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The Republican-controlled House passed legislation on Thursday to force President Barack Obama to crack down on states that have legalized marijuana in any form.


Sounds like a great idea. Maybe we can have another civil war over states rights. (wasn't states rights a Republican mainstay?) :unsure:


The Republicans can break away, move to the prairie and start their own country, Dumfugistan.

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I wish they would, Wild Bill.

I agree with you.

They want states rights when their state disagrees with the fed, but it is Not for others to have their say. No they will fight that tooth and nail.

May they all move to the far south and central states and Never leave their homophobic bigoted homeland!

Who needs them. Take Shcutte and Snyder and Co with them.

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I find topics like this one rather sad. Whenever anyone uses a term like FCKing Anything, Republicans, Democrats, Blacks, Whites, or whatever, it is simple bigotry and ignorance on the part of the posters and reflects nothing on the group that poster finds so unacceptable'.


For the record, Michigan's oldest MMJ patient is a 99-year-old Republican. She uses oil to alleviate her continuous pain after three failed back operations. 


She is also quite willing to extoll the efficacy of the topical oil to her many friends, including two retired judges wife's  in her regular bridge group.


I would suggest her support has done more to advance the cause of MMJ than any of the regular Republican bashing bigoted morons who inhabit this place without any consideration for those who may see things through lenses different than their own.


My father, now deceased was a Republican as was his father, and his grandfather so whenever someone feels the need to build up their own self-image by denigrating a group that may just include some folks whose opinions they would benefit from rather than closing their minds to views that differ from their own; well to me their bigoted opinions are worthless.


Just what have the Democrats done that is so great for MMJ folks anyway?


Democrats after all were in the ones who instituted Marijuana prohibition in the '30's. Democratic congress and president. Anslinger was an FDR appointee.


Democrats, after all, could do anything they wanted at the Federal level from 2009-2011. They did nothing.

Democrats, after all, had control of Michigan until 2010 including the very important first roll-out of our MMJ law. They did nothing to ensure a balanced approach when the law was first instituted.


And why not? The answer is in the Huffpost if one cares to look. The Republicans efforts were not directed at Marijuana. Representative Gowdy (and you gotta love his hair) was quite clear in his remarks about trying to force the Democrats to enforce the laws they passed rather than selectively enforcing some parts and ignoring others.


Huffpost used MMJ rather than Obamacare (the real target of the House Republicans) knowing some would react exactly as some here did. It was political theater designed to accomplish the exact response they got with the initial poster topic.


The fact remains the President's executive actions to change a law passed by congress and signed by the president are not constitutional. Neither were Bush's orders for that matter, nor Clinton's nor Reagan's.


We got a mess here at all levels of government. Spending is out of control. International events are out of control. Our government has descended into an exercise in 'what's best for me' and darn the rest.


Be the kind of person you admire. Or at least grow up.

Edited by outsideinthecold
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The reason this country is in the state it's in is because the two parties work hand in hand to maintain the status quo.


If either one was really interested in fixing things it would have been done long ago. They've both been in the majority at various times over the years but nothing changes. Things are like this because that's the way they both want it.


The Democrats concentrate on removing economic freedom and the Republicans concentrate on removing personal freedom. In the end we lose both.


"The Dems want to take my guns I'd better vote Republican! Oops now their trying to create laws around Billy Grahams religious beliefs, I'd better vote Democrat." Around and around we go!


"The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's good-bye to the Bill of Rights." - H.L. Mencken

Edited by Wild Bill
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Just what have the Democrats done that is so great for MMJ folks anyway?


democrat govenor signed michigan's mmma into law in 2008?


i think you'll find most people of michigan are little-c conservatives.

we believe in smaller government.

believe in government out of private affairs, be it second amendment or gay marriage or marijuana.

believe in seperation of church and state.

but also

believe in keeping people safe from shady business practices and leaky oil pipelines

believe in keeping businesses and government honest

believe in equal rights for all and womens (and poor people) health


the problem is that republicans and democrats have abandoned some of these beliefs. but people still vote for them because 'thats what they used to believe in'.


so now we are stuck voting for people who are less hypocrticial and lie less than the other candidate.

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I find topics like this one rather sad. Whenever anyone uses a term like FCKing Anything, Republicans, Democrats, Blacks, Whites, or whatever, it is simple bigotry and ignorance on the part of the posters and reflects nothing on the group that poster finds so unacceptable'.


For the record, Michigan's oldest MMJ patient is a 99-year-old Republican. She uses oil to alleviate her continuous pain after three failed back operations. 


She is also quite willing to extoll the efficacy of the topical oil to her many friends, including two retired judges wife's  in her regular bridge group.


I would suggest her support has done more to advance the cause of MMJ than any of the regular Republican bashing bigoted morons who inhabit this place without any consideration for those who may see things through lenses different than their own.


My father, now deceased was a Republican as was his father, and his grandfather so whenever someone feels the need to build up their own self-image by denigrating a group that may just include some folks whose opinions they would benefit from rather than closing their minds to views that differ from their own; well to me their bigoted opinions are worthless.


Just what have the Democrats done that is so great for MMJ folks anyway?


Democrats after all were in the ones who instituted Marijuana prohibition in the '30's. Democratic congress and president. Anslinger was an FDR appointee.


Democrats, after all, could do anything they wanted at the Federal level from 2009-2011. They did nothing.


Democrats, after all, had control of Michigan until 2010 including the very important first roll-out of our MMJ law. They did nothing to ensure a balanced approach when the law was first instituted.


And why not? The answer is in the Huffpost if one cares to look. The Republicans efforts were not directed at Marijuana. Representative Gowdy (and you gotta love his hair) was quite clear in his remarks about trying to force the Democrats to enforce the laws they passed rather than selectively enforcing some parts and ignoring others.


Huffpost used MMJ rather than Obamacare (the real target of the House Republicans) knowing some would react exactly as some here did. It was political theater designed to accomplish the exact response they got with the initial poster topic.


The fact remains the President's executive actions to change a law passed by congress and signed by the president are not constitutional. Neither were Bush's orders for that matter, nor Clinton's nor Reagan's.


We got a mess here at all levels of government. Spending is out of control. International events are out of control. Our government has descended into an exercise in 'what's best for me' and darn the rest.


Be the kind of person you admire. Or at least grow up.

Im glad to see you in a better mood!  I wish you would write more of what you beleive and what you know has happened!


A Great Post!


I am Not repub or dem! I vote for the person That will best rep people like me (the bottom of the heap) The most work/money I made was a long time ago, hmmm who was the prez? I cant remember but he was right before bush 1 not W!



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The reason this country is in the state it's in is because the two parties work hand in hand to maintain the status quo.


If either one was really interested in fixing things it would have been done long ago. They've both been in the majority at various times over the years but nothing changes. Things are like this because that's the way they both want it.


The Democrats concentrate on removing economic freedom and the Republicans concentrate on removing personal freedom. In the end we lose both.


"The Dems want to take my guns I'd better vote Republican! Oops now their trying to create laws around Billy Grahams religious beliefs, I'd better vote Democrat." Around and around we go!


"The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's good-bye to the Bill of Rights." - H.L. Mencken

Another Great Post wild Bill!



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This is why I think politics are stupid. People are against one another just because of what they are named. Noone can just sit down and smoke a joint and relax. I'm young, but holy hell man, people are high strung...over something so silly too..it's ridiculous that someone with a panic/anxiety disorder tells people that they gotta chill and pump their brakes a little.

Edited by Comfortably_Numb
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The age of Reason and Enlightenment didn't start that long ago.  A mere few lifetimes ago.


 We are not as far away from religious ignorance, denial of science, burning of books and death for heresy as people think. 


 Still runs rampant in some circles. 

Perhaps this is possible since the event you allude to has yet to happen. In this country especially. Two party system just confuses US. Not enough choices,  would we be better off with one? Tea party doesn't seem to be helping matters at all...

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Just got confirmation that they're all out to get us.  Toyota just settled on a $1 billion fine for not doing a recall in time.  Why does the Gov't get paid off when people die or the environment gets harmed but it doesn't stop the way the auto companies do a recall or that companies can still spill crap into the environment that gives us cancer.  And where are the politicians up in arms that they get paid off so that people can stay out of jail for doing stuff to shorten our lives or outright kill us?  Smoke and mirro.. Look squirrel!


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