right, but do not come whinning when your choices bite off your head. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS NO BUSINESS IN YOUR DAILY LIFE!

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