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Things You "never" Hear Stated By Prosecutors, Police, Drug Task Forces, Or Judges In Michigan

Michael Komorn

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"Because it is clear that a significant majority of voters in Multnomah County support the legalization of marijuana in certain amounts, this office will dismiss the pending charges related to conduct which will otherwise become legal," Multnomah County Chief District Attorney Don Rees said in a statement."


Why does the position of this County Prosecutor in Oregon seem so reasonable? Almost every prosecutor, city attorney, police chief, county sherriff and attorney general in Michigan could take this position, or at the very least acknowledge the desire desire of the voters to reform the prohibition of cannabis. It becomes difficult not to get frustrated with our so called elected officials, paid to work for their constituents and  their communities. When did it become OK for those on the government payroll to ignore the voters? Why is it ok for police and prosecutors to be selective on what laws they like and don't like and which ones they choose to enforce or ignore? This is not democracy. 



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You see the problem in Saginaw Michigan. You can dissect the problem there and you see the County Sheriff, who cares about his future in his job, nodding to a 60% majority vote to legalize certain amounts of cannabis but the County Prosecutor doesn't care if he gets re elected so he does what he wants until his career is over. 

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The police are worried they'll have to do real work.  The #'s speak volumes.  The highest percentage of non violent arrests are MJ users.  They don't see it as preying on the people they swore to protect which should be grounds for dismissal from their jobs because they are either brainwashed by reefer madness or putting their livlihood ahead of their duty.  They KNOW that mj doesn't ruin lives, their incarceration does. 


The people who voted for legalization in the cities it passed in should send in a note stating "You broke your promise so I'm breaking mine.  Your taxes will be paid in full once you enact the will of the people.  We are NOT subjects, We are citizens!"

Edited by Norby
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When I was a youth in "the land of the free and the home of the brave", we used to get reports of how conditions were in Communist countries and dictatorships. We all felt very sad for the people who had to live under such conditions. Now here we are in 21st century America and I get the distinct feeling that many of the people in power in this country no longer view democracy as an ideal form of government. They appear to want to thwart it's practice at every turn.


Contrary to what we learned in our youth, money has indeed become the most important thing in life.


Shrug on, Atlas.

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Then why was a Socialist elected president,twice? Been almost 8 years now and you are just seeing this? Party lines mean nothing. GWB can shove his patriot act up his elite butt. It's THEM against US.


well people wanted a Democrat (who is in fact to the right of center), after having a fascist for president for 24 of the prior 32 years (yeah Raygun, GHW Bushwa, and GW Bushwa)... f**king fascists....

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I was in the locker room at the local pool last week just after the OR, AK, and DC votes.


Around the corner and out-of-sight two guys were complaining about the current county PA and judges in Berrien County who are still avid prohibitionists.


As I finished dressing and started to leave I heard one exasperated fellow exclaim "I don't know why they just don't decriminalize it (cannabis).


I would have added a comment to their discussion but was flabbergasted to walk past their lockers and see both of them wearing Berrien County Sheriff Department Jackets.


I decided to leave them to their discussion and but it was illuminating to see first hand how much these two were disgusted by the whole prohibitionist approach favored by their leaders.


Some things even the hoi polloi can see clearly while their erstwhile leaders remain blind.

Edited by outsideinthecold
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