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Freaking Out About A Home Inspection


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A few months ago I got some upgrades done on my home(furnace, HW heater, and a few misc things) and now the township wants to send a guy over for an inspection to see if the work is up to code. All the work is fine but the first place he is gonna go is in the basement. Whelp, he's in for a surprise because I've got 12 Nordic Jack's doing just fine. I am totally legal as far as my MJ Card and keeping my grow room locked. It took me 3 day's to set up my new room and I'll be damned if I'm gonna tear it down. I guess my question is, does the law vary from township to township or am I cool as long as I have my card?  There is now way of hiding my stuff, either way the inspector is gonna know and I'm not thrilled(just for privacy reasons). Am I safe?

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nope all that township bullschit got tossed after the mich supreme court decided ter beek v wyoming. 

bob has some serious advice there. it might haunt you.


on the other hand there have been 1000s of house inspections , from cps, building, electrical, plumbers, etc. with no problem.


so you're cool legally. hey i bet the guy has already seen a few grows. i talked to a mailman once who asked me a bunch of questions about the program. just gotta  be brave you know?


i think the common concern is telling someone you grow. will he spread the news to rippers?  probably not. 

also patient info, including name and addy is confidential info, and if you tell him you have a card, if he repeats it to anyone, its a misdemeanor crime...


you aint the only one who has to hire a sprinkler guy to blow out the line at the end of the year.

some people sweat it out, moving plants and fans and a/c and just having a weird looking room. just depends how far into flower you are and how much extra space you got to store 12 ladies.

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That is questionable.


 It doesn't violate HIPPA and the card itself is not considered confidential.


Read Section 6 of the law to get the details.


But, you are legal and he isn't allowed in your grow room anyway. ;-)


 I forgot to add, I am a better safe than sorry on that one.


 Couple hours of work or even the slightest chance of a couple years of headaches.  I will take the back pain.

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Probably not going to end badly, my step dad had cps, city inspectors, and police in his house. Seen grow room asked questions, then Left. This was about 2 years ago in the city of wayne. 4k grow flower room.if you dont move it, just be cool, but it will most def haunt you. All in all, my advice is to move it anyway. Too many variables that couldbe costly. Find someone with a van and load up the girls.

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the guy will only be interested in the work that's been done,,,if your plants are in a separate room and not visible, and he doesn't have to travel through that room to look at the work that's been done,,i don't think you have anything to worry about,,,,if your plants are sitting in the middle of the basement floor,hang up some tarps as a shield and tell him you're doing some undercover work for the CIA and he'd better not say a word of it to anyone..lol...sorry but i think as long as you don't let the guy see your plants you'll be ok...telling him your legal to grow shouldn't hurt either....bp

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Tell the inspector you are legal then inform the inspector that he can be charged with a violation of the HIPPA act if he exposes your legal status its no different than someone leaking your medical history without a signed waiver.

 If you tell a friend you are a pt/grower it is not against the law for them to tell any one! that is the biggest bunch of b.s I have ever heard, if you dont want people knowing dont tell them!



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Don't ever let a worker have access to your actual grow room. That's against the law. There has to be a locked door between the worker and the plants. You are responsible for the door being locked and secure.

Great but what if someone is to sick to water there plants are they too let them die and be without meds ?

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Great but what if someone is to sick to water there plants are they too let them die and be without meds ?


if outdoor, just ask them to point the hose on top of the plants :)

if indoor, put the water on/off switch on the other side of the fence. ask person to turn the water on/off once per day. he doesnt enter any secure locked fence, but can water plants :P

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in detroit, we ignore the notice and just pay the non-inspection fine, runs about $275.


I've found the best way to avoid inspections is to tell them that due to my job I am available to let them in any time from midnight to 6 am on weekdays or anytime after 8 pm on Sundays. For some reason they never want to come at those times.

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Better to be safe than sorry.


What other people don't know about you won't hurt you, especially LEO .


In other words, don't let them see your stuff man!


I would go through whatever inconvenience you need to go through to be sure no one sees anything about your growing. At least that is the way I treat it. I treat it as if it is illegal and that has been working out pretty well for me. Actually, I am more paranoid now than I was before the law. I don't have any inspections here. If I need something done to my house, furnace, plumbing, electrical, etc., I hire somebody I trust, under the table, to do the work for me. Luckily where I am, there are a lot of handymen around. I realize that may not be the case for others. There are people you can hire, they may be located up north, but I would rather pay the extra $$ for fuel to get them to me rather than have the township, city, or whole world know that I did some upgrades.

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Better to be safe than sorry.


What other people don't know about you won't hurt you, especially LEO .


In other words, don't let them see your stuff man!


I would go through whatever inconvenience you need to go through to be sure no one sees anything about your growing. At least that is the way I treat it. I treat it as if it is illegal and that has been working out pretty well for me. Actually, I am more paranoid now than I was before the law. I don't have any inspections here. If I need something done to my house, furnace, plumbing, electrical, etc., I hire somebody I trust, under the table, to do the work for me. Luckily where I am, there are a lot of handymen around. I realize that may not be the case for others. There are people you can hire, they may be located up north, but I would rather pay the extra $$ for fuel to get them to me rather than have the township, city, or whole world know that I did some upgrades.



I also agree do whatever you can so that No one see's your grow i understand its a lot of work to move things out but well worth it in the end as far as pice of mind

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  • 2 weeks later...

be careful moving plants in and out of houses and into uhauls etc... if someone is watching. had a situation requiring moving everything out for a landlord walkthrough. put everything back in the house the minute the landlord left. We overlooked the fact that the landlord was across the street in his buddies house filming, the only thing not in a box or wrapped in plastic.... flood tables .... my "partner" was ordered 2 yrs probation. Attached garages are GREAT

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